

I'm not a doctor, but as I understand it, a boil that has puss in it are toxins (poison) that the human body is seeking to purge. To rephrase, puss collected in that boil.  Once the boil is lanced and the puss (toxins, poison) are drained then healing can take place.

On the other hand, failure to drain/extract the puss (poison, toxins) from the body can lead to negative consequences, which in some cases can be fatal.

Manufactured housing has it's own toxins. Some of those poisons keep us from reaching our potential as an industry. They include:

  •     Poor public image
  •     Financing problems (eg: loan performance generally poorer than other forms of housing)
  •     Lack of a sound exit strategy (re-marketing) for home owners and lenders when resale time occurs
  •     Political and regulatory pressures,
  •     and more.

We can ignore these poisons, but only at our own peril.

abscess pulmunary - flickr creative commons

Until we confront what ails us, until we lance the boils and get the poisons out of the system, we will continue to suffer as we have for the last dozen plus years.


There are three things we can do when faced with poisons in our body, in our business or industry:


  • ignore them – in which case, we should expect the condition to worsen;
  • be in denial about them, see the result above;
  • treat them, and do what is needed to bring about healing.


Unlike other plans or discussions in the past, the MH Alliance/Phoenix Plan seeks to remedy what ails us AND gives us the image campaign we need to recover our proper place in the housing industry.


Who says so? Those leaders from coast to coast who have seen and discussed the MH Alliance plan!


Read here what others have said, and then set the time aside to learn how the release the toxins.


When puss is released, it can look ugly. Sometimes blood mixes without the puss, and it looks distasteful indeed. But that is the start of the healing process.


So if you see a little puss, blood or ugliness, just remember, it is only natural.


Let's lance the boils. By doing so, may the healing begin, so we may see prosperity return to the manufactured housing industry. # #


post by L. A. “Tony” Kovach
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