

October Jobs “Astonishing” Report, Mark Levin on Midterms, and MH Market Updates.

There are two videos this evening, and the one that we think is the most fun is the one with Mark Levin.  When he’s doing the interviewing, he’s often laid back.  When Levin is doing the talking, he’s often on-fire.  This is the later, insightful and passionate. Those will be …

October Jobs “Astonishing” Report, Mark Levin on Midterms, and MH Market Updates. Read More


Manufactured Home Businesses, Employees, and Single Payer Health Care – Facts for the Midterms

  As numbers of manufactured housing business owners know the head-aches that came with ObamaCare.  Everyone in the industry is impacted by this issue.   Let’s start with a blast of common sense. There is nothing that is free. Someone always pays. MHProNews has made a simple point, by quoting …

Manufactured Home Businesses, Employees, and Single Payer Health Care – Facts for the Midterms Read More


Herman Cain, Republican Voters Historic, Strong Early Voting Turnout, But Avoid Complacency, Vote – Plus MH Market Updates

There are several sources, and several reasons cited for the roller coaster in October markets.  Stifel investments today, and others firms and observers have cited concerns over the outcome of the midterms as reasons for the volatility.  Conventional wisdom says the Democrats will take the House, but Republicans will hold …

Herman Cain, Republican Voters Historic, Strong Early Voting Turnout, But Avoid Complacency, Vote – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Due Credit, Warren Buffett, Media, and Manufactured Housing’s Historic Achievement

  “What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history,” –        Warren Buffett, per MarketWatch.   “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken,” – Warren Buffett, per Brainy Quote.   “The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a …

Due Credit, Warren Buffett, Media, and Manufactured Housing’s Historic Achievement Read More


“Girls of Steel,” 3 Untold Stories of Job Creation, Growing Opportunities for MHVille

These three stories of actual Americans are the ones that don’t normally make the evening news.   These three stories in the video below are ones that can make a significant difference to all housing professionals, but particularly to manufactured home professionals. We’ll set aside for the next few moments …

“Girls of Steel,” 3 Untold Stories of Job Creation, Growing Opportunities for MHVille Read More


Who Gets Credit? Latest National Data, Including Wages, Salary Jump Decade’s High-VIDEOS, Plus MH Market Updates

“It’s the economy, stupid,” said James Carville in one of his most famous lines as President Bill Clinton’s adviser. Sadly, Carville also gets credit for the infamous “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” line too. President Ronald Reagan asked a pocket book …

Who Gets Credit? Latest National Data, Including Wages, Salary Jump Decade’s High-VIDEOS, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing’s Halloween Lighter Side, Cartoons and Video Tip

  Halloween is beloved by millions, and thousands of industry professionals have youth that will participate.  Adults will have their own ‘all hallows eve’ – Halloween festivities.   Manufactured housing has arguably been limited by several artificial factors. From the outset of our launch of publishing 9 years ago, MHProNews …

Manufactured Housing’s Halloween Lighter Side, Cartoons and Video Tip Read More


Markets, Money, Medicinal, Madness, and Manufactured Housing

  The markets have been sliding in recent days. But why? The fundamentals of the economy and most companies on the exchanges are good.   If you are over 35, and think back, you’ve seen this rodeo market-madness before. A few people already have – or soon will – benefit …

Markets, Money, Medicinal, Madness, and Manufactured Housing Read More


U.S. May Increase Tariffs on China, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates

“The U.S. is preparing to announce by early December tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports if talks next month between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping fail to ease the trade war, three people familiar with the matter said” per Bloomberg.  As that word was absorbed by investors, gains for …

U.S. May Increase Tariffs on China, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Father and Son, How Often? Common Sense, and Manufactured Housing Industry Week in Review 10-21 to 10-28-2018

    1. It can be interesting to observe a father and son.  ‘Whenever you encounter a problem, what do you do?’ father Tony asked 11 year old son Tamas (pronounced ‘tah mash.’) “Goal and solution orientation,” young Tamas promptly said. 2. How often do you want your marketing message …

Father and Son, How Often? Common Sense, and Manufactured Housing Industry Week in Review 10-21 to 10-28-2018 Read More


Guggenheim ’Classic Seasonal Adjustment,’ Pollster says Hedge Funds Nervous Over Midterms, But GOP Can Win House and Senate, Plus MH Market Updates

It’s the worst October for the markets in years. But why?  The fundamentals are overall good.  The U.S. was recently rated the best economy in the world, as MHProNews reported. There are numerous good reasons to source and curate information across the media and political divides, as the Daily Business …

Guggenheim ’Classic Seasonal Adjustment,’ Pollster says Hedge Funds Nervous Over Midterms, But GOP Can Win House and Senate, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Painful or Pleasurable Discoveries, True Manufactured Home Confession

  Think back to the moment in time when you first discovered modern manufactured homes. Was it an “Aha!” moment? This writer has told the story to live audiences from border-to-border of how I stumbled upon manufactured homes. It was an eye opening, exciting moment for me professionally. I didn’t …

Painful or Pleasurable Discoveries, True Manufactured Home Confession Read More


SWOT – Threats to Manufactured Home Communities, Retailers, Independent Producers, and Others in MHVille

  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats = SWOT.  Opportunities can be found at this link here. But this report is focused on the threats. Two new reports need to be carefully digested by the industry’s readers.   MH Challenger – 3D Printed Housing ICON Closes Funding, Conventional Housing Giant DR Horton, …

SWOT – Threats to Manufactured Home Communities, Retailers, Independent Producers, and Others in MHVille Read More


MH Challenger – 3D Printed Housing ICON Closes Funding, Conventional Housing Giant DR Horton, Middle Eastern, Deep Pocket Investors

  According to a media release to MHProNews via Berkshire Hathaway owned, BusinessWire, ICON announces a deal to close $9 million dollars in funding for what could be the most serious competitor to HUD Code manufactured homes on the horizon today.   ICON, as the Daily Business News on MHProNews …

MH Challenger – 3D Printed Housing ICON Closes Funding, Conventional Housing Giant DR Horton, Middle Eastern, Deep Pocket Investors Read More


Did MHProNews Miss This? MHI Insider News Tip – Following Evidence, Money

  What a message that arrived at MHProNews HQ It said this. “Tony [MHProNews’ publisher], I’m wondering if you missed it.  You’ve [MHProNews] done articles lately on billionaires, Democrats, and of course on MHI [Manufactured Housing Institute]. I’m conservative [said the message], but my colleagues and I give to Democrats.  …

Did MHProNews Miss This? MHI Insider News Tip – Following Evidence, Money Read More


Cruz Lights Up Houston Trump Rally, in Key Race in Manufactured Housing Leading State of Texas

It is the number 1 state in the union for manufactured home production and sales. What happens in Texas impacts much of the United States. MHProNews has noted that affordable housing is ideally a bipartisan issue, or perhaps more appropriately, a non-partisan issue. But that doesn’t mean that others treat …

Cruz Lights Up Houston Trump Rally, in Key Race in Manufactured Housing Leading State of Texas Read More


Clayton’s Denial, But Mainstream News Reports Ongoing Federal Investigation of Manufactured Housing Industry Giant

Post-Charlottesville, CfA’s Hunts Evidence of Racism, S MHProNews was alone in Manufactured Housing independent professional’s trade media in reporting last year that four Democratic leaders – including Maxine Waters and current DNC Vice-Chairman Keith Ellison – had asked for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Justice …

Clayton’s Denial, But Mainstream News Reports Ongoing Federal Investigation of Manufactured Housing Industry Giant Read More


Goldman Memo on Midterms: How Will Voting Outcomes Affect Stocks? Plus, MH Market Updates

  A divided Congress is expected by Goldman Sachs after the midterms.  If so, when it comes to equities, there will be winners and losers from that outcome.  That will be our market focus for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are …

Goldman Memo on Midterms: How Will Voting Outcomes Affect Stocks? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More

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