CNNMoney reports the Dow Jones Industrial Average inched 7.65 points higher today, gaining 0.07% to close at 11,408.66 as fears about Greece’s economic turmoil fell somewhat. Yahoo! Finance reports the Manufactured Housing composite dropped 1.26% to end the day at 771.60. Affiliated Managers Group 84.40 -1.16 (-1.36%). Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance and other MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway 104,535.00 +227 (+0.22%). Cavco Industries 36.44 -0.17 (-0.46%). Champion Homes, Deer Valley, and Liberty Homes were unchanged. Drew Industries 19.45 -0.27 (-1.37%). Equity Lifestyle Properties 72.10 + 0.94 (+1.32%). Nobility Homes 7.28 +0.32 (+4.60%). Palm Harbor Homes 0.0125 +0.0025 (+25.00%). Patrick Industries 1.95 +0.07 (+3.72%). Skyline Corporation 9.33 -0.58 (-5.85%). Sun Communities was unchanged today at 39.26. Third Avenue Value Fund 43.33 -2.50 (-1.60%). UMH Properties 9.98 +0.54 (+5.72%). Universal Forest Products, Inc. 25.53 –0.93 (-3.51%).