Dozens are dead, from 70 to perhaps up to 100 or more, according to Kentucky state officials and mainstream media reports on 12.11.2021 following one of the most destructive tornadoes in the last decade. said, “Kentucky governor says this is the “most devastating tornado event in our state’s history.” “Amazon confirms deaths at Illinois facility.” “More than 500,000 power outages reported.” “A candle factory was destroyed in Kentucky, an Amazon facility was ripped apart in Illinois and a nursing home was hit in Arkansas.” Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, and Kentucky were hit by a dozens of storms that tracked hundreds of miles.
CNN provided this “Drone footage from storm chaser Brandon Clement shows the devastation left by a powerful storm in Mayfield, Kentucky.”
This occurred during the same week that MHLivingNews – see linked headlines below – reported on a different tornado that struck in the eastern part of Kentucky. It is a sobering, but timely comparison of the destructive reality of tornado strikes. The short version? As Insider MH has reported, perhaps the only truly safe place to be during a tornado is in an underground shelter. But it is also important to note that in most years, only a few dozen die nationally from all of these destructive storms. Many more people die every year in bathtubs and bathroom accidents – not to mention far more deaths from heart attacks, cancer, raw COVID death counts, or automotive fatalities.
On the Masthead, you will see a report with a press release from one of 11 attorneys general. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and a source with several Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) connections have provided more facts and analysis into that thorny, and easily misunderstood manufactured housing issue. Both MHI and MHARR are officially saying that this issue threatens to reduce the size and opportunities for HUD Code manufactured housing and affordable homeownership opportunities for potentially millions of consumers.
100 percent of the messages between MHProNews and the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) new chairman – Leo Poggione of Nevada based Craftsman Homes – are in our postscript for today. Poggione both thanked and slammed MHProNews for our report. His specific comments via LinkedIn are revealing.
On topic after topic, such as the latest ‘good news’ report about manufactured housing values outpacing conventional housing, but MHI’s apparently odd silence on that topic, MHProNews provides the reports, evidence, facts, and accurate quotes that make this the only indispensable trade media site in our industry. No wonder MHProNews has been the runaway number one trade media in the manufactured housing industry for over a decade.
There is no known resource that publishes more evidence-based, factual, manufactured housing “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © than MHProNews. As third-party metrics demonstrate, 24/7/365 you are not alone whenever you logon to MHProNews, where millions of visits a year by readers occur. Millions also visit MHLivingNews annually.
With no further adieu, let’s move on to the headlines for the week that was from 12.5.2021 to 12.12.2021
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New on the Words of Wisdom from Best-Selling author Tim Connor, CSP

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 12.11.2021

Friday 12.10.2021

Thursday 12.9.2021

Wednesday 12.8.2021

Tuesday 12.7.2021

Monday 12.6.2021

Sunday 12.5.2021

What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

Postscript –
Craftsman Homes Leo Poggione, new MHI Chair Reacts to MHProNews Exposé
For whatever reasons, LinkedIn did not advise via email of the initial and a follow response by Leo Poggione of an inquiry sent by MHProNews to him regarding his recent appointment as MHI’s Chairman and the Cavco Industries related connections. That statement’s accuracy is documented by the illustration linked here.
Against that backdrop, the LinkedIn message exchange that follows is in response to Poggione’s invitation to have an update posted. Following the message thread, some additional related information and commentary will be provided.
Via LinkedIn messaging: the text of messages and the times of those messages between L. A. “Tony” Kovach for MHProNews and Leo Poggione of Craftsman Homes.
MONDAY L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach sent the following message at 11:46 AM- L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach 11:46 AM
Leo, when were you made MHI chairman? I’ve not seen an MHI message on that topic. Do tell, thanks. Tony
- Leo Poggione sent the following message at 12:41 PM
Tony, Well, not much to tell – nothing juicy or even interesting. As you may or may not have known, I was Secretary for 2 years then Vice Chair for 2 years and at the Sept 2021 meeting in La Jolla I was elected Chairman by the voting members. Essentially I went through the ranks and now I am truly honored and privileged to serve our incredible industry and membership as the Chairman for the next 2 years. It is my understanding that I am the first retailer in approximately 15 years to serve as Chairman (not verified info).
- WEDNESDAY L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach sent the following messages at 7:33 AM
- L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach 7:33 AM
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach 7:35 AM
We published a report and analysis yesterday. If you’d like, I can update it with what I just found from you. You are also welcome to share feedback on facts and insights;

- FRIDAY Leo Poggione sent the following message at 1:45 PM
Tony, You obviously made a completely false statement in saying that I had not responded to your Linkedin message. Not a sole on earth that would say a response in less than 1 hour (received 846a; responded 941a) is not completely acceptable, but you do with your publication as you wish. If you feel like you have an obligation to correct your error in reporting the facts then that is entirely up to. BTW – we had a full membership meeting at the MHI meeting where I gave a speech to the outgoing Chairman and I was announced as the new Chairman by way of a vote. Also, the list of Board of Directors and Executive Committee on the MHI website has been updated since shortly after the meeting. Hardly anything secret as you have indicated. BBB – thank you for pointing out the BBB rating. We were completely unaware of this situation because BBB sent two customer issues over the last 2 years to a completely invalid email address. We have since re-opened both of the unanswered complaints with the intent to resolve. Our rating has already changed to NR and will be updated again once the complaints are closed, of which should not take long because both customers had already had the issues resolved, as I understand. Lastly, when you post a picture of my beautiful children you should really mention these are my daughters. I have had a few calls stating that you obviously posted that with the intent of portraying me as a “player”. These are my children for heavens sake – have you no morals or standards? I am an honest hard working family man and I take great offense with your intent. Honestly, I rarely check Linkedin, as I am not a tech guy and this is the extent of my social media. Please expect a week or two time frame to respond in the future.
- L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach sent the following message at 2:29 PM
L.A. ‘Tony’ Kovach 2:29 PM
I think that is clearly ASKING you for feedback, some of which you provided. Don’t you agree?
That said: I will give you an opportunity to refine what you sent me, but if so, it should make note that I invited your feedback, etc. In other words, be fair to me as I try to be with others. Next, about the pic. I looked on the RV MH Hall of Fame website, it didn’t say who those ladies where. I did not see any caption, did you? So rather than say anything either way, I used an image that was one they used. You are welcome to explain in a reply that they are family. But you are not welcome to accuse me of something I did not do. To make the bright line distinction: Did you accuse the RV MH Hall of Fame – that used that photo – of what you accused me of in your reply? I doubt it. But if you did, by all means, just say so.
Bottom line for now. I’m frankly happy that you have replied. You answered some things, did not others. Let me suggest another option. You feel free to reply via LinkedIn to the report that linked our article. You be fair, and I will be too. I did so with Andy Gedo. We had a largely respectful exchange. Once it was finished, we published the entire thread on MHProNews. So, two ways you could handle this are outlined in my replies to you. But please bear in mind that MHI has not for some time bothered to reply, and you can ask Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch or their attorneys and others that we have invited feedback several times. We do so because it is fair and right. I did so with you and am doing so again. That’s one reason people read MHProNews, because most know we document and play fair. To your concern, I don’t ignore input when I see it timely. I just didn’t happen to see it. Nothing sinister. I sincerely hope that helps. I’d rather have a dialogue that a food fight. Fair enough? Thanks for being candid. I hope this helps you see things as they are on my end. Tony …” ##
As of 2:59 AM 12.12.2021 there have been no LinkedIn message follows by Poggione. Two emails were sent to Poggione encouraging a response.
Based on the message thread, a few interesting evidence-based points are worthwhile. In no particular order of importance.
- LinkedIn, like Facebook (rebranding as Meta), has its own internal messaging system. But in this particular case, for whatever reason, LinkedIn failed to provide an emailed notice of the messages in reply from Poggione, save the one shown in the collage of email and screen captures linked here. Poggione may not like the evidence, but it is what it is.
- Poggione-led Craftsman Homes has had its “F” rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) updated to “NR.” So, apparently Poggione responded, as he said in his message thread.
- Time will tell if Poggione will respond going forward, as his message above indicates. But at this time, it seems apparent that Poggione’s accusations are demonstrably mistaken and unfounded. There are several points made in our original report that Poggione decided not to mention or respond to at all. Given the apparent heat behind the allegations he incorrectly made (as is demonstrated above), it will be interesting to see if Poggione will address other issues raised in our report? It should be clear that MHProNews is not responsible for people forming an incorrect view not stated in the original report. If Poggione wants to address the issue of his photo with the RV/MH Hall of Fame, which had not caption for who he says are his daughters, that will prove interesting.

- At this time, those pieces of evidence stand unchallenged. Readers can see the entire report at this link here and decide based on the evidence above and linked here once more for reader convivence.
- Perhaps Poggione will engage in an authentic dialogue, one that sheds light on numerous long-pressing issues that MHI’s staff have ducked in recent years? Time will tell. Whether he replies or not, either path will speak volumes.
As Poggione engaged via LinkedIn (and with others?) in finger pointing that turned out to be demonstrably mistaken, it nevertheless makes the point that institutions and operations are accountable. That includes MHProNews, but it also includes Craftsman Homes, Cavco Industries, MHI, etc. MHProNews responded factually to Poggione. Will he and/or MHI do the same? Time will tell.
What is certain is that far more important than Poggione’s disproven allegations are evidence and statements published here that have stood the test of time.
Only by holding those who have manipulated manufactured housing for their own benefits can our industry achieve its potential to solve the need of millions of quality affordable housing seekers. ###

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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