Following a story MHProNews posted June 17, 2015 regarding the Dublin, Ireland City Council’s plan to provide modular housing units for the city’s homeless, a Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) spokeswoman said the city is determining a site for examples of the units to go on display.
She said the goal of the display was to continue the debate about its practicality as a temporary form of accommodation. The one and two bedroom units would remain on display for two to four weeks. The effort is in response to the increase in family homelessness, especially among children who have spent an entire year living in one room.
The plan, according to irishtimes, is to erect up to 400 modular homes on vacant lots around the city against a backdrop of a planned increase in affordable housing. ##
(Photo credit:–modular in Great Britain)
Article submitted by Matthew J. Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.