The video below by AVG was designed to demonstrate the idea of strength in numbers. Its short and interesting! Once you’ve watched, then let’s finish up this brief thought provoker.
Did it look to you like those tigers were stopped by tooth picks?
We don’t have to be giants individually. When enough of us band together, instead of fighting each other, we can make a difference.
Do you think we can do the same principle of Tiger vs. Toothpicks can apply to negative manufactured housing media?
Or with run away red-tape?
Business and job killing legislation and policies?
The point is the same principle works in Associations, which are designed to protect and promote the industry. They need you, and you need them. When Associations, professionals and our client base all team up, we have some of the key elements for success. We have some of the key elements for marketing the Industry, protecting it from negative media barrages.
Think of that tiger as the anti-manufactured housing media.
Think of that tiger as the run-away politicians and bureaucrats, you know the ones. The ones who never met who never met a regulation they didn’t like.
Read more here, or email and in the subject line, say “Let me see the next MH Alliance/Phoenix Project webinar!” We may not be tooth picks, but the idea of enough good pros pulling together will stop the tigers that are hunting the hard working owners and pros of our industry.
Just as auto dealers or shopping centers and malls band together to market, the same thing can be done by enough pros. All who do so can reap the rewards.# #
post by
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
Publisher and Marketing Director &