

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.3.2018 to 6.10.2018

“Mensch”   We’re preparing an article about a Jewish gentleman known by scores in the Manufactured Home (MH) industry. In mentioning our research to a Jewish MH industry colleague, he said, “Make sure you say that he was a mensch.” Google’s online dictionary defines the word “mensch” like this. mensch …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 6.3.2018 to 6.10.2018 Read More


Politically Incorrect Cartoon Commentaries, Lighter Side of Making America and Manufactured Housing Great Again

Long-time MHProNews readers know that over the years, we’ve broken many of the politically incorrect rules in MHVille reporting, and hard-hitting commentary.  You rewarded us with the most page views and readership of anyone in industry publishing, thank you. Thanks too for those who make this possible.   But today, …

Politically Incorrect Cartoon Commentaries, Lighter Side of Making America and Manufactured Housing Great Again Read More


Oil Price Forecast, and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Updates

It goes without saying to industry professionals that fuel costs, energy drilling, and oil production are all factors that impact manufactured home producers, sellers and consumers. So, moves and projections in the oil market will be our focus report for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new …

Oil Price Forecast, and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Reuters on U.S. Housing Price Pace, Manufactured Housing Visions

A poll by Reuters of property market analysists revels that “an acute shortage of affordable homes in the U.S. will continue over the coming year,” said a new report by CNBC.   “U.S. house prices are slightly over-valued when looking at fundamental valuation metrics such as the median-home-price-to-income ratio,” noted …

Reuters on U.S. Housing Price Pace, Manufactured Housing Visions Read More


Buffett-Dimon Plan Dropping Guidance Harms Investor Insight, Analyst Bove Says, Plus Manufactured Home Market Updates

If analyst Dick Bove is correct, the Warren Buffett-Jamie Dimon plan could spell trouble for investors.  That will be our focus report for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found …

Buffett-Dimon Plan Dropping Guidance Harms Investor Insight, Analyst Bove Says, Plus Manufactured Home Market Updates Read More


“Americans Deserve Accountability from Their Government,” Reforms, Result$, Counted, and Coming

“Americans deserve accountability from their government,” President Donald J. Trump said.   In a release to the Daily Business News, the White House press room has provided a partial list of some of what the Trump Administration sees as accomplishments on behalf of the Americans. “Through the first 500 days …

“Americans Deserve Accountability from Their Government,” Reforms, Result$, Counted, and Coming Read More


Fannie Mae Touts MH Advantage Program, But Manufactured Housing Association Slams Plan as “Illegitimate,” “Bait and Switch”

In a letter to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform presidents, Jonathan Lawless, Vice President of Fannie Mae advised the two national trade associations of their news “MH Advantage” program for manufactured homes.   The opening from the letter from Lawless to the two …

Fannie Mae Touts MH Advantage Program, But Manufactured Housing Association Slams Plan as “Illegitimate,” “Bait and Switch” Read More


Jobs, Jobs, More Jobs – What the Data Says, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Markets Update

Citing the monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey released today, CNBC says that for the first time in U.S. history, for two months running, there are more job openings than people available to fill them.  That video and related commentary will be our market focus tonight. If you’re new, …

Jobs, Jobs, More Jobs – What the Data Says, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Markets Update Read More


Koch Brothers Battling POTUS Trump Tariffs, Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Defends, Stocks Jump, plus MH Market Updates

“When you find the person opposed by the elites of both major political parties, then you’ve found your presidential candidate.”  That won’t turn up a search result for who first said that, but it’s a close paraphrase from a meme that was circulated during the 2016 political campaign. It’s a …

Koch Brothers Battling POTUS Trump Tariffs, Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Defends, Stocks Jump, plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Cap X Coming Alive” “Don’t Punish Success” – Kudlow – Business, Economic, Political Outlook, PLUS MH Market Updates

When the left-of-center CNBC starts singing the praises of the Trump Economic Recovery. When Democratic politicos, and their allies get nervous, those indicators – plus the strong numbers posted today – are reminders of how the pendulum is moving.  Today’s jobs and economic numbers will be our focus tonight. If …

“Cap X Coming Alive” “Don’t Punish Success” – Kudlow – Business, Economic, Political Outlook, PLUS MH Market Updates Read More

Tariffs Designed to Defend American Tech, Peter Navarro Video, Plus MH Market Updates

Stocks largely recovered today from four days of losses. The markets moved higher, even though the on-again, off-again tariffs and “trade war” talk is back on again.  That will be our market focus for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Tariffs Designed to Defend American Tech, Peter Navarro Video, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


NAR’s Lawrence Yun Raises Alarm for New Housing Crisis, MH Import?

“The housing industry today is facing a different kind of crisis: not enough homes for sale.” – Lawrence Yun, Forbes Contributor.   “A decade ago, the housing sector was in a mess. The mistakes of easy subprime lending resulted ultimately in the catastrophic collapse of the housing sector. Home values …

NAR’s Lawrence Yun Raises Alarm for New Housing Crisis, MH Import? Read More


‘Wealth Creation vs. Redistribution,’ First Trust Chief Economist Brian Wesbury on Markets, Oil and U.S. – Plus MH Market Updates

Stocks have plunged again, with observers saying investors are nervous over Italy and events unfolding there. But publicly traded U.S. companies are overall doing well. The U.S. economy is showing growth. First Trust Advisors Chief Economist Brian Wesbury’s comments on the state of the markets, oil and more will be …

‘Wealth Creation vs. Redistribution,’ First Trust Chief Economist Brian Wesbury on Markets, Oil and U.S. – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.20.2018 to 5.27.2018

“Proud to be an American” As we watched the release of Josh Holt and his Venezuelan wife, the ‘sound track’ of the Lee Greenwood song that includes the lyrics above was playing in our heads. First, the events of last night, courtesy of the White House press room to the …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.20.2018 to 5.27.2018 Read More


Summary of Explosive Allegations of Illegal Spying by Feds of Trump Campaign, Plus MH Market Updates

In case you missed it (ICYMI), the markets have been roiled more by politics and international issues – which do at times, involve trade – as much or more that date or news about given stocks, economic, and market fundamentals. A variety of data, including corporate earnings, reveal a sound …

Summary of Explosive Allegations of Illegal Spying by Feds of Trump Campaign, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Fed – Atlanta – Projects Record GDP Growth for U.S., the Detail$, MH Industry Outlook

“The growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) is a key indicator of economic activity, but the official estimate is released with a delay,” said the Atlanta Federal Reserve on Tuesday.   “Our GDPNow forecasting model provides a “nowcast” of the official estimate prior to its release by estimating …

Fed – Atlanta – Projects Record GDP Growth for U.S., the Detail$, MH Industry Outlook Read More


“Promises Made, Promises Kept” – China, U.S. Announce Deal Outline, Stocks Soar, Plus MH Market Update

2 out of 3 Americans surveyed credit President Donald J. Trump for an improving economy, per CBS News. That poll was conducted prior to the joint announcement Saturday that China and the U.S. have put tariffs on hold, as they announced the outlines of a tentative trade deal. That’s our …

“Promises Made, Promises Kept” – China, U.S. Announce Deal Outline, Stocks Soar, Plus MH Market Update Read More


President Trump – “Bigger than Watergate,” “We Need Accountability” – National, MH Industry Impacts

Imagine if during the 2008 campaign, if someone in the Bush Administration had planted one or more FBI informants in then Senator Barack Obama’s campaign. Then further imagine, that federal investigations were started, based in part on information paid for by opposition to then-candidate, Senator Obama.   Then envisage that …

President Trump – “Bigger than Watergate,” “We Need Accountability” – National, MH Industry Impacts Read More


“Big Tech Lies,” “You’re the Product,” Consider “Breaking Them Up” says Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak – Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

Steve Wozniak – Apple’s co-founder – unloaded a lot of thought-provoking fodder to Business Insider, and that will be our focus report for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found …

“Big Tech Lies,” “You’re the Product,” Consider “Breaking Them Up” says Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak – Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


“Political Necrophilia,” Tragedy in SloMo, Southern Economic Political Lessons for Looming U.S. Midterms

“…Trade Minister Moises Naim said the pages of history books are filled with people hanging on to dead ideas. Naim, who created a highly critical TV miniseries about Chavez that was banned in Venezuela, calls it “political necrophilia,” per Yahoo News in their latest in a periodic series of reports …

“Political Necrophilia,” Tragedy in SloMo, Southern Economic Political Lessons for Looming U.S. Midterms Read More

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