‘Elevating Manufactured Housing and Land-Lease Communities Among Policymakers’ by Lesli Gooch and Mark Bowersox the CEO and President of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) w/Facts-Analysis


The “contributed content” by Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch and MHI President Mark Bowersox in the most recent article posted on MHI endorsed MHVillage’s MHInsider is 1121 words, not counting the headline, byline and date. MHI leaders decided for their own reasons to put CEO Gooch more ‘on point’ with the broader public and their President Bowersox in more of a secondary role that is often more state association focused in what MHI initially called “MHI 2.0.” Bowersox and Gooch have spoken with or been interviewed by mainstream media, and each have gone to state association and other events on behalf of MHI. MHVillage, its MHInsider subsidiary, and Datacomp are owned by Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS). ELS COO Patrick Waite is an MHI “Executive Committee” member. ELS’ Ron Bunce is on their main board. The primary MHI board, and more specifically its executive committee, are considered the power behind MHI leadership. MHI’s staff are supposed to carry out the board’s directives. In under the last 1½ years, Datacomp and ELS were hit by multiple national class action antitrust lawsuits that allege price fixing, along with several other higher profile MHI members and/or firms that were named as defendants and are often linked to MHI affiliated state associations. ELS COO Waite plus ELS insiders CEO Marguerite Nader and CFO Paul Seavey have collectively sold millions of dollars in ELS shares in recent weeks which may have contributed to sending their stock sharply lower. Do you think the articles about those topics are likely to be found on ELS owned and MHI backed MHInsider?

The articles linked in this preface plus fact checks by left-leaning Bing’s artificial intelligence powered Copilot may lead an objective or unbiased person to conclude, don’t bet on MHInsider, or other pro-MHI media and bloggers, to mention much less report on anything that is less than favorable for the Arlington, VA based trade group and its ‘insider’ members. But each of those subjects and much, much more can be found on MHProNews and/or on our MHLivingNews sister site. Perhaps that is why our publication dominates and is widely followed by some of the biggest names in the industry along with operations and professionals of all sizes. Manufactured home industry pros know where to go for ‘real’ news instead of fluff.

This fact-check with related analysis on the Gooch and Bowersox authored article that follows unpacks what at a glance is likely the longest article on MHInsider for the month of October.

At MHInsider, and most of our rivals in manufactured housing publishing keep their content short. MHInsider articles may only be 300-500 words or less each, which Capitalize My Title says can be read in about 2 minutes. As a disclosure to newer and longtime returning readers at MHProNews, we editorially believe that businessman, author, and speaker Matthew Kelley’s quoted point below is insightful. Superficiality is often the curse of the modern world. It is not until someone digs past the superficial that they begin to arrive at something resembling reality or the truth. Short articles may be useful tools for building SEO for a website. In the right hands 300-word articles can inform, but in the wrong hands 300-to-500-word articles can also be tools of manipulation.


Per PSB: “Matthew Kelly is an internationally acclaimed speaker and bestselling author. He is also the founder and president of Floyd Consulting, a firm based on the belief that your organization can only become the-best-version-of itself if the people in your organization are striving to become the-best-version-of themselves.” Tip: those tempted to skim a report are more likely to miss insightful facts and details that could be useful to your career, business, life or investment decisions. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/every-journey-to-something-is-a-journey-away-from-something-more-energy-needed-for-mediocrity-than-pursuing-excellence-shrewd-matthew-kelly-quotes/


Many know what a fact-check is. Fisking is a less familiar term, so definitions are helpful. The Free Dictionary defines fisking as follows. “To criticize and refute (a published article or argument), especially in point-by-point or line-by-line fashion. Your Dictionary defines fisking like this. “Fisking definition: A rebuttal to an article or blog made by quoting its content in sections and refuting each section individually.” Let’s pause to point out that one need not disagree with the entire content of a fisked or fact checked article. An authentic fact check or fisking can end up proving the author’s contention to be true. That said, perhaps more commonly, some sections may be fine, while others may be weaker or apparently flawed.

The courts have ruled that such fact checks and fisking have legal protections against copyright infringement claims.

A good fisking or fact check can be something like a written debate, where the claims made by the author(s) or quoted parties are carefully examined against other known evidence.

While fact checks and fisking can be manipulative too, when done with aim of seeking the truth of a topic in mind, it can be an eye opening, refreshing, and a mentally stimulating experience. A good fisk may cause several “aha!” moments.

As the backdrop to this fact check or fisking of what co-authors Gooch and Bowersox have shared in Part I below via MHInsider, keep the following factual points in mind.

Manufactured housing has demonstrably been underperforming for over a quarter of a century. The last time the manufactured housing industry shattered 200,000 shipments in a year was in 2000.That was also the year when the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 was passed and signed into law by then President William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (D), the manufactured housing industry produced 250,366 new HUD code manufactured homes.

From 2001 to 2023 the industry collectively produced a total of 2,230,400 per data collected by IBTS under a contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which is official data deemed accurate.

During that 23-year period from 2001 to 2023, MHVille (a term that reflects the diminished size of the manufactured home industry in the 21st century) produced an average of 96,974 new homes per year (250,366/23 = 96973.9130435).

By sharp contrast, from 1995 to 2000 the manufactured home industry produced per HUD data 2,033,545 new manufactured housing units of all sizes. Per Google’s calculator that breaks down like this: 2,033,545/6 = 338924.166667. Meaning, the HUD Code industry during those 6 years from 1995 to 2000 averaged 338,924 new housing units annually.

Doing the math, the 21st century manufactured housing industry has for 23 years averaged 96,974 homes are only 28.6 percent of what the industry produced during the 6 years of 1995-2000 (here is that math: 96,974/338924 = 0.28612314265).

Since Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) directly entered manufactured housing in 2002 by buying into bankrupt Oakwood and in 2003 by outright purchasing Clayton Homes and their associated lending (21st Mortgage Corporation and Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF)), the industry only once re-crossed the 140,000 unit per year threshold (see link here and here and more articles linked following Part I in Part II). That was in 2005 when 146,881 new manufactured homes were produced. 2oo5 happened to be the year of the Hurricane Katrina disaster when FEMA ordered thousands of units. That post-Katrina surge arguably turned out to be yet another fiasco for the HUD Code industry, but that is another story for another time.


Year Production
2002 165,489
2003 130,815
2004 130,748
2005 146,881
2006 117,373


There are numerous takeaways from the preface above. But essentially none of those facts made it into the Gooch and Bowersox op-ed published by MHInsider. Thanks to First Amendment protections, MHInsider and others in the MHI orbit are free to publish paltering or otherwise misleading information.

However, while MHInsider should have the constitutional right to be wrong, there may be questions if such misinformation without the proper disclosures may be deemed violations of SEC policies regarding materiality, given that ELS owns MHInsider.

It is in such factual and legal fine points that the posturing, paltering, showboating, spin, and preening of Gooch, Bowersox, MHI – and by extension MHInsider – appear to be in potential hot water. This introduction in fewer words and with evidence linking key claims renders much of what Gooch, Bowersox and MHInsider shared troublingly misleading at best. The following fits the propaganda model of media described by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their groundbreaking book Manufacturing Consent.



What will follow in Part I is a section-by-section commentary of their “contributed content.”

Part I – per MHInsider (see original content linked here as shown on 10.17.2024), with several spacing errors corrected by MHProNews in what follows. Other potential typos are in the original. Links from the MHInsider part of what follows are in the original article that they published.

Elevating Manufactured Housing and Land-Lease Communities Among Policymakers

By Contributed Content | October 11, 2024

By Lesli Gooch and Mark Bowersox

From the White House to Congress to state and local legislatures, solving the nation’s housing supply shortage has become a critical priority. Policymakers at all levels of government are hearing about the rising cost of housing and they are eager to explore policy solutions. In this environment, MHI’s efforts to engage policymakers about manufactured housing has placed the industry at the forefront of recent discussions about solving the nation’s housing supply crisis.

MHProNews notes: The opening paragraph above is arguably true in some respects but is also misleading and thus revealing. That MHI engages to some degree with policy makers about is true. That there is a critical shortage of affordable housing is also true. It is disputed if policymakers are all “eager” to “explore solutions,” something that MHI member Frank Rolfe has argued with evidence that supports his claim that “special interests” have no intention of solving the affordable housing crisis. As MHProNews and MHLivingNews have reported several times in recent years, HUD’s Pamela Blumenthal and Regina Gray have demonstrated that for 50 years the causes and cures for the housing crisis have been known.  The implication is that showboating is at work, people who raise an issue often with little or no intention of actually solving it in the manner that the public might broadly want or expect.

A recent announcement by the White House about actions the administration is taking to address the nation’s housing supply shortage included HUD’s actions around manufactured housing, noting that “manufactured housing provides an essential path to increasing overall housing supply and offers significant savings over site-built housing.”

True but problematic for MHI CEO Gooch and President Bowersox joint argument. Manufactured housing production sharply declined in 2023, as NAHB recently pointed out in an apparently embarrassing report for MHI leaders.

The bottom line is that the importance of the manufactured housing industry is being recognized — when policymakers talk about housing supply, manufactured housing is discussed as an important part of the solution.

Exaggerated and thus misleading. There are times that manufactured housing is not raised by policymakers as part of the solution for the affordable housing crisis as thousands of articles and reports about the affordable housing crisis found online attest. The fact that MHI may get manufactured housing to be mentioned is apparently not the same as causing manufactured home production to increase. Despite the potential for manufactured housing, production of new HUD Code homes was demonstrably lower in 2023 than it was in 2021 or 2022.

The national building code, the HUD code, that manufactured¬ homes are constructed to has emerged as a federal seal of approval for quality, ensuring buyers receive resilient, energy efficient homes at prices within reach thanks to the economies of scale that the federal building code facilitates.

Exaggerated, plus ignores the problems caused by the pending DOE energy rule case. The Manufactured Housing Assocation for Regulatory Reform’s Danny Ghorbani has pointedly accused MHI of fostering the problems caused by the DOE regulations because documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests revealed that MHI cooperated with DOE and ‘energy special interests.’

Advocacy for Attainable Homeownership

In addition to elevating the homes themselves, though, MHI’s work ensures that policymakers understand the range of locations where homes can be placed. The variety of designs that exist for today’s HUD code manufactured homes, such as single-section, multi-section, CrossMod, duplexes, and ADUs allow manufactured homes to meet a wide range of needs around the country. MHI’s work includes highlighting the importance of land-lease communities as a critical affordable housing model. About 30 percent of the manufactured homes produced are placed in communities. The financial and lifestyle benefits of owning a manufactured home in a land-lease community have resulted in millions of individuals and families choosing this housing option.

That MHI keeps mentioning CrossMods is in itself laughable. There are so few CrossMods that have been built and sold that MHI apparently won’t give a total number. It may be more or less than 100 units – and MHI admitted in a complaint letter that developers may be moving away from CrossMods. With interest rates up, payments are higher, and prominent MHI members Cavco Industries (CVCO) and Skyline Champion (now Champion Homes) have said that their average selling prices are falling because people are buying lower cost single and multi-section units. MHI fails to mention that there is an array of negative news about manufactured home communities (MHCs). Furthermore, MHI’s own annual report indicated that manufactured home communities have in some years been roughly half of total industry production. When MHCs bought fewer manufactured homes in 2023, industry production declined. Put bluntly, MHI’s Gooch and Bowersox claims above are contradicted by their own members and their own data.

The desirability of land-lease communities is evidenced in both U.S. Census data and independent research conducted by MHI, showing manufactured housing community residents report high levels of satisfaction and that they are likely to recommend land-lease community living to others. The research shows that the satisfaction levels are increasing. Low vacancy rates and waiting lists also demonstrate the strong appeal of this hybrid-homeowership option.

Higher profile MHI member Darren Krolewski, a c-suite staffer at MHVillage/Datacomp/MHInsider,  contradicted the above, as have MHI members Frank Rolfe, Joanne Stevens and pages of evidence on MHLivingNews, MHProNews and untold numbers of articles, posts and litigation that can be found online. SECO linked community owner David Roden politely asked MHI earlier this year why they won’t do an image and education campaign? MHI’s own members and an array of evidence debunks the rosy picture Gooch and Bowersox attempt to paint above and below. Merely saying something that sounds nice that is easily debunked ought to undermine the so-called credibility of Gooch and company.

For those who have visited or have lived in a land lease community, it is no surprise to see such strong satisfaction and demand. MHI research shows that affordability is consistently a key reason for choosing a land-lease community over other options, including:

  • Having more space
  • Not having to share walls with a neighbor and, having an immediate outdoor space
  • Pools, walking paths, and trails
  • Parks
  • Fitness centers
  • Lawn Care

Other areas that residents and potential residents favor are the social events, such as summer barbecues and movie nights.

This is occasionally true, but thus is also often misleading. For example. Rolfe and Reynolds have advocated for removal of amenities, as the Denver Post and others have reported.

Value of Community Living

With U.S. housing costs universally skyrocketing, MHI research shows that the majority of community residents believe their rent is the same or lower than other housing options.

In some ways true but ignores the array of bad news that has dogged prominent MHI members, often for years. Beyond zoning and financing barriers, image and education barriers too. MHI’s so-called Code of Ethical Conduct, per Copilot, has apparently gone unenforced. That Code of Conduct presumably exists precisely to bolster the image of manufactured home, and manufactured home community, living. By allowing that code of conduct to go unenforced it results in more negative news than positive about MHCs.

It is critical that the land-lease segment of the industry disallows the anecdote to be the narrative about community living. The facts are clearly on the industry’s side, and through continued advocacy efforts MHI will continue to communicate the positive housing option that land-lease communities offer, with desirable homes at price points within reach, and with a community setting that offers more than a house, but a lifestyle.

This segment above: “It is critical that the land-lease segment of the industry disallows the anecdote to be the narrative about community living” sadly is also laughable. While it is true that many of the bad news ‘anecdotal’ stories dominate the news about manufactured home community living, it is shocking how often those bad news stories are tied to prominent MHI members and/or to prominent MHI linked state association members. Furthermore, prior MHI chairman Tim Williams (CEO 21st Mortgage Corporation) said close to a decade ago that the industry should push back on those bad news stories. Where is that pushback Williams said was coming 9 years ago? Where is the long-promised industry’s image and education campaign Kevin Clayton spoke of in during a video interview with Berkshire-friendly Robert Miles? Where is the GoRVing style campaign that MHI commissioned via what became the Roper Report 20 years ago? As Copilot recently observed: ‘the behavior of large companies can tarnish the image of an entire industry.’ There is thus an evidence-based case to be made, ironically based on this article by MHI’s Gooch and Bowersox, that MHI knows that the misbehavior of several of their major brands are harming the industry as a whole. Now, they want to posture that they are going to do something about it when MHI has given awards to members accused of predatory behavior? This pitch by MHI via MHInsider is industrial scale Orwellian doublespeak and doublethink on display.

While there is strong demand by consumers and exceptionally positive resident feedback, the growth of the land lease community sector is hindered by barriers, such as zoning, which limit the expansion of the model. Across the country, there are countless examples of state and local zoning, planning, and development restrictions that either severely limit or outright prohibit the placement of a new manufactured home or the development of a new community.

Note that nowhere in this article is the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 and its enhanced preemption provision mentioned, even though Lesli Gooch sent a letter (that may have been read by no one in power) to HUD while she was still an EVP. Cavco’s Bill Boor in 2023 raised this subject in testimony to Congress, so why won’t Gooch and Bowersox mention it in an article in MHInsider? The answer is suggested by the point that for years, neither MHInsider nor MHI’s website mentions “enhanced preemption” which Gooch claims (with little apparent sincerity) is MHI’s goal. MHI is demonstrably duplicitous. MHI’s IRS Form 990 claims are apparently a perjurious fraud. Thus, Samuel Strommen for Knudson Law and others have credibly accused MHI leaders of antitrust violations involving market manipulation that in Strommen’s view is an example of a “felony” violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. This is why MHProNews, affordable housing and manufactured home related posts on the Patch, MHLivingNews, MHARR, and the op-eds or press releases from those sources are routinely the only places online that such information is found. If MHI truly wanted to ‘elevate’ manufactured housing and land-lease community living, they would strictly enforce their code of ethical conduct. But there is no known evidence, per Copilot, that they have done so.  Google’s AI powered Gemini has said similarly. Given repeated opportunities to respond to such evidence backed claims and concerns, MHI’s leadership and attorneys have repeatedly declined to do so over a period of years.

The recent increased attention to manufactured housing has helped raise awareness about these barriers and MHI has expanded engagement with policymakers to address the barriers.

Even if true, which this analysis by MHProNews is obviously debunking, MHI’s own “contributed content” to MHInsider reveals how pathetically weak their effort is. Furthermore, who are they talking to with this post? A demonstrably small audience of mostly MHI-leaning industry pros. But such articles can be used potentially with public officials, by attorneys trying to defend against predatory behavior claims, and by publicly traded firms that may hope that potential or current investors believe this self-serving tripe.

Beyond federal-level advocacy to address barriers, partnerships with state associations and National Community Council members have allowed MHI to provide support for conversations at the state and local levels about expanding access to manufactured housing and land-lease communities. To do this work effectively, we constantly are updating the research and information MHI uses to provide the clearest picture, and dispel misconceptions or misperceptions about homes and communities our industry creates.

Again, even if this were true, the acid test is annual production levels not how many times MHI makes a pitch to some group.  In the business world, KPIs are objectives tests of performance.  In sports, it is the scoreboard, not intentions or self-praise, is how success is measured. It isn’t the number of shots taken, it is the number of points on the board that counts. In MHVille, those points on the board are the number of new homes sold, the number of times zoning board say yes not no, and the number of new communities being developed that are better measures of the industry’s health. By making much ado over their outreaches, MHI leaders are using a red-herring tactic of attempting to distract from the sad reality that their efforts don’t produce their claimed goals.

Furthermore, by working with our members, MHI has had the opportunity to bring manufactured homes and other dwellings our industry builds to events where policymakers are able to personally tour the homes, see the depth of quality housing our industry creates, and hear about the benefits of land-lease community living.

Same point as above. If this was working, then prior president and CEO of MHI, Richard “Dick” Jennison’s admission that 500,000 new homes a year is an attainable goal ought to be a reasonable benchmark. 500,000 new manufactured homes a year vs. less than 100,000 actual HUD Code manufactured home shipments average annually throughout the 21st century is a key test. By Jennison’s standard, presumably ok’d by Tim Williams, the industry is doing less than 20 percent of its potential. 1 out of 5 is a failing grade in any objective test scoring system.

Through constant and diligent engagement MHI strives to elevate and grow awareness and understanding of the vital role of manufactured housing and land-lease communities.

Blah, blah, blah. More self-serving fluff. More posturing, paltering, preening without performance.

Convene with Industry Colleagues

MHI’s work does not end with the policymakers. Providing support and resources for community owners to create high quality communities is equally as important as raising awareness with lawmakers. Through events like our National Communities Council forums in the Fall and Spring, MHI provides spaces and opportunities for community owners and operators to learn from one another, build connections, and improve their businesses.

Flagship Communities IR Pitch said that off-market opportunities for acquisitions is part of their business model. ‘Education’ is often just an excuse to bring together smaller and larger players where the consolidators may create a connection that results in yet another deal. If the “education was worth two cents, then why did the industry retreat in 2023 from sales levels in experienced the prior 6 years. The excuses used for that poor performance in 2023 were just that, excuses that anyone who knows manufactured housing history can quickly debunk. Often overlooked is the fact that during those higher demand years (2021 and 2022) Skyline Champion (for instance) kept several plants shuttered that might have been opened to keep the backlog shorter.

Year Production
2017 92,902
2018 96,555
2019 94,615
2020 94,390
2021 105,772
2022 112,882
2023 89,169

MHI’s 2024 National Communities Council Fall Leadership Forum will take place on Nov. 13-15 at the Westin Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Top-notch speakers will share real-world strategies that attendees can put into action now to strengthen their businesses. The program focuses on topics most relevant to manufactured home community leaders — owners, managers, manufacturers, service providers, brokers, lenders, and consultants.

MHI events are a profit center, per their form 990. The other purposes are to foster deal making, tax deductible fun, and purposes that have little to do with education and industry growth. Again, the proof is in the production levels and the all-too few numbers of new developments. Both ELS and Sun have made that clear in their respective IR pitches, so this isn’t speculation. It is their own claims.

Beyond events, MHI works to support communities through education programs. Through MHI’s two-part Accredited Community Manager education program, land-lease community owners, managers, and workers can expand their skills on a host of topics related to managing communities, from best practices for resident relations to federal and state laws that govern  community operations to budget analysis.

LOL! What bold nonsense. Anyone who believes that BS needs to read and re-read this article and the linked evidence until the scales fall off their eyes.

It is undeniable that manufactured housing communities play an important role in addressing the national housing crisis. As Rep. Marc Molinaro — (R) N.Y., put it when he toured manufactured homes on the National Mall in June…  “these homes build a community.”

As the only national trade association that represents every segment of the factory-built housing industry, MHI seeks to elevate housing innovation and expand attainable homeownership in America. At a time when policymakers on both sides of the political aisle and from all across the country are seeking ways to address the housing supply shortage, MHI welcomes the opportunity to support land lease community owners and operators by facilitating homeownership through manufactured housing for more people. Together, MHI and its members will harness the opportunities before and continue to elevate the industry to grow the market across the country.

Dr. Lesli Gooch is the CEO of the Manufactured Housing Institute, the national trade organization representing all aspects of the factory-built housing industries. Mark Bowersox is a seasoned trade association executive with experience leading nonprofits at both the state and national levels. In his role as president of the Manufactured Housing Institute he is dedicated to elevating housing innovation and expanding attainable homeownership. Bowersox is a federally registered lobbyist and regularly speaks on behalf of MHI and the industry to a variety of constituent groups and industry associations.

By trying to make themselves look so smart and good, one need not look beyond the KPI’s of performance, development, and mainstream media reports about manufactured housing to see that this is self-serving garbage is meant to create an “illusion of motion.” See the above, linked, and what follows.

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

1) On 10.16.2024 at about 5:05 PM ET, MHInsider has only 5 total reports visible for all of October. By comparison, MHProNews has more than 3 times that number of reports on the Daily Business News segment alone which are typically longer and more detailed, plus what we have published on MHLivingNews, the Masthead, and the Words of Wisdom. Additionally, there are similar numbers of articles published for the month on the Patch as there have been published on MHProNews’ Daily Business News. So, the MHInsider ‘trending now’ function is almost humorous because it is unnecessary. You can see at a glance what they have published, which are routinely short and fluffy content that is arguably meant to buttress their own image and that of MHI.




2) The definition for the Big Lie is as follows.





MHProNews has been spotlighting the use of the Big Lie by politicos and MHI linked insiders for years.



3) The reason that MHProNews has become the dominating trade media in manufactured housing is that we are both pro-industry but also pro-truth.  Part of the article linked here and further below said this.


Congratulations on the 15th Anniversary of MHProNews, and more specifically, congratulations to you for initiating, maintaining and preserving this important service, against all odds, for our great industry and our deserving consumers.

I say this because before you started MHProNews, our industry was in dire need of a hard-hitting, truth-seeking and truth-telling independent investigative journalist and publisher who would spend time to understand not only the complicated business structure of our industry, but also the complex regulatory and legal matters which distinguish it and drastically impact its members, while reporting such information accurately and objectively, regardless of who may be pleased or offended. This is quite important because, as an industry that is comprehensively regulated by federal, state and local governments, both industry members and consumers need and deserve this vital information.

You understood this need and acted accordingly by creating the MHProNews, and the rest is history.

Congratulations again,


Danny D. Ghorbani

Founder and First President & CEO of MHARR.

That has hardly been the only praise for this publication for doing the hard work of telling it like it is.




Click the image below and follow the prompts in your browser or device to see it in a larger size or click here which should open in a new window and then click that to see the largest size.



4) Why is it that MHI linked attorneys have in recent years stopped threatening MHProNews? Could it be that fact-checks like this, and their own prior words of praise make that threat difficult for them to prevail if they did sue us over demonstrably accurate and evidence-based reports with expert analysis? Apparently, Goch’s words below must mean that MHProNews/MHLivingNews has not disparaged “the Institute.”

Goch is a paid mouthpiece for MHI. This pull quote from a letter from Goch is fascinating. On the one hand, Goch says that MHI is working for the interests of all and they want all points of view. But then, Goch threatens in writing a then MHI member who dared question the association. They cannot have it both ways. Part of the irony is that in hindsight, as the evidence mounts, it becomes obvious that MHI has postured efforts for some 20+ years, since the start of the Berkshire era of manufactured housing began. Coincidence? Or just part of a broader plan that has benefited a few at great cost and harm to the many? ICYMI, or need a reminder, this message quoted above was to another SECO linked figure, Spencer Roane. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/manufactured-housing-institute-mhi-outside-attorney-david-gochs-statement-to-angry-threatening-member-speaks-volumes-plus-sunday-weekly-mhville-headlines-in-review/

5) See the linked reports to learn more. A special report is likely to be ready next week that will further explore MHI’s arguably equally bogus interview with Yardi-owned MHN.  Watch for it. Watch too for a new report based on economic researchers who demonstrate why manufactured housing could be doing many times its current level of performance. It is unlikely to be found anywhere else in MHVille trade media except here on MHProNews or later on MHLivingNews.





2024 Manufactured Housing Institute Policy Objectives Bared; Exploring Weasel Words vs Forthright Action; Apparently Contradictory Behaviors-Analysis; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

There is an evidence-based argument to be made that if several organic growth minded independents had organized what MHARR advocated in 2017, the industry today might be producing 500,000 new homes a year vs. perhaps around 100,000 new homes this year at the current pace. The MHARR study is still relevant.  It is never too late to start what should have been done years ago. https://manufacturedhousingassociationregulatoryreform.org/mharr-releases-study-recommending-independent-collective-representation-for-post-production-sector/

As a reminder, from now through perhaps the first week after the November 5, 2024 election, MHProNews plans to suspend the stock portion of our news report. With our time-consuming information and fact-packed efforts on the Patch, something had to give for a while. That said, our Daily Business News on MHProNews reports continue! Stay tuned for something that you won’t likely find anywhere else in MHVille trade media, here at your runaway number 1 source for “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” ©  ##






Indeed, Kelley has contributed to MHProNews numerous times over the years and whether it was intentional or not has had MHReview articles that commented on ‘industry politics” topics too. For instance, MHR published an article about Berkshire Hathaway unit manager Joanne Stevens, which without mentioning MHI, was clearly slamming them for what her article in MHR saw as a failure of industry preparation for obvious attacks on the industry. That said, to be fair and accurate and to Kelley and MHR’s credit, they do from time to time publish a MHARR article. Of course, those articles are routinely found days or weeks earlier on MHProNews along with analysis and commentary found nowhere else in MHVille. 

‘Young Adults Can’t Afford to Buy’ ‘Going from Ownership to Renters Society’ ‘From Free Citizens to Mere Subjects at Mercy of Powerful’ Elites Impact on Biz; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

LSC-Brief ‘Highlights Manufactured Housing Legal Pitfalls’ Suggests Protections ‘Insecurity’ in Manufactured Home Communities; Analysis Often Linked to Manufactured Housing Institute Firms

Whitehead on TechnoFascism-‘Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users’ ‘Nothing Good Comes from Allowing Govt to Sidestep U.S. Constitution;’ plus MHMarkets

“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” Trade media can and should be a ‘cheerleader’ when it is appropriate to do so. But authentic trade media also holds the powers that be to account. Who says? The American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach



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