Allegations of sexual discrimination against a recreational vehicle community in Texas has led to a lawsuit filed by the U. S. Department of Justice against owner George Toone and In Toone Services. The suit alleges Toone evicted a transgender woman and her partner Aug. 18, 2012 after handing them a set of rules giving management the right to evict someone for reasons other than “race, religion, handicapped, color or national origin.” Sex and familial status are protected under the Fair Housing Act, as tells MHProNews, and the couple filed a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Toone at one time told HUD officials he would do everything “legally and morally possible” to remove Roxanne Joganik, the transgender woman, from the community. HUD’s Fort Worth Regional Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity investigated the complaint and determined “reasonable cause exists to believe the defendants engaged in discriminatory housing practices.”