Harkening back to a story April 3, 2012 about the Pennsylvania House of Representative’s passage of SB 1141 that requires MHC owners to provide adequate notification and compensation when a community is set to close, the sungazette says it’s too late to help the residents of Riverdale Mobile Home Park in Jersey Shore who were notified earlier this year that they must move by today, June 1, 2012. However, State Rep. Rick Mirabito, D-Williamsport, noting the land will be a water withdrawal facility to support a gas drilling operation, says the impact fee bill passed by the legislature to compensate local governments affected by drilling might cover some of the residents’ moving expenses. It could be considered a side effect of the drilling and therefore eligible for compensation. He says: “Sometimes, situations like this require us to find some sort of balance. Balancing property rights with someone who has invested a lot of time there and may not have the economic means to move.” MHProNews.com has learned Jersey Shore is in east central PA just west of Williamsport.