There are times that we have done ourselves a dis-service in the manufactured housing arena, by emphasizing the fact that we 'save people money.' I've heard sales people use the words 'its cheaper than conventional site built housing!' in their sales presentation, as I suppressed the need to up-chuck.
“Cheaper” has to be used very, very carefully.
In fact, all words have to be carefully thought out before they are used repeatedly, in advertising, marketing or a sales presentation.
I'm not saying that we should hide the fact that we can save people money. That can and should be a part of our message. But the whole idea of Quality vs. Cost can be a false choice.
McDonald's sells millions of more hamburgers a year than say the Texas Roadhouse does. The cost is lower at McDonald's for each firm's basic burger. Savings is a big part of McDonald's message, and they've made it pay off big time during this long economic downturn.
Cost vs. Quality
We can too, if we apply the right lessons.
Millions believe their Apple iPhone is the best smart phone product on the market. But it doesn't do flash, or some other software and functions. It doesn't have to be a perfect product for millions to still love their (or my) iPhone.
MHProNews isn't perfect, yet thousands of owners, execs, decision makers and influencers rely on us as the largest, most read and best independent coverage for MH news, tips and views you can use.
The messages here for marketers and sales pros are important.
You don't have to be perfect to sell your product or service. If you had a choice between a McDonald's hamburger and one at the Texas Roadhouse, you might opt for the Roadhouse. Still, McDonald's way out performs their restaurant competitor.
A sharp manufacturer told me recently, you can do good (do well, be successful) by being good. So true!
The right product.
The right service.
The right price.
The right location (availability, convenience).
These are among the factors for success in marketing and sales.
Perfection isn't needed.
That said, if we are wise, over time our industry can honestly claim this truth: we can save you money and give you more quality too.
Once we hone our messages, and practice those daily, we will realize that we in the factory built housing industry can win on both quality and cost. # #
Post submitted by:
L. A. "Tony" Kovach