The European Central Bank’s bond-buying plan and better-than-expected job market data in the U.S. spiked a rally on Wall Street that sent the three indexes to their best numbers in years, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day at its highest level since Dec. 2007. The Dow gained +1.87 percent, +244.52 points, to 13,292, according to CNNMoney. The Nasdaq moved up+2.17 percent to 3,135.81, while the S&P advanced +2.04% to 1,432.12. The Yahoo! Finance Manufactured Housing Composite gained +1.24% to close at 991.9. Housing stocks we track closed mixed or even. Louisiana Pacific Corp. advanced the most of stocks we follow, gaining +2.57%, +0.35, to close at 14.00. Third Avenue Value Fund (9-5) dropped the most of tracked stocks, falling -0.97%, -0.45, to end the day at 46.10. Affiliated Managers Group 119.99 +2.42 (+2.06%). Cavco Industries 45.01 +0.01 (+0.02%). Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, as well as MH home-building, lending and other housing suppliers parent company Berkshire Hathaway 129,950 +2,180.00 (+1.65%). Champion, Liberty Homes, Deer Valley and Palm Harbor all remained unchanged. Drew Industries 29.00 +0.05 (+0.17%). Equity Lifestyle Properties 68.95 -0.05 (-0.07%). Nobility Homes 5.90 -0.02 (-0.34). Patrick Industries 13.64 + +0.28 (+2.10%). Skyline Corp. 4.59 +0.01 (+0.22%). Sun Communities 46.00 +0.47 (+1.03%). United Forest Products, Inc. 38.62 -0.02 (-0.05%). UMH Properties 11.48 +0.28 (+2.50%).