

Emerging Trends, Opportunities, Reflected in Interview with America’s First Black Billionaire, Robert Johnson

Industries, companies and professionals ignore or overlook emerging trends to their own peril.   Significant trends are emerging in the black community, that bear close attention, as a recent interview with America’s first black billionaire, Robert Johnson indicates.   Background Nationally, under 9 percent of manufactured home residents are blacks …

Emerging Trends, Opportunities, Reflected in Interview with America’s First Black Billionaire, Robert Johnson Read More


Sunday Morning Weekly Recap – Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News 4.8.2018 to 4.15.2018

The manufactured home industry grows both older, and younger.  We pause to remember the passage of ELS’ Howard Walker, J.D.  Our sincerest condolences to all of those touched by his loss.   In the headlines for the week that was, you’ll find new resources on MHLivingNews and MHProNews. There’s more …

Sunday Morning Weekly Recap – Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News 4.8.2018 to 4.15.2018 Read More


Zillow Goes Deeper into Housing, “Take Thumb of What’s Holding Economy Back,’ Plus MH Market Updates

The announcement by real estate marketing and data giant Zillow yesterday is significant.  It signals a move that if sustained should be expected to be disruptive for the housing market long term.  Zillow, and another peak into economic data as first quarter earnings hit, are our market spotlight tonight. If …

Zillow Goes Deeper into Housing, “Take Thumb of What’s Holding Economy Back,’ Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Buffett Blasts Trump, via Classic Twist

The Daily Business News reported over a year ago, Warren Buffett’s public statement that he’s not in the business of attacking a president, and he has no plans to do so with President Trump.   As CNN Money, Kevin Clayton and others have noted, Mr. Buffett has numerous contacts with …

Buffett Blasts Trump, via Classic Twist Read More


Manufacturers Roaring Back, Hiring, Growing, Investing – Plus MH Market Update$

Call it a victory lap, joy, or exuberance. Manufacturers who were struggling just a few years ago, are now roaring.  Data points and the president’s talk today about it all are our featured report this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Manufacturers Roaring Back, Hiring, Growing, Investing – Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates

There are several reasons why manufactured home professionals ought to be closely watching what’s developing with Big Tech in D.C.  Scott Galloway weighs in on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony, which is our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates Read More


Criminal Leaks Continue, China’s Xi Signal Eases Tariff Trade Fears, Plus MH Market Updates

Chinese tariffs could be eased – says their President Xi – so trade war fears diminished. The raid of the president’s personal attorney’s offices and residences are all making headlines. With just a brief nod in our bullets to the over-reported Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg hearings – China, tariffs, trade plus the …

Criminal Leaks Continue, China’s Xi Signal Eases Tariff Trade Fears, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


CNN’s Fareed, Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Trade, China, & Tariffs, Plus MH Market Updates

There are some scratching their heads as to why manufactured housing’s number #1 professional publication is spending time in the evening market report looking at China, trade, and tariffs?  Or why Marty Lavin, MHI award winner – and MH finance, community and retail pro – has sounded off on the …

CNN’s Fareed, Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Trade, China, & Tariffs, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


MHI Award Winner Marty Lavin, “Free Trade or Economic War?” Plus MH Market Updates

He’s back. It’s vintage Marty Lavin, the award-winning MHVille attorney and expert commentator on MH finance, communities, and a manufactured home volume retail veteran. Our featured report for tonight will be insights from the MHI award-winner on the trade issue, plus some bonus videos. If you’re new, already hooked on …

MHI Award Winner Marty Lavin, “Free Trade or Economic War?” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$

Markets continued to regain lost ground, as investors fears over a trade war over tariffs cooled, oddly, even after China announced its own tough talk on tariffs.  Chase’s billionaire leader, Jaime Dimon has given the president’s moves a thumbs up, rhetorically asking, ‘where are the pro-growth Democrats?’ Related issues will …

Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Job and Career Recruiting, Manufactured Housing and You, Part I

The rising employment numbers in the U.S. presents a new set of challenges for many in the manufactured housing industry.   The Trump Administration’s policies – while often controversial – have resulted in falling unemployment, fewer on food stamps, and wages that are beginning to rise. Decades of U.S. Immigration …

Job and Career Recruiting, Manufactured Housing and You, Part I Read More


“Buy the Dip,” ‘Economy as Strong as an Ox’ – Peter Navarro, Plus MH Market Updates

There is no doubt that market’s like certainty. The traders don’t seem to be feeling that, if the sliding market is any sign.  Yet, some – including POTUS Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro – are saying the fundamentals of the economy are sound. That’s our market focus for tonight. If …

“Buy the Dip,” ‘Economy as Strong as an Ox’ – Peter Navarro, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Kevin…the Problem of Your Industry…”

In the video interview with Kevin Clayton, the son of Jim Clayton says what Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway says is what’s wrong with the manufactured home industry.   Per Clayton, Buffett says it’s resale. “Kevin, it seems to me that the problem of your industry is resale.” – …

“Kevin…the Problem of Your Industry…” Read More


Investor$, Manufactured Housing, and Proof of Concept

There are signals that the tech sector – notably giants such as Facebook and Amazon – could come under greater regulatory or even antitrust actions. The markets have already signaled that such action could take some of the bloom off that rose for investors.   Where will capital seeking opportunities …

Investor$, Manufactured Housing, and Proof of Concept Read More


Tech’s Tumble, POTUS Trump & Antitrust Panel Discussion and Potential MH Industry Impact

Among the nation’s many trillion-dollar sectors is housing. So as tech has taken it’s hit this past week, is it a passing blip?  Or is it as Axios and other media sources suggest, the start of something bigger? This panel discussion on right-of-center Fox Business looks at some of the …

Tech’s Tumble, POTUS Trump & Antitrust Panel Discussion and Potential MH Industry Impact Read More


POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates

In a speech in Ohio, President Donald J. Trump addressed his plans for a massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure overhaul and how he thinks that could further grow the U.S. economy. Construction related stocks rose, and that will be our focus for tonight.  If you’re new, already hooked on our new …

POTUS Trump Infrastructure, Training Address Buoys Construction, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Presidential Payback to Bezos’ Amazon? Report Sinks Stock, Tech Slides Again, Plus MH Market Updates

Left-of-center Axios reported that President Trump is considering anti-trust action against giant Amazon. Their stock dropped immediately after the announcement. Is it a signal, a tit-for tat for what happened just before the SOTU address in January, what?  As tech stock drag pulled the markets with it, that will be …

Presidential Payback to Bezos’ Amazon? Report Sinks Stock, Tech Slides Again, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Poll Reveals Public Concerns Spanning the American Partisan Divide

“A majority of the American public believe that the U.S. government engages in widespread monitoring of its own citizens and worry that the U.S. government could be invading their own privacy,” said Monmouth University in a recent media release to the Daily Business News.   “The Monmouth University Poll also finds a …

Poll Reveals Public Concerns Spanning the American Partisan Divide Read More


Shaking Off Trade Jitters, Dow Soars, Plus MH Market Updates

Tonight’s talking video heads are focused on the topic of trade, which were among the factors cited for the market plunge last week.  That will be tonight’s spotlight feature. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – …

Shaking Off Trade Jitters, Dow Soars, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Sabotaging everything the country stands for” says Innovative Production Pioneer

Historic flashbacks can be instructive, including examples from outside one’s own industry or profession that may provide inspiration and insight.   The challenge of dominating, monopolistic forces using (…or abusing…) political forces is not new.  It’s been going on since the dawn of recorded history.  The example below is a …

“Sabotaging everything the country stands for” says Innovative Production Pioneer Read More

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