

How Many Millions of Housing Units Does the U.S. Need Today?

“If something is going to affect your life, it is best to know as much as you can about it.” Donald J. Trump, per the book entitled, “Why We Want You To Be Rich,” as cited by MegaInvestments. In an upcoming report that will be found in the industry only …

How Many Millions of Housing Units Does the U.S. Need Today? Read More


Obtained Email Details Richard Cordray Resigning Soon, Cong. Hensarling Reacts

In an email to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) staff, Director Richard Cordray stated he is stepping down at the end of this month. In a release to MHProNews, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), said in reaction the following. “We are long overdue for new leadership at …

Obtained Email Details Richard Cordray Resigning Soon, Cong. Hensarling Reacts Read More


Troubling New Study Reveals a Millennial Trend, Business, Economic, Political Impact 

Truth can be taught and caught. But so too can error, delusions, deceptions, and lies. “People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it,” said Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst.  That observation of Langer’s …

Troubling New Study Reveals a Millennial Trend, Business, Economic, Political Impact  Read More


Buffett Up$ Apple Stake, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$

If you wonder why Warren Buffett and Apple are part of a headline on a manufactured housing industry focused market page, maybe you’ve been on vacation? Or missed those recent special Daily Business News reports… PreFab housing moves are being made – and/or are potentially poised to be made – …

Buffett Up$ Apple Stake, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$ Read More


Profitable Insight$ – POTU$ Trump Effect on MH Stock$ at 1 Year, Part 4

“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” – Mark Twain There’s a dizzying array of stock, markets, finance, and investment related websites. Those sites have a collection of resources and data. Some are in near-real time. The tech behind several of those sites is nothing …

Profitable Insight$ – POTU$ Trump Effect on MH Stock$ at 1 Year, Part 4 Read More


Just the Facts – Trump Effect on Manufactured Home Connected Stocks, Part 1

While providing ‘fair and balanced’ coverage, as was reviewed earlier today in a separate report, it was a strategic decision to editorially support the Trump campaign in 2016. One year later, the fruits of that decision ought to be clear. While Nobel award winning Paul Krugman at the New York …

Just the Facts – Trump Effect on Manufactured Home Connected Stocks, Part 1 Read More


Cavco Industries Quarterly Earnings, Markets Dip, Other Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

The Part One of our review of Cavco Industries will take place this evening, and it will include some factoids not found in their transcript. There will also be a comment from an informed source with deep Cavco ties that will be shared in the report below. We’ll look at …

Cavco Industries Quarterly Earnings, Markets Dip, Other Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors

It was pre-dawn on November 9th, 2016 that the race for the Oval Office was called for Donald J. Trump, electing him as the 45th President of the United States. The bulk of the mainstream media had been pushing Secretary Hillary Clinton for months. The revelations by former Democratic National …

Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors Read More


Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec

“Affordable housing for middle- and lower-income families is drying up by the month in California,” opens an article sent by an MHI member company executive, in response to recent industry coverage on the Daily Business News. The subject line in the news tip had two words in it, “Dying industry.” …

Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec Read More


National Housing Statistics, New and Existing Home Sales, Manufactured Home Industry Related Insights

The National Association of Realtors ® (NAR) produces housing statistics on the national, regional, and metro-market level where data is available. In a recent press release to the  the NAR reported that “After three straight monthly declines, existing-home sales slightly reversed course in September, but ongoing supply shortages and recent …

National Housing Statistics, New and Existing Home Sales, Manufactured Home Industry Related Insights Read More


DOJ Stops “Vertical Integration” Deal – MH Industry Indicator, AT&T/Time Warner Case? Manufactured Housing Market Updates

Does the news out of Washington, D.C. that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has put a halt on AT&T/Time Warner proposed deal include any hints or clues for the Manufactured Home Industry? We’ll look at that briefly in our spotlight section, further below. If you’re new, already hooked on our …

DOJ Stops “Vertical Integration” Deal – MH Industry Indicator, AT&T/Time Warner Case? Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Financial Services, Federal Reserve Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “The Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade held a hearing today entitled “Examining Federal Reserve Reform Proposals.” The hearing evaluated three legislative proposals to create a more independent, accountable, and transparent Federal Reserve that would improve economic opportunities for all Americans,” said the Financial Services Committee (FSC) …

Financial Services, Federal Reserve Plan Read More


Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) Snapshot, Alpha Spotlight, Other MH Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) Snapshot, Alpha Spotlight, Other MH Market Updates Read More


Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public

From its earliest days, America had a need, a thirst, for affordable housing. About a century ago, Sears sold pre-cut kit homes by catalog as one way to obtain that affordable American Dream of home ownership. As Americans have long been a people ‘on the move,’ the original trailer houses …

Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public Read More


Post-Hurricanes, Latest Jobs, Wage$ by the Numbers – Prospects, Problems, & MH Production Preview

The “total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 261,000 in October,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tells MHProNews in a release. It’s the lowest unemployment rate in about 17 years (see graphic, below). The importance for factory built housing of these facts will be explained further below. While that hiring …

Post-Hurricanes, Latest Jobs, Wage$ by the Numbers – Prospects, Problems, & MH Production Preview Read More


MH Industry Pro Reacts to President Trump’s National Entrepreneurship Month Declaration

“The manufactured housing industry, regulated by HUD, is one of the nation’s most entrepreneurial industries, with thousands of smaller businesses,” said Mark Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). “The president could truly honor National Entrepreneurship Month by appointing a new administrator for the HUD …

MH Industry Pro Reacts to President Trump’s National Entrepreneurship Month Declaration Read More


“Hacks” – Explosive 2016 Campaign Claims by Former DNC Chair, Donna Brazile

Politico has published a 2200-word excerpt spotlighted by the Drudge Report from what promises to be a hot book soon to be released. The title? “Hacks,” provides Donna Brazile view of what she discovered after her Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair predecessor, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was pushed out …

“Hacks” – Explosive 2016 Campaign Claims by Former DNC Chair, Donna Brazile Read More


“You Made Me, Promises, Promises…” Historic Iranian, American Lessons in Freedom

This image at the left was posted and is found online in Iran today. It’s a page from a newspaper published during the ousting of the Shah, and the coming to power of the once exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader. The red outlines around the Farsi …

“You Made Me, Promises, Promises…” Historic Iranian, American Lessons in Freedom Read More


Growing the Middle Class, Where Left-Right-Middle Should Agree

For several years, MHProNews has done periodic looks at economic basics that impact the industry.  Understanding these Economic 101 topics – and sharing it with other professionals – can help the industry and the nation get past decades of economic malaise that’s limited the middle class.  The current economic disorder …

Growing the Middle Class, Where Left-Right-Middle Should Agree Read More


Leaks. Rumors. Markets Recoiling. Experts Respond – What’s going on in D.C.? Plus, MH Stock Updates

While some market watchers say that there’s not much that could slow the markets down at this point, the fluctuation in stocks that occur when it looks like an unpleasant surprise may come from Congress on the issue of tax cuts sends a different message. Leaks out of Washington that …

Leaks. Rumors. Markets Recoiling. Experts Respond – What’s going on in D.C.? Plus, MH Stock Updates Read More

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