There’s been more coverage here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews than any other trade media in manufactured housing about the topic of opportunity zones.
Those opportunity zones are now law. They hold the promise of years of potential investment magnets in areas across the country that are thirsting for capital and growth. You can click the text/image box for more details on that bill, that was promoted by Senator Tim Scott (SC-R), and signed into law by President Donald J. Trump, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
Factory-Built Housing Pros, Opportunity Zones Roll-Out Approaches, Insider Look
But what follows is similar, yet different. It’s infrastructure.
As the infographic provided by Visual Capitalist (VC) in a release to MHProNews reveals, there are numerous components to infrastructure. Why does this matter to manufactured housing, and factory builders?
In a phrase, because of jobs and economic acceleration. Here’s VC’s infographic.
It remains to be seen if Democrats will join the Trump Administration and Republicans in pushing for an infrastructure bill this year. On paper, Democrats have favored it for some time, Republicans in the past, were not always as enthusiastic. The president’s support of the measure has made common sense issues like the border wall radioactive for some. Will that happen with this issue?
Time will tell.
Will it be part of the State of the Union (SOTU) Address tonight? Once more, time will reveal the answer, but it won’t be a surprise if it does. Because despite what some sources claim, there is an effort from the White House to bridge the gap in Washington.
That’s the pre-dawn “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” ©. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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variation of a Texas maxim. Seeking bipartisanship can be dangerous, as the dark humor noted above reminds readers. But let’s risk finding common ground for the next few minutes. Affordable homes ought to be a non-partisan or bi-partisan issue. The topic of this column, properly understood, is likewise a non-partisan challenge that at least on paper enjoys bi-partisan support.
Apartments vs. Manufactured Housing, NMHC and NAR Data, Opportunities
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