

Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided

  “…And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand,” – Mark 3:25, cited by Abraham Lincoln in the following quote. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all …

Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided Read More


Border Sparks Fly! Senator Chuck Schumer, Rep Nancy Pelosi, POTUS Donald Trump Feisty Video, Costs Benefits, plus MH Market Updates

In the waning days of 2018, the political tag line in Washington, D.C. might be “It’s the border, stupid.” Stocks swung wildly again but closed only slightly down on a day that President Donald J. Trump apparently surprised “Chuck and Nancy” into doing an on-camera border security and wall funding …

Border Sparks Fly! Senator Chuck Schumer, Rep Nancy Pelosi, POTUS Donald Trump Feisty Video, Costs Benefits, plus MH Market Updates Read More


Strong Job, Economic Data Contrast with Market Fears, Plus MH Stock Updates

A glance at our manufactured housing watchlist reflects that several of the industry’s tracked stocks are closer to their one-year lows than the one-year highs.  As the broader markets have slid, so has manufactured housing, and those firms that have sizable stakes in manufactured housing. The reasons cited are the …

Strong Job, Economic Data Contrast with Market Fears, Plus MH Stock Updates Read More


Nathan & Mary Lee Chance Smith, Leaders in ‘Anti-Trump Resistance,’ Manufactured Housing Impact?

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, chances are, it’s a duck. It’s useful, because of the insights revealed. What’s useful?  The costly Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) self-defense, self-promotion video is arguably a fine razzle dazzle production. Their video obviously reflects the issues MHI’s leadership and …

Nathan & Mary Lee Chance Smith, Leaders in ‘Anti-Trump Resistance,’ Manufactured Housing Impact? Read More


Clayton’s Miss, Kevin and Tim’s Manufactured Housing Kill Shot, More

  Before we get into the purported Clayton/21st/MHI “kill shots” in our headline and feature image, a few words – a preface – are in order.   Preface: We consider ourselves to be among those independent industry professionals who are positive-goals and solution-oriented people by nature. Those who know us …

Clayton’s Miss, Kevin and Tim’s Manufactured Housing Kill Shot, More Read More


Bull Run, Part II Ahead? Says Raymond James Executive, Plus MH Market Updates

Raymond James’ Jeffrey Saut is so confident that there will be a stock surge, he is giving a year end estimate, which is our market focus for this evening.   If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever …

Bull Run, Part II Ahead? Says Raymond James Executive, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Take One – Data Driven U.S. Outlook in 2019 and MHVille

  Propaganda works, but facts matter. In this take one on the 2019 outlook, we will focus on facts and evidence.   There are talking heads on cable news, in print or digital mainstream news media, who for some months have ‘talked down’ the U.S. economic forecast. Among their false …

Take One – Data Driven U.S. Outlook in 2019 and MHVille Read More


Hedge Fund’s Cavco Move, and More from Inside MHVille

  The Third Avenue investment fund has reportedly sold off all of its shares of Cavco Industries (CVCO).   Look carefully at collage/graphic with commentary, just below.   The stock has overall been slowly recovering since the SEC news broke, and it initially dropped like a rock.   But there …

Hedge Fund’s Cavco Move, and More from Inside MHVille Read More


“Family Jewels,” MHVille Insider Tips, “Info Wars” and Omaha, Knoxville, California, Seattle and Arlington, and DC Connections

  A well-placed source said from inside the hexagon began by saying something in a series of messages to MHProNews that thousands of manufactured housing (MH) industry professionals know. “MH is a logical solution to the affordable housing crisis in our cities. Does not matter [,]1 they are typically run …

“Family Jewels,” MHVille Insider Tips, “Info Wars” and Omaha, Knoxville, California, Seattle and Arlington, and DC Connections Read More


Tariffs, Tech, Fed, Oil, Commodities and Today’s Tumble, Plus MH Equities Updates

CNBC did highlight the factors noted in the headline, above as factors in the markets tanking today. What wasn’t included was talk that House Democrats are reportedly now up to over 100 planned investigations of the Trump Administration.  So much for bipartisanship. Elections have consequences, and the early signals are …

Tariffs, Tech, Fed, Oil, Commodities and Today’s Tumble, Plus MH Equities Updates Read More


Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples

  “It was then best of times, it was the worst of times…” –  Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens was writing about the French Revolution, but considering the famous opening to his novel, “A Tale or Two Cities,” one might believe that Nostradamus was writing about the USA …

Affordable Housing, the Visible, Yet Mysterious Struggle for an Obvious Solution, Case Examples Read More


Divisions in America, and Manufactured Housing – Reality Check 1 – 11.9.2018

  “If MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.” – MH Industry Executive.   Manufactured housing doesn’t operate in a bubble.  This will tee up a quick, broad 2 part survey of a jam-packed week for our regrettably divided nation. We’ll begin with a snapshot of …

Divisions in America, and Manufactured Housing – Reality Check 1 – 11.9.2018 Read More


Direct Relationship – Rule of Law, Sound Information, Equal Access, Profits & Pay – MHVille, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson

  “A group of protesters gathered outside the Northwest D.C. home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Nov. 7,” is how the left-of-center Washington Post and related video reported it.     The front door of right-of-center Fox News host Carlson’s home was cracked yesterday by purported AntiFa type …

Direct Relationship – Rule of Law, Sound Information, Equal Access, Profits & Pay – MHVille, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson Read More


Key Clayton/MHI/BO Bets Spanked, First Look at Winners & Losers

  There’s work to do.   There are still undecided midterm races.  Some may be headed to possible recounts, or an upcoming special election. First, we will look at the facts, then we will take a glance at what this could mean for manufactured housing (MH) and the industry’s investors. …

Key Clayton/MHI/BO Bets Spanked, First Look at Winners & Losers Read More

Red Wave? Blue Wave? Here’s What Wall Street Is Watching, plus MH Market Updates

Take a giant step back. Then, stop and think. The first part of that headline is from CNBC, a left-of-center media outlet. For about a year, the mainstream media has said that a ‘blue wave is coming.’  We’ll see in a matter of hours.  But the fact that they finally …

Red Wave? Blue Wave? Here’s What Wall Street Is Watching, plus MH Market Updates Read More


New Shipment Data, Top Manufactured Home State, Other MH States Continue Slide

  August 2018 new home shipment data is in.   Let’s be clear, it’s not a disaster. But it continues to signal issues and challenges that the Daily Business News on MHProNews has led-the-charge in spotlighting.  Because during an affordable housing crisis, manufactured home should be doing much better than …

New Shipment Data, Top Manufactured Home State, Other MH States Continue Slide Read More


On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates

Markets rose, but they’ve been bouncing around pre-midterms through much of October.  This past weekend, several of the Sunday talk shows featured the booming economy.  It was a surprising pivot from media outlets that have kept mum of the economic boom in roughly 21 months of President Trump’s administration. With …

On the Eve of the Midterms, Closing on Willie Horton? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More

VP Mike Pence, “We’ll Hold House,” Make History “When We Elect John James” Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity Rally With POTUS Trump Monday Evening

  Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will join President Donald J. Trump at a rally Monday, November 05, 2018 at 09:00 pm (CST) on the eve of this week’s midterm elections, the Trump campaign announced Sunday.   The Hill reports, “The two conservative media personalities will join Trump for a rally …

VP Mike Pence, “We’ll Hold House,” Make History “When We Elect John James” Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity Rally With POTUS Trump Monday Evening Read More


Next Federal Contract, MHARR and What National Trade Association Leadership Looks Like

  The last time federal data was checked by the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) had about 7 times the revenue that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) does.   In their last emailed message to their members, MHI – via the voice …

Next Federal Contract, MHARR and What National Trade Association Leadership Looks Like Read More

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