The first time I heard the name of the CNBC TV show, “The Profit,” I thought the name would be spelled “Prophet.” Analogies have long been useful as a way to explain something new to others. As a believer in the Creator, any reference made to Manufactured Housing Evangelization (MHE) is meant with no disrespect to the Almighty, nor to His believers. It’s a way of painting a quick verbal picture of fueling enthusiasm for a product/service. Apple Inc. may become the first trillion dollar company due to their form of evangelization. That requires prophets, ambassadors and true believers.
When we shoot video in the winter or early spring, people don’t stop their cars, or come out of their homes a lot to find out what’s going on. But that changes when the sun is shinning, the weather is warm and people are wondering why you are flying that video drone in their community, or shooting video with a traditional video camera. They come out and want to talk.
That’s when saying, “I’m with and we are here getting video for an upcoming story we will feature on your location,” brings out the smiles, good will and excitement. People tell you how much they love their manufactured home. Residents tell you how much they love their community. Depending on the circumstances, we’ve been known to mic someone up right there on the spot, and do a quick interview.
Note you can shoot your own video, but then you completely lose that third party “news” impact we get by being who we are,
That’s similar to those who hear the word from another believer. There can be value, but when another MH Ambassador or an MH Prophet stands and speaks, the reaction of people is often much more compelling.
During this recent trip, we had occasion to bump into some souls who are MH owners we’ve interviewed before. They treat us with respect and with the warmth normally accorded to long lost friends.
There are many other reasons to have us do video with and for you. Example. The revenue we generate from our project work allows us to do the harder news stories, including video, that helps Protect, Educate and Promote (PEP) the Manufactured Housing industry. While some in association work may not always see that complementary benefits that we bring to the table, a number of others do…and working together, we embrace the team work that moves the ball down the field.
Don’t think (just yet $) about what would happen to industry business growth if many or most of the 20 to 22 million Manufactured Homeowners became MH Evangelists. Rather, think about what would happen in YOUR community if many or most of YOUR residents and home owners became jazzed enough to enthusiastically preach the good word about how they love MH Living.
It can transform a business, becoming an MH Ambassador, or working with the MH Prophet creates MH Profitable growth, just as it did for Apple, then Samsung and others. We want enthusiastic home owners! That takes a certain vision and commitment on the part of current or would-be MH Ambassadors.
Engaging and supporting what others have called “The Voice of MH,” or the Profitable Prophet of MH Evangelization can transform the way MH is seen in your community.
One reason social media is hot, is that most people crave attention and recognition. offers a platform that gives someone their “15 minutes of fame.” That in turn boost the MHImage and thus sales. Face it, those MH residents who love their homes WANT to have a positive image of their lifestyle. They DESERVE the RESPECT that we bring them on through the Inside MH Road Show series of videos.
Check out the website. Spend some time there every day, have your team do so too. You’ll soon see why the public is getting hooked, and therefor why industry pros who see it understand its value!
It starts with you, then your team and then select customers of yours. From there, the evangelistic fervor can take you places you may have never dreamed about. We’ll show you more examples via videos on You can see existing ones by going to that site right now.
Then, give me a call or send me a message that describes your interests, needs and challenges. Together, Everyone Achieves More (TEAM). ##