Then candidate Trump’s 2016 opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s full infamous quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”
It seems that slurs and name calling – what debaters call the low-brow tactic of using a demeaning attack on the person – is something that the Clintons, their strategists have been willing to do.
That Clinton quote was widely considered to be one of the reasons that many turned out to vote for Donald Trump. Among those Trump supporters, per a New York Times poll, and a survey in a manufactured home community by the Daily Business News, were owners of pre-HUD Code mobile homes, and post-code manufactured homes.
Wikipedia says that the quote, “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.” was used in “January 1996; thought to be a reference to Paula Jones and her charge that President Clinton had sexually assaulted her, but Carville insisted he meant Gennifer Flowers.”
Quotes below by Carville are exactly as found on Wikipedia.
Consider those quotes in the light of the sexual harassment scandals that have embroiled Hollywood, the media, politics, and business.

Industry Voices
Tony, I’ve been meaning to take a moment for a couple of weeks now, to send you this message. I apologize for mixing subjects, but – in the end – I believe you’ll find that all these topics relate to one another.
Is it any wonder that during the presidential debates, when Secretary Clinton went after candidate Trump for the allegations against him, that he fired back by saying that Clinton had defended her husband’s womanizing and attacks on women? Attacks that cause Bill Clinton to be disbarred for lying under oath, led to his impeachment, and caused him to pay out a 6 figure settlement to one of his accusers?
That bad behavior exists in both major political parties is a given. Tammy Bruce, a radio host and Fox News commentator said she believes that the split is going to be 70 percent Democrat, 30 percent Republican when the evidence comes out of who did what in congressional sexual abuse settlements that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars.
Sexual Harassment, Workplace Poll, Congress, President Sound Off – MH Industry Impact?
Many Democrats are circling the wagons around Al Franken, even though some insiders say that it would be rising star Keith Ellison (D-MN) that would likely get the nod from Minnesota’s Democratic governor, if Franken is ousted, and a replacement is named.
The party whose prior president and last presidential candidate brought the nation ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank is the party that Warren Buffett has supported.
And Secretary Clinton is a student of Saul Alinsky.
All of these are allegations are points that can readily be documented.

It is up to independent minded manufactured home professionals to decide who among the industry’s billionaires are correct?

Sam Zell, in the quote above, or those that backed Clinton and Obama, that gave the industry the woes that MHI is claiming to combat?
Why Are Billionaires Attracted to Manufactured Homes? –
The truth is never misguided. There may be better times or better ways to share the truth. But those are prudential judgments, that are very much compatible with the truth. In circumstances where persuasion: among people, in education, marketing political, or other scenarios matters, there are times when an upward compromise can advance the truth.
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