It was a day that dramatically shaped world and American history. With rare video footage, it’s a good time to pause and recall what happened on that tragic day.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan,” per History Matters.
A day after the surprise attack by Imperial Japan on the U.S. naval and air forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Congress swiftly declared war.
Never Before Seen By the Public Video Footage
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The video footage itself is appropriately silent, and the Fox News find explains the background of how this once lost footage has now come to be available for the public to see for the first time.
We pause to recall the sacrifice of those who lived to fight on, and those who died. We pause as well to honor all from World War II, and the other great conflicts of the 20th Century – when America stood up against tyrants bound on world domination.
We live free in the shadow of their sacrifices. May they rest in peace. ## (News, historical, commentary.)
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