Florida is a top state for manufactured housing (MH). Battles like this one will define the business climate for years to come. Don’t be surprised if some resident group, like MHAction, gets involved.
Don’t let past habits or lethargy lull you into complacence, because what happens in this looming Florida contest matters to business owners, MH industry professionals, residents, and investors.
Congressman Ron DeSantis beat Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam in the Florida Primary. Putnam received some digital ink from the Florida Manufactured Housing Association (FMHA) earlier this year, when he visited the Cavco production center in Plant City, FL.
Ag Commissioner, Gubernatorial Candidate Adam Putnam Tours Palm Harbor Plant
DeSantis modestly say in this first video that he’s “not the most popular guy” in D.C., due in part to his role in opposing the Congressional slush fund for paying off claims of sexual improprieties. So that race, in a state where about one in ten live in a pre-HUD Code mobile home, or a post Code manufactured home is an important one.
Both winners in the Florida gubernatorial primaries last night are big news.
Because the Democratic winner was endorsed by self-declared socialistic Senator Bernie Sanders. Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum Is the first black American who could become the governor of the Sunshine State. Gillum beat a rival with greater name recognition, and more money.
Gillum, like Senator Sanders, is also a self-declared socialist. Democrats will watch this development with mixed feelings.
Gillum’s GOP rival DeSantis trailed Putnam, up until President Donald J. Trump tweeted his support.

More recently, President Trump held a rally in Florida, and gave his full-throated endorsement. Putnam has pledged his support to DeSantis.
So yesterday’s winners have this in common. Each received the support of a “big name” – POTUS Trump and Senator Sanders. Each man won after they were initially expected to lose.
The business environment in Florida has been good under Governor Rick Scott, who also won, and will face off against incumbent Democratic Senator Bill Nelson in November. That too will be a tough fight, but the edge may be toward Rick Scott, who also enjoys the 45th president’s support. There are concerns in the Democratic camp about how Nelson has been doing in the polls.
Florida is one of the top states for manufactured housing in the nation. Factories for the majors and independents, and thousands of communities are here. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform’s list of top states is below, and lists Florida behind #1 Texas, and #2 Louisiana.
The Takeaways
The Daily Business News for several months has been reporting on the trend of rising support among millennials and others for socialism. This trade media platform has also been periodically reporting the meltdown in Venezuela, which matters because that’s socialism in action after just ten years.
There’s corruption around the globe, but it exists in socialist countries too. While socialist leaders dine well, Venezuelans are slowly starving. Over two million have fled the country.
It’s the subject that Bernie Sanders, who once praised Venezuela’s move to socialism, now wants to avoid.
The socialist Gillum will be pitted against the POTUS Trump supporting – and supported – Congressman Ron DeSantis.
For manufactured housing, it’s the question of someone who is pro-business and pro-growth, vs. someone who will try to tap the rising tide of socialist thinking among Democrats.
It’s serious. While DeSantis should win, as always, it will depend on turnout and avoiding stumbles. Expect President Trump to be here during the campaign.
With a socialist on the ballot facing off against a pro-Trump wingman, it could be a spirited debate. It should be an epic contest, one important for business leaders and investors to get engaged in. See the related reports, further below, for more details. “We Provide, You Decide.” ##
## (Manufactured housing related marketing & sales news, analysis, and commentary.)
(Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – Masthead commentary, for MHProNews.com.
Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
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