

The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018

  Among the emails waiting this morning? Some pull quotes. “Tony, MHProNews keeps breaking the mold, and continues to redefine manufactured housing [industry trade] publishing. Everything else is boring by comparison.” “There’s opinions, and then there’s MHProNews. Love the documentation you provide with your articles. Keep it coming.” The next …

The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018 Read More


MarketWatch Reports Warren Buffett’s Midterm Campaign Contributions

  According to research published by MarketWatch, Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has given 100% of his campaign contributions to Democrats during the 2016 election cycle.  Berkshire has numerous manufactured housing brands, such as Clayton Homes.   “Company executives often steer clear of any appearance of partisanship, in large …

MarketWatch Reports Warren Buffett’s Midterm Campaign Contributions Read More


Nickel Plan Could Boost Economy, Says Moody’s, Black MAGA Housing Story, Plus MH Market Updates

Moody’s Managing Director John Lonski on President Trump’s plan to take on government spending and its potential impact on the U.S. markets and economy, will be part of our focus this evening.  But we have a bonus segment, that has a poignant housing story, and will be insightful for those …

Nickel Plan Could Boost Economy, Says Moody’s, Black MAGA Housing Story, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Has POTUS Trump Signaled Major Financial System Change After Midterms? Plus, MH Market Updates

President Donald J. Trump may be the most media accessible president in decades. There are times he is direct. There are other times he plays the hinting game.  Has the mainstream media missed what could be the biggest economic and political change in over a century, should the Trump-GOP prove …

Has POTUS Trump Signaled Major Financial System Change After Midterms? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More


10 Year Record for America, U.S. Named World’s Most Competitive Economy

  If Democratic strategist and Clinton adviser, James Carville was right when he said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He said that to describe what matters the most to voters.   If so, then this should be good news for the Trump Administration.  As MHProNews has previously reported, Larry Kudlow, the …

10 Year Record for America, U.S. Named World’s Most Competitive Economy Read More


Budget Cuts, Mick Mulvaney, and Manufactured Housing Market Updates

Personal federal income tax revenues, as MHProNews recently reported, are actually rising since the tax cut.  That’s the historic pattern too. That said, with interest rates rising, those rates impact the federal budget more than anything other single entity in the nation. What it will take to cut the budget …

Budget Cuts, Mick Mulvaney, and Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Morgan Stanley, CNBC – Investors Want GOP Wave but Ponder Split Control of Congress, Plus MH Market Updates

CNBC’s and Morgan Stanley observations are interesting, but we’ll briefly lay out why there are likely 50 percent wrong.  With the biggest single day rise since the spring of 2018, the CNBC/Morgan Stanley and related will be this evening’s market focus, found further below.   If you’re new, already hooked …

Morgan Stanley, CNBC – Investors Want GOP Wave but Ponder Split Control of Congress, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Big Manufactured Home Community Operator, MH Owner Kid Rock, John James, Donald Trump Jr, and Debbie Stabenow

  FEC filings and manufactured home (MH) industry sources are telling the Daily Business News on MHProNews that one of the big MH community operators is a large supporter of the campaign of U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI-D).   While it is public record, that community operation’s name will be …

Big Manufactured Home Community Operator, MH Owner Kid Rock, John James, Donald Trump Jr, and Debbie Stabenow Read More


“He’s Lying,” Campaign Insider Video – “Don’t Do Politics?” Tell Jim Clayton, Phil Bredesen, and Marsha Blackburn, Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Supporter

  There are some messages that come in to our offices that suggest that MHProNews ‘not do politics.’ Please tell that to highly engaged in politics manufactured housing industry and lending professionals, such as Jim Clayton. “It’s just politics.” “We don’t say that out of these walls,” are just some …

“He’s Lying,” Campaign Insider Video – “Don’t Do Politics?” Tell Jim Clayton, Phil Bredesen, and Marsha Blackburn, Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Supporter Read More

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For Independents, Independent-Minded MH Professionals, and Freedom-Loving Investors Only, Sunday Headline News Recap 10-7 to 10.14.2018

  First, thank you for giving us a record start to October.  It seems that the sharper the fact-checks, the more our audience or professionals and investors eats it up.   Serious readers deserve facts, not pablum. The pie-charts below are about manufactured housing production.   But they arguably represent …

For Independents, Independent-Minded MH Professionals, and Freedom-Loving Investors Only, Sunday Headline News Recap 10-7 to 10.14.2018 Read More


Manufactured Housing, Money, & Midterms, From KNOXVILLE, TN, & Beyond – Plus MH Market Updates

If you clicked on that headline, you aren’t alone. A growing number of manufactured housing industry professionals – including those who don’t consider themselves to be very ‘political’ – are waking up to the realization that politics very much impacts their business, jobs, and money. Others, of course, have long …

Manufactured Housing, Money, & Midterms, From KNOXVILLE, TN, & Beyond – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Supports Former Hillary Clinton VP, Senator Tim Kaine, Other Anti-Trump Agenda Democrats

  People can spin, but the unvarnished facts don’t lie. The facts about the headline will be revealed further below, as we tee up this timely topic.  Follow the money.  Follow the facts. What the money trail and facts reveal may surprise you, and/or your colleagues. Affordable Housing Is Non-Partisan …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Supports Former Hillary Clinton VP, Senator Tim Kaine, Other Anti-Trump Agenda Democrats Read More


Frank Rolfe. Manufactured Homes and Communities. Industry Politics. It’s Complicated.

  It’s complicated. There is little doubt that Frank Rolfe is a believer in affordable housing, manufactured homes, and what he routinely – albeit controversially – refers to as “mobile home parks”1 or “trailer parks.”2 Rolfe’s known for saying controversial things others don’t want in print. “Oh my God I’m …

Frank Rolfe. Manufactured Homes and Communities. Industry Politics. It’s Complicated. Read More


“Don’t Over Analyze Today’s Puke” – Gasparino, Markets Dump, Plus MH Equities Updates

FBN’s Charlie Gasparino, Circle Squared CEO Jeff Sica and B. Riley FBR chief market strategist Art Hogan address the market selloff in today video, which set almost every manufactured housing equity tumbling. That will be our focus for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature …

“Don’t Over Analyze Today’s Puke” – Gasparino, Markets Dump, Plus MH Equities Updates Read More


“Act Now to Help Pass Amendment 2,” Says State Association

  State associations are weighing in on the rapidly approaching midterm elections in various ways.   Among them, is Florida, which the latest data from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports is #3 in recent years for new HUD Code home shipments in the United States.   …

“Act Now to Help Pass Amendment 2,” Says State Association Read More


“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates

Tick-tock. It’s less than 30 days to the midterms, and one of the most watched races in the nation is in a top manufactured housing producing and retailing state. That race, and what it could mean for MHVille, will be part of our featured report this evening. If you’re new, …

“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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It’s Natural – Soccer, Home Town Pride, Lee Greenwood, Patriotism and Manufactured Housing – Sunday Weekly Recap 9.30.2018 to 10.7.2018

    It’s natural.  International soccer – what much of the world calls in their native language ‘football’ – reflects hometown and national pride. It’s like having pride in your high school, college, university, city, state, or our nation.   Patriotism evokes loyalty and pride in one’s country. It’s natural. …

It’s Natural – Soccer, Home Town Pride, Lee Greenwood, Patriotism and Manufactured Housing – Sunday Weekly Recap 9.30.2018 to 10.7.2018 Read More


September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update

Manufactured housing, as with all big-ticket sales, depend upon people who can write the check, or obtain the credit. Those who finance are obviously going to come largely from workers, business owners, or those who get a government guaranteed check, such as retirees. So, the jobs report, and the employment/unemployment …

September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update Read More


Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Bipartisanship, Bill, Newt, Sexual Scandals, and You

  It would be a grave mistake to think that bipartisanship is dead.   Earlier this year, Maxine Waters (CA-D)  and Jeb Hensarling (TX-R) worked with each other to pass a bill out of the Financial Services Committee that latter passed the House of Representatives by a wide margin. Who …

Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Bipartisanship, Bill, Newt, Sexual Scandals, and You Read More


Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses

It’s not new.  But it is an important point, one that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has made for decades.   This time, it is the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President Juanita Duggan who has said that “little” regulations can cause “big” problems for small …

Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses Read More

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