What comes before marketing and selling?

Before marketing, before selling, comes planning and something that is so important that it can't be over-emphasized. It is "The Attitude Check."
I've seen great systems messed up by someone with a lousy attitude. I've seen mediocre systems soar due to good attitudes. I'll bet if you think about it, you have too.

There are good reasons why we have:

And other writers and resources like that on our MHProNews.com. "Attitudes determine your altitudes."

Get the attitude right, and you see opportunities. Get the vision for the opportunities, and you we will solutions your competitors (who don't have good attitudes) will miss.

Our author Mike Moore (the other Mike Moore! 😉 talks about checking your intentions, to make sure they are good. The right intentions can set the tone for all that follows.

Our writer Greg McClanahan has long shared stories that inspire and touch the heart. They tell us what good intentions look like, or what the consequences of bad or poor intentions can be. Keep in mind, Greg sells factory built homes! Think about it.

Zig Ziglar talks about attitudes too, and giving yourself a "check up from the neck up."

Start with your attitude. I used to have a card on my desk that said, "smile." It was a reminder to smile before I answered the phone. Over the years, it became a habit.

Smile. Check your attitude. Check the attitude of your team.

Feed your team good attitude building information, and everything else in marketing and sales that you do will prosper. ##

post by
L. A. "Tony" Kovach, MHM

www.MHMarketingSalesManagement.com  or www.MHMSM.com 
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latonyk@gmail.com or tony@mhmsm.com