Sales meetings are important. But there are some things so urgent, and today could be one of them, that requires that the meeting be pushed back for the moment.
Get More MH Lending…from HUD?!
Yes, you can…
The opportunity to open up more good loans from FHA Title I and FHA Title II lending is arguably a faster solution for the manufactured housing industry accessing more and potentially better lending than the GSE mandated Duty to Serve (DTS ) program is likely to be. Of course, DTS also ought to be pursued. But sadly, its been largely marginalized/sidelined for the next few years – another issue, for another time.
Few understand all of the possibilities that the FHA program could produce,
- if the 10/10 rule on Title I,
- and the leasehold hurdle for Title II were both modified – or better yet, eliminated.
FHA’s manufactured home loan program could be a relatively quick fix, given these facts:
- HUD’s request for comments on their top down review of the manufactured housing program,
- combined with the pro-growth,
- pro “forgotten Americans,”
- and pro-business, regulatory rollback mindset of the Trump Administration.
Whether or not you have sent comments to HUD yet, our understanding of the rules indicates you can send a supplemental submission. There doesn’t seem to be anything on the comments page to prohibit that, and a HUD spokesperson’s statement to us indicates they want the maximum feedback from the industry and others.
TIPs on Submitting Comments to HUD, Due by 11:59 PM TODAY…
- Please DON’T send a form letter. If you see comments from others that you like, link them up, and say that you are including them in your own.’s own guidance, suggests form letters aren’t as useful as a unique letter that YOU write in YOUR words.
- In the subject line, show the following:
RE: Docket No. FR-6075-N-01, and Executive Orders 13771, and 13777, according to HUD’s request for comments related to the manufactured housing program.
According to guidance, one unique comment that makes one or more important points can carry more weight than many form letters.
So take 30 minutes, an hour, whatever it takes and speak your mind on digital paper. Then submit them to HUD, at the link below.!submitComment;D=HUD-2018-0006-0001
While federal rules make it clear this isn’t a vote, there is little doubt that if HUD hears from several pros on FHA Title 1 and Title II, on issues like enhanced preemption and following the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, it is likely to have more of an impact than some form letter.
Other Important to MH Pro Topics
If you’ve been in the industry for even a few years, odds are good that you’ve heard or complained yourself about HUD’s
- regulatory overreaches – think on-sight completion rule, frost free foundations, and more in the document linked below.
- failure to enforce enhanced preemption, which by itself could open up zoning issues that could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands of new manufactured home sales annually, in local markets coast to coast.
- Following the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 precisely
Some links with ideas and resources to fuel your thoughts are found below.
Deadline Looms! Federal Request for Comments on Manufactured Housing Program, and You –
There are over 8 million affordable housing units needed in America today. Third-party research reveals that the most affordable kind of quality, safe, durable, and economical homes in America today are manufactured homes. The vast majority of Millennials want to own, but don’t want to sacrifice quality and green features.
Getting More Manufactured Home Financing Options? HUD Comments Provide Unique Door,
YIMBY vs. NIMBY, Obama Admin Concept Could Unlock $1.95 Trillion Annually, HUD & MH Impact
HUD Comment Letter – FR-6075-N-01 Regulatory Review of Manufactured Housing Rules
Federal Manufactured Housing Program Review Comments Due Next Week, 2.26.2018
Take one hour, or whatever is needed, right now. The deadline for comments is 11:59 PM tonight, 2.26.2018.
There will likely be only a few hundred comments sent, if the pattern of history holds up. Your comments would therefore carry more weight than the thousands who for whatever reason(s) fail to invest one hour in their future.
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