Ask anyone who is involved in manufactured housing marketing if Google influences their business, and they will tell you, “yes.” So, does the influence and power of Google help or harm our industry? Can it confuse or mislead people about the reality of manufactured homes? The distinctions between mobile homes of the past, and the manufactured homes of today?
For example, on the right, talk-radio king, Rush Limbaugh routinely gets asked by members of his estimated 26 million strong listeners a simple question, which has no simple answer. It might be phrased like this: “How do we explain the conservative perspective to those who have been told that conservatism is evil, anti-science, racist, etc.?”
On the left, former president Barack Obama once more admitted recently to the self-evident reality that those who only consume the New York Times will think differently than those who routinely view Fox News.
It is often the question of what is and isn’t real or true.
In that mix is Google, which is the dominant search engine in the world.
“Market leader Google generated 63.2 percent of all core search queries in the United States,” says Statista in 2018.

There are growing concerns across the left-right divide that Google is not only a monopoly, but is harmful to businesses, as well as to the politics of our American Republic.
Into this controversy, is Prager University which have themselves claimed that Google/YouTube have unjustly targeted them. But in an arguably wise move, this video features “former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy,” per the YouTube page this video is posted on.
This video has already had over 3 million views, as of this date. As with many of Prager’s thought provoking videos, thumbs up dwarf those who give it a negative review, in this case, by about 30 to 1.
In reply to those who ask Rush Limbaugh their question, Prager U and our publisher offer a similar perspective. It’s this:
- One must take on a falsehood or misleading information head on, but also,
- one must take a multiple-pronged approach that begins with the bullet above, but also uses an indirect method of engagement, that gets people to think and question their beliefs.
- Rephrased, there is an arguable need for both a direct and an indirect way to approach sharing the truth. If, for example, the term “conservative” is deemed ‘damaged’ with some, those need to be approached in an indirect way, without dropping the term for those who believe that conservativism is good.

This issue of Google, bias, and truth telling are one of the larger, yet underdiscussed, issues that our industry and the USA faces today. To learn more, see related reports, linked further below. That’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” ©. (News, analysis, and commentary.)
NOTICE: Readers have periodically reported that they are getting a better experience when reading MHProNews on the Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari browser than with Google’s Chrome browser. Chrome reportedly manipulates the content of a page more than the other two.
(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports:
Google Employees Go Public, Protest Controversial “Project Dragonfly”
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New York Times-David Leonhardt-“The Monopolization of America,” Manufactured Housing Slant
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“Work With Us Or Die,” Threat from Facebook’s Brown, per SUN Report