

Morgan Stanley, CNBC – Investors Want GOP Wave but Ponder Split Control of Congress, Plus MH Market Updates

CNBC’s and Morgan Stanley observations are interesting, but we’ll briefly lay out why there are likely 50 percent wrong.  With the biggest single day rise since the spring of 2018, the CNBC/Morgan Stanley and related will be this evening’s market focus, found further below.   If you’re new, already hooked …

Morgan Stanley, CNBC – Investors Want GOP Wave but Ponder Split Control of Congress, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

Forindependentsindependentmiindedmhprosfreedomlovinginvestorsonlysundaymornignrecap1014 2018

For Independents, Independent-Minded MH Professionals, and Freedom-Loving Investors Only, Sunday Headline News Recap 10-7 to 10.14.2018

  First, thank you for giving us a record start to October.  It seems that the sharper the fact-checks, the more our audience or professionals and investors eats it up.   Serious readers deserve facts, not pablum. The pie-charts below are about manufactured housing production.   But they arguably represent …

For Independents, Independent-Minded MH Professionals, and Freedom-Loving Investors Only, Sunday Headline News Recap 10-7 to 10.14.2018 Read More


Manufactured Housing, Money, & Midterms, From KNOXVILLE, TN, & Beyond – Plus MH Market Updates

If you clicked on that headline, you aren’t alone. A growing number of manufactured housing industry professionals – including those who don’t consider themselves to be very ‘political’ – are waking up to the realization that politics very much impacts their business, jobs, and money. Others, of course, have long …

Manufactured Housing, Money, & Midterms, From KNOXVILLE, TN, & Beyond – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Risk Taking! Kanye West, Jim Brown, POTUS Trump Oval Office Meeting, Plus MH Market Updates

They were both taking a risk. But business channels joined other media to tune into the White House meeting today between President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump, rapper Kanye West, and former NFL star Jim Brown.  That suggests it was an important event. Markets slid today again, …

Risk Taking! Kanye West, Jim Brown, POTUS Trump Oval Office Meeting, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Don’t Over Analyze Today’s Puke” – Gasparino, Markets Dump, Plus MH Equities Updates

FBN’s Charlie Gasparino, Circle Squared CEO Jeff Sica and B. Riley FBR chief market strategist Art Hogan address the market selloff in today video, which set almost every manufactured housing equity tumbling. That will be our focus for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

“Don’t Over Analyze Today’s Puke” – Gasparino, Markets Dump, Plus MH Equities Updates Read More


Michael’s a Monster, Set to Destroy, Disrupt – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

The fallout from the flooding, waves and wind destruction from Hurricane Florence is still being assessed and addressed, while Hurricane Michael is heading for the Gulf Coast, likely the Florida Panhandle.  That will be our focus for this evening’s market report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight …

Michael’s a Monster, Set to Destroy, Disrupt – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Imogene Poots, Vladimir De Fontenay’s Video Look – “The American Dream,” “Mobile Homes”

“From writer & director Vladimir de Fontenay, the film will finally be released in US theaters this November. The story follows a young mother named Ali, played by Imogen Poots” said First Showing, “The makeshift family scrapes by, one hustle at a time, until the discovery of a mobile home1 community …

Imogene Poots, Vladimir De Fontenay’s Video Look – “The American Dream,” “Mobile Homes” Read More


“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates

Tick-tock. It’s less than 30 days to the midterms, and one of the most watched races in the nation is in a top manufactured housing producing and retailing state. That race, and what it could mean for MHVille, will be part of our featured report this evening. If you’re new, …

“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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It’s Natural – Soccer, Home Town Pride, Lee Greenwood, Patriotism and Manufactured Housing – Sunday Weekly Recap 9.30.2018 to 10.7.2018

    It’s natural.  International soccer – what much of the world calls in their native language ‘football’ – reflects hometown and national pride. It’s like having pride in your high school, college, university, city, state, or our nation.   Patriotism evokes loyalty and pride in one’s country. It’s natural. …

It’s Natural – Soccer, Home Town Pride, Lee Greenwood, Patriotism and Manufactured Housing – Sunday Weekly Recap 9.30.2018 to 10.7.2018 Read More


What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends

  Studious, acute Daily Business News on MHProNews readers may recall our report from earlier this year that references the factoid that millennials are now the largest age-group of home buyers.   As with many of our topics, related articles are cross-linked. Those linked articles can be read later for …

What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends Read More


September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update

Manufactured housing, as with all big-ticket sales, depend upon people who can write the check, or obtain the credit. Those who finance are obviously going to come largely from workers, business owners, or those who get a government guaranteed check, such as retirees. So, the jobs report, and the employment/unemployment …

September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update Read More


JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates

It wasn’t that long ago when JP Morgan said they thought U.S.-Chinese trade tensions would be a skirmish, not a war.  That’s changed, which will be our evening focus on a day when stocks retreated. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to …

JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans

  While the Manufactured Housing Institute is apparently taking contributions from the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for doing toe-in-the water lending on manufactured homes, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has been pushing numerous buttons and doors in Washington, D.C. Their goal? …

FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans Read More


Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

When left-of-center Axios recent survey revealed that some 72 percent of Americans have a level of distrust for the mainstream media, that’s not new, but it is an interesting data – and tipping – point. If – as much of the nation believes – news is slanted to advance an …

Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Danny Glover, Presidents Barack Obama & Donald Trump, Promises Kept, and Affordable Manufactured Housing

  It’s almost axiomatic.   Promises made during a campaign are not always promises kept. But there is a promise that then Senator Barack H. Obama (IL-D) made during his successful 2008 campaign for the presidency that ought to stand out for all thinking people of independent thought and good …

Danny Glover, Presidents Barack Obama & Donald Trump, Promises Kept, and Affordable Manufactured Housing Read More


Fed’s Powell “Remarkably Positive Outlook,” Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

There is a steady stream of positive economic, consumer confidence, business and investor confidence news. The positive economic news stands in stark contrast to the roughly last 9 years before the 2016 election, when huge borrowing and a series of “QEs” – “Quantitative Easing” – artificially propped up an economy …

Fed’s Powell “Remarkably Positive Outlook,” Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Near All-Time Record, Confidence Means MORE Sales and Business

  When consumers are confident, they tend to buy more. Who says?  “The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is based on the concept that if consumers are optimistic, they tend to purchase more goods and services,” said Investopedia. “U.S. consumer confidence rebounded in April and new home sales increased more than …

Near All-Time Record, Confidence Means MORE Sales and Business Read More


USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates

The Dow rose nearly 200 points today on news that began to leak out late last night that Canada and the U.S. had come to terms on a revision to the old – and much maligned – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Manufactured Housing Composite Value rose too. …

USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates Read More


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s “Frankenstein Moment,” Plus MH Market Updates

  Manufactured home industry marketers and others use social media, including Facebook, on a routine basis.  Facebook has been drawing fire for much of this year, and was catching heat prior to 2018 too. An update on the news surrounding Facebook – including the latest allegations and data breach impacting …

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s “Frankenstein Moment,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


4 Ways Fed Rate Hike Impacts You, Your Customers – Plus MH Market Updates

The Fed hiked rates today, and the markets slid. There are always multiple factors, which will be outlined in our headline bullets below.  But the focus this evening will be a video of the 4 ways that the Fed rate hikes impact you and your customers. If you’re new, already …

4 Ways Fed Rate Hike Impacts You, Your Customers – Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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