Epic, Historic, and Profitable Lessons-Pujo Committee Report, Woodrow Wilson’s Big Mistakes, Why It Matters to America with Compelling MHVille Facts-Analysis; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review


Knowing the truth of a subject can be practical and useful. In a normal economic scenario, for example, the truth can save money. The truth can earn someone more money. By contrast, half-truths or lies can be harmful or costly.  When that was put to left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot, it responded with about a 300-word answer that ended with: “In summary, truthfulness has practical and financial implications. While half-truths or lies may seem convenient initially, their long-term effects can be costly. Prudent choices involve embracing truth and transparency in all aspects of life.” Before this news-analysis dives into the headline themes of Woodrow Wilson’s big mistakes, the significant Pujo Committee report, and why these topics matter to America, efforts for affordable housing, a stronger economy, more opportunities for all Americans and MHVille, let’s dive into a focused Q&A on why a better understanding of history can be profitable and practical.

Part I


Copilot, in general terms, is it fair to say that the truth is useful to know? Would it be fair to say that knowing the truth can save money in some scenarios? Or knowing the truth can earn more money in the proper circumstances? Is it also accurate and prudent to think that a half truth or lie can have costly or damaging effects? Elaborate on those specific notions.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsCertainly! Let’s explore the significance of truth, its impact on financial outcomes, and the potential consequences of half-truths or lies:

  1. The Value of Truth:
    • Usefulness: Truth serves as a foundation for informed decisions. Knowing the truth allows us to navigate life more effectively.
    • Transparency: Honest communication fosters trust in relationships, whether personal or professional.
    • Learning and Growth: Acknowledging the truth enables learning, growth, and adaptation.
  2. Financial Implications:
    • Saving Money: Knowing the truth can indeed save money:
      • Consumer Decisions: Accurate information helps us choose wisely when making purchases. Avoiding scams or overpaying for goods and services is possible with truthful data.
      • Investments: In financial markets, accurate information about stocks, bonds, or real estate can lead to better investment decisions.
      • Insurance: Truthful disclosures when buying insurance prevent coverage gaps or claim denials.
    • Earning More Money:
      • Negotiations: In business or salary negotiations, truthfulness can lead to better outcomes. Honest representation of skills and qualifications enhances earning potential.
      • Business Reputation: Transparent businesses attract loyal customers, leading to long-term profitability.
  3. Half-Truths and Lies:
    • Costly Effects:
      • Financial Loss: A half-truth or lie can lead to poor investments, legal disputes, or financial penalties.
      • Damaged Reputation: False claims harm personal or corporate reputation, affecting future opportunities.
      • Legal Consequences: Fraudulent behavior can result in legal actions.
    • Emotional Toll:
      • Stress: Maintaining lies or half-truths creates stress and anxiety.
      • Broken Trust: Relationships suffer when trust is broken due to dishonesty.
  4. Prudence and Ethics:
    • Accuracy: Prudent individuals seek accurate information before making decisions.
    • Ethical Responsibility: Honesty is an ethical obligation. The impact of our words and actions extends beyond ourselves.

In summary, truthfulness has practical and financial implications. While half-truths or lies may seem convenient initially, their long-term effects can be costly. Prudent choices involve embracing truth and transparency in all aspects of life. 🌟 …”


Nicely said, and FWIW, I tend to agree. Okay, if truth is useful and good, and half-truths, lies or deliberate deceptions are bad, does that apply to history too? Can manipulating history be part of a strategy for those who aim to deceive in support of their own motives and agendas? Respond to those notions.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsCertainly! The manipulation of history is a complex and multifaceted topic, and it intersects with politics, power dynamics, and human memory. Let’s explore the implications:

  1. The Importance of Historical Truth:
    • Collective Memory: History shapes our collective memory and understanding of the past. It informs our identity, culture, and societal norms.
    • Learning from Mistakes: Honest historical accounts allow us to learn from past mistakes, avoid repeating them, and make informed decisions.
    • Accountability: Acknowledging historical truths holds individuals, institutions, and nations accountable for their actions.
  2. Manipulation of History:
    • Selective Narratives: Manipulating history involves emphasizing certain events, downplaying others, or presenting a biased narrative.
    • Political Agendas: Those in power may manipulate history to serve their interests:
      • Legitimization: Rulers may rewrite history to legitimize their authority or justify policies.
      • Nationalism: Nationalistic agendas often involve glorifying certain historical events while ignoring others.
      • Victimhood: Some groups use historical narratives to claim victimhood or seek reparations.
    • Erosion of Trust: Manipulation erodes trust in institutions, historians, and media.
  3. Examples of Manipulation:
    • Propaganda: Totalitarian regimes have historically used propaganda to control historical narratives.
    • Textbook Revisions: Educational materials can be altered to fit political ideologies.
    • Monuments and Memorials: The construction or removal of monuments reflects contested historical interpretations.
  4. Consequences:
    • Distorted Understanding: Manipulated history leads to a distorted understanding of the past.
    • Conflict: Competing historical narratives can fuel conflicts between nations or ethnic groups.
    • Loss of Identity: Erasing or altering history can lead to a loss of cultural identity.
    • Legacy: Future generations inherit the consequences of manipulated history.
  5. Guardians of Truth:
    • Historians: Their role is to seek truth, analyze evidence, and present balanced accounts.
    • Media: Responsible journalism ensures accurate reporting of historical events.
    • Education: Schools and universities play a crucial role in teaching unbiased history.
  6. Conclusion:
    • While history can be weaponized, it is also a powerful tool for understanding, empathy, and progress.
    • Vigilance against manipulation is essential for preserving historical truth and promoting a just society.

In summary, the manipulation of history can indeed serve deceptive motives and agendas. Recognizing this allows us to safeguard the integrity of historical narratives and learn from our shared past. 📚🌟


Define history and its importance. Then, react to this quotation from a former history teacher and then House Majority Whip James “Jim” Cyburn (SC-D) who said this on 2.29.2020: “We study history in order to understand the present and prepare for the future. Because anything that’s happened before can happen again.” Historian Howard Zinn, per AZ Quotes, stated: “George Orwell said, “Whoever controls the past controls the future,” by which he meant that history is incredibly important in shaping the world view of the next generation of people.” Elaborate on those notions.


BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsCertainly! Let’s delve into the concept of history, its significance, and react to the insightful quotations you’ve shared:

  1. Definition of History:
    • History refers to the study of past events, actions, and developments. It encompasses the collective record of human experiences, achievements, struggles, and transformations.
    • It includes both major historical events (such as wars, revolutions, and scientific discoveries) and everyday life (social, cultural, economic, and political aspects).
  2. Importance of History:
    • Understanding the Present:
      • History provides context for current events. By examining the past, we gain insights into the origins of societal structures, conflicts, and cultural norms.
      • It helps us understand how our present circumstances are shaped by historical decisions and actions.
    • Preparing for the Future:
      • The adage “anything that’s happened before can happen again” underscores the cyclical nature of history. Patterns repeat, and lessons learned inform our choices.
      • By studying historical successes and failures, we can anticipate challenges and make informed decisions.
    • Identity and Culture:
      • History shapes our collective identity. It defines who we are as individuals, communities, and nations.
      • Cultural heritage, traditions, and shared memories are rooted in historical narratives.
    • Accountability and Justice:
      • Acknowledging historical injustices (such as slavery, colonization, or genocide) is essential for reconciliation and progress.
      • Holding individuals and institutions accountable for past actions promotes justice.
    • Human Progress and Innovation:
      • Innovations build upon past knowledge. Understanding historical breakthroughs inspires new ideas.
      • Scientific, technological, and artistic advancements are part of our historical legacy.
  3. Quotations and Reactions:
    • James Clyburn’s Quote:
      • His statement emphasizes the practical value of history. Learning from the past equips us to navigate the complexities of the present and anticipate future challenges.
      • It underscores the cyclical nature of human behavior and societal patterns.
    • Howard Zinn’s Quote:
      • George Orwell’s assertion that “Whoever controls the past controls the future” highlights the power dynamics inherent in shaping historical narratives.
      • Controlling historical narratives influences how future generations perceive reality, values, and ideologies.
      • Historians play a critical role in preserving diverse perspectives and challenging dominant narratives.
  4. Conclusion:
    • History is not merely a collection of facts; it is a dynamic force that shapes our worldview, informs our decisions, and defines our legacy.
    • As we study history, we become active participants in the ongoing story of humanity.

In summary, history is a compass for understanding, learning, and shaping a better future. Let us continue to explore its depths and honor its lessons. 📚🌟


Per Quote Investigator: “Quote Investigator: In 1905 George Santayana published “The Life of Reason, or The Phases of Human Progress”. The twelfth chapter titled “Flux and Constancy In Human Nature” contained the following passage. Boldface added to excepts by QI:1 Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. In the first stage of life the mind is frivolous and easily distracted; it misses progress by failing in consecutiveness and persistence. This is the condition of children and barbarians, in whom instinct has learned nothing from experience. QI has found no closely matching statement in the writings of Edmund Burke. He did pen a thematically related remark in his 1790 book titled “Reflections on the Revolution in France”:2 People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.” That seems to make good sense, but respond to those notions.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsBoth George Santayana’s observation and Edmund Burke’s reflection underscore the profound role that history plays in shaping our present and future. Let’s delve into their insights:

  1. George Santayana’s Perspective:
    • Santayana’s statement emphasizes the interplay between change and retentiveness.
    • Change and Progress: While change is often associated with progress, he argues that true progress depends on retaining valuable experiences from the past.
    • Avoiding Repetition: Those who forget or ignore history are at risk of repeating past mistakes. The inability to learn from history leads to perpetual infancy, akin to savages.
    • Consecutiveness and Persistence: Progress requires a focused, persistent mind—one that builds upon past knowledge rather than discarding it.
  2. Edmund Burke’s Reflection:
    • Burke’s assertion that “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors” aligns with Santayana’s theme.
    • Ancestral Wisdom: Looking back to our ancestors provides wisdom, context, and continuity. Their experiences inform our choices.
    • Legacy and Responsibility: By honoring our past, we contribute to the legacy we leave for future generations.
    • Posterity: Our actions today shape the world for those who come after us. Understanding history guides our decisions.
  3. Implications:
    • Balancing Change and Tradition: Progress involves a delicate balance between innovation and respect for tradition.
    • Learning from the Past: History serves as a repository of human experiences—both triumphs and tragedies. It offers lessons for navigating the complexities of life.
    • Cultural Identity: Ancestral knowledge contributes to cultural identity. It connects us to our roots and heritage.
  4. Conclusion:
    • As we study history, we honor our ancestors, learn from their struggles, and build a better future.
    • Whether through Santayana’s retentiveness or Burke’s backward glance, the message remains clear: History is our compass, guiding us toward progress and wisdom. 🌟📚…”


Note that some would say that Howard Zinn, George Orwell, and James Clyburn were or are men operating from a leftist perspective. Orwell has been described as a disillusioned socialist, meaning what he embraced earlier in his life – over time – became a disappointment to him later in life. George Santayana and Edmund Burke are often figures revered by those on the center-right. MHProNews has often noted that anyone can express something that is true. This platform and MHLivingNews have for years made an effort to identify if a news source is from the left or right. Knowledge can be accumulative for those willing to pay attention to details. While we are known as critics of Warren Buffett, a man who has long supported leftist causes, we have acknowledged that some of his remarks are demonstrably insightful, even if they may have dark elements. We have also noted that some of Buffett’s son Peter’s remarks have essentially undermined the notion of his father’s purported philanthropy, which have been described as philanthro-feudalism, philanthro-capitalism, the charitable-industrial complex, and the philanthropic-industrial complex. Tying these lessons into history-minded Buffett’s obvious connection with manufactured housing has a practical value.

The fact that truth can be found on the left, center, and right is why the lesson of separating the wheat from the chaff is important. Over time, what is useful and good may or should become clearer.


As a source that is often seen as a Buffett critic, a question should be why? Why be critical about someone who is being celebrated this weekend in Omaha? Is Buffett saving capitalism or undermining it? That will be examined more carefully in a separate report planned for the near future. Stay tuned, it should be valuable.

But for now, just keep in mind what William “Bill” Gates III, a longtime Buffett ally in business, politics, and in so-called philanthropy (philanthro-feudalism, philanthro-capitalism) told left-leaning CNBC.

“I didn’t even want to meet Warren because I thought, ‘Hey this guy buys and sells things, and so he found imperfections in terms of markets, that’s not value added to society, that’s a zero-sum game that is almost parasitic.’ That was my view before I met him … he wasn’t going to tell me about inventing something,” Gates said at a conference. Pay close attention to each aspect of that remark.

  • Buffett found imperfections in markets
  • Buffett is not value added to society
  • Buffett is playing a zero-sum game that Gates described as “almost parasitic.”
  • According to the CDC: “A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host.”


Then, consider what a one-time self-described Buffett fan Robin Harding wrote about Buffett in the Financial Times.


8) Each aspect of the above (as well as much of what follows) is in several respects HISTORIC in nature and by definition. It is a look into the past to get a better understanding of the present, so we can better prepare for the future.


9) There are often ‘aha!’ or ‘eureka!’ moments in life.  A kind of epiphany when someone realizes something so profound that it may begin to shape their understanding of life in general and how it impacts their life in particular.  That point may come when someone’s is willing to question what they were told by some authority or even by a ‘trusted’ figure. Harding, for example, clearly admitted that he admired Buffett for some time. Then, apparently one or more realizations occurred, and his view of Buffett moved to being a Buffett critic instead of a Buffett acolyte. While an acolyte can have a religious meaning, an acolyte is defined by Merriam Webster like this: “one who attends or assists a leader : follower.”

Sometimes the authority, leader, or other individual will be proven correct if their thinking is challenged. At other times, it may be discovered that they were incorrect. Truth is often knowable and discernable. But in an era when the truth is often obscured by those who push an agenda, it is important to recognize that the truth of a subject ought to be tested.


10) Another person from the left that MHProNews/MHLivingNews has cited for years is actor-activist Danny Glover. Glover said in the course of his commentary for the acclaimed documentary drama, Shadows of Liberty, the following. Note that Glover reportedly served one a Buffett-funded nonprofit board.

Per Glover:  “It’s not only a monopoly of wealth it’s a monopoly on information as well.” – Control over capital access and a control over information, including historic insights, is part of how financial elites are exercising their power over much of the population and U.S. political processes.


11) While Buffett fans and members of firms such as Clayton Homes gather in Omaha to ‘celebrate’ him and his now late partner Charlie Munger, MHProNews notes that both Buffett and Munger have been decried as taking numerous immoral actions during their lives. History and details can help someone discover and discern insights that can be very valuable in navigating life. Think about that in the context of what Buffett himself said. Sometimes wealthy people say and do hypocritical things.




12) MHProNews asked Copilot to do the following.

> Copilot, scan this: https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/The-value-of-history-and-truth-v1-8.17-AM-5.5.2024.pdf and let me know if that is an accurate representation of those quoted elements of this Q&A (Chat) with you and then summarize the main points.

To which Copilot answered.


BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsI apologize, but I am unable to directly access external websites or scan specific URLs. However, if you provide the relevant content or quotes from the document, I’d be happy to summarize the main points based on the information you share! 📚🌟


Note to newer or longer-term readers of MHProNews. We began in May of 2023 doing tests with several AI chat tools and quickly settled on Bing’s AI system since rebranded as Copilot. For about a year, we have done tests that reveal the strengths and weaknesses of this system. Copilot has a disclaimer that says its results should be double checked. Frankly, Google should have a similar disclaimer about their search results in general, because both are left-leaning. Or so one is told per researchers like Dr. Robert Epstein – a self-described Democrat – and his team. What makes Epstein unique is he is willing to expose evidence that runs contrary to the interests of those politicos and their corporate supporters who he claims to have supported.

It would be great if information was not, as Copilot said: “weaponized.” But it has been and can be. It is therefore silly or reckless at best to ignore reality.



13) Because Copilot couldn’t scan the document that had the Q&A above, it was asked instead to sum up those numbers in that Q&A thread.

> Let’s do this then, summarize 9 of 30 through 12 of 30, please.


Certainly! Let’s summarize elements 9 through 12 of the document:

  1. The Importance of Historical Truth:
    • History serves as a foundation for informed decisions.
    • Honest historical accounts allow us to learn from past mistakes.
    • Acknowledging historical truths holds individuals and institutions accountable.
  2. Manipulation of History:
    • Manipulating history involves emphasizing certain events, downplaying others, or presenting a biased narrative.
    • Political agendas often drive historical manipulation.
    • The erosion of trust occurs when history is distorted.
  3. Examples of Manipulation:
    • Totalitarian regimes use propaganda to control historical narratives.
    • Educational materials can be altered to fit political ideologies.
    • The construction or removal of monuments reflects contested historical interpretations.
  4. Consequences:
    • Distorted understanding of the past affects decision-making.
    • Competing historical narratives can fuel conflicts.
    • Erasing or altering history leads to a loss of cultural identity.

In summary, history’s integrity matters, and manipulation has far-reaching effects on society, identity, and progress. 📚🌟


To be clear, MHProNews are critics of some key elements of what Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, or others we have quoted have said. It would be fair to say that our own understanding of elements of manufactured housing has evolved in the past 14 years, even though we had over 15 years of experience in the industry prior to launching what today is called MHProNews. Not to brag, but as a matter of background often cited after the end of a given report, this author is a multiple award winner in history. There are some things learned as a youth in history that over time has deepened and evolved. We live. We learn. If we retain what we learn and adapt as necessary, it is possible to avoid costly or time-consuming mistakes.


14) Manufactured housing has been operating at less than peak efficiency for decades. The affordable housing crisis has been a challenge for millions for essentially all of the 21st century. Some of the reports linked below in our review of the headlines for the week that was will clearly illustrate that Democrats and Republicans have been battling over ‘solutions’ to the affordable housing crisis – as well as other political and policy issues – for decades. Where is the learning process exemplified in that pattern? Each article tends to examine that question in the context of the specific topic.


15) It ought to be axiomatic that in order to solve the affordable housing crisis in our U.S. part of North America, millions more HUD Code manufactured homes need to be built.There are businesses willing to invest and build those homes, so long as they can have a reasonable expectation that some artificial roadblock doesn’t keep them from selling what has already been certified by the federal government by agents working under contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Meaning, so long as existing federal laws are respected and enforced, the free market could in theory achieve what politicians have been promising and talking about for decades.


16) But it is also apparent that this is not what is nor has been occurring. There is a rut, a cycle of self-defeating activities that must be exposed and to the extent possible ended based upon truth, common sense, and historic evidence.

This Sunday, the balance of the headline themes in the headline will be discussed in the Postscript (Part III) of this report and analysis.

With no further adieu, let’s dive into the headlines for the week that was from 4.28 to 5.5.2024


Part II Weekly Headlines Review (Recap)

What’s New on MHLivingNews





Statements to Congress by Kevin Clayton-Clayton Homes for Manufactured Housing Institute; John Bostick of Sunshine Homes on Behalf of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform



What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR




Sunday 4.28.2024




Part III – Woodrow Wilson’s Big Mistakes, Pujo Committee Report, Why It Matters to America and MHVille (Postscript) 

Keeping in mind the value of history learned in Part I and why the history that follows has actual impact on us today, consider the following about the Pujo Committee.

1) According to Investopedia: 

QuoteMarksLeftSideThe Pujo Committee was a congressional subcommittee that issued an influential report in 1913 concluding that a small group of plutocrats based in New York City had achieved virtual monopoly control over the American financial system.1

This group of business titans, which included some of the legendary business figures of the era, became known as the money trust.1


  • The Pujo Committee was a response to growing concern about the concentration of financial power in the hands of a few.
  • The committee concluded that these few exercised virtual monopoly power over the U.S. financial system.
  • Its findings led to several actions including the passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act.1

Understanding the Pujo Committee

Concerns about the concentration of financial power in the U.S. began to grow in the late 19th century with the rise of the “robber barons,” men who accumulated vast wealth and power by building dominant roles in banking, the railroads, oil, and other industries that were key to the nation’s growth.

Their names included J.P. Morgan, the banker, and William and John D. Rockefeller, founders of Standard Oil, among others.2

Per left-leaning Wikipedia: The report revealed that a handful of men held manipulative control of the New York Stock Exchange and attempted to evade interstate trade laws. The Pujo Report singled out individual bankers including Paul Warburg, Jacob H. Schiff, Felix M. Warburg, …” and others.


2) The St Louis Federal Reserve website says the following:

QuoteMarksLeftSideMoney Trust Investigation: Investigation of Financial and Monetary Conditions in the United States Under House Resolutions Nos. 429 and 504 Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, (1912-1913)”



3) The New York Times, Yale University, and scores of other sources cite the Pujo Committee report in the 21st century. Clearly, their investigation was not nor is not some piece of trivial information. So, interest in the Pujo report span the left-right divide.


4) From the U.S. National Archives in 2020 is the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideCongress and the Money Trust


Students study key evidence from the Progressive Era Pujo Committee investigation of the Money Trust that led Congress to pass the Clayton Anti-trust Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the Federal Reserve Act.


Students learn about Progressive Era reform by studying critical evidence from an important investigation. They study a diagram created for the congressional Pujo Committee in 1913 showing the interlocking directorships that prompted Congress to pass the Clayton Anti-trust Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, and Federal Reserve Act.


From 1890 – 1910 investment banks, such as J.P. Morgan and Co. gained a controlling interest in many major corporations. The banks influenced corporate decisions by exercising the authority to appoint members of the corporations’ boards of directors. By creating interlocking directorships and trusts (see the definition below) banks coordinated the activities of many companies to act in concert with the goals of the bank. This network was referred to as the “money trust,” and the public demanded that Congress get to the bottom of it. Were a few bankers running the whole economy?

The House Banking Committee, led by Chairman Arsene Pujo and investigator Samuel Untermyer investigated the Money Trust of investment bankers and exposed their network of economic influence. As a result of the Pujo Committee investigation, Congress passed the Clayton Anti-trust Act to ban interlocking directorships, created the Federal Trade Commission to oversee economic competition, and created the Federal Reserve to lessen the control of the Money Trust over the nation’s money supply. …”


5) Left leaning Wikipedia said that the money trust can be described as follows. “The main belief behind the concept of a money trust is that the majority of the world’s financial wealth and political power could be controlled by a powerful few.”


6) Investopedia says that defining the Money Trust: “The Pujo Committee concluded in 1913 that the U.S. financial system was controlled by a few plutocrats collectively known as the money trust.”


7) Note that the purpose of several new laws and a constitutional amendment purportedly enacted during the time of President Woodrow Wilson’s (D) administration were supposed to address the problems of wealth inequality, and problems with the U.S. financial system. More on that will be provided further below.


8) According to Public Intelligence, is the following introduction and analysis. Bold is added by MHProNews for emphasis, but the text is as in the original quoted.  Keep in mind that $22 billion then, per the Inflation Calculator: “$694.07 in Mar. 2024 equals $22 of buying power in 1913 (Average).” Meaning that $22 billion then would be worth some $694,070,000,000 in today’s depreciated dollars. That is nearly .7 trillion dollars. Here is the download of that Congressional report by the Pujo Committee.

For those who wish to understand the true nature of our current financial system, the Pujo Committee’s 1912-1913 investigation of the “Money Trust” is essential reading.  The Committee identified a concentrated group of Wall Street bankers who operated a sophisticated financial network unified by 341 interlocking directorships held in 112 corporations valued at more than $22 billion in resources and capitalization exerting significant control and influence over the U.S. economy and monetary system.  The companies and individuals comprising this network were primarily agents of the Morgan and Rockefeller banking empires which dominated U.S. finance following the “Industrial Revolution”.  The Committee names a number of prominent banking institutions as participating in this system including J.P. Morgan & Co., First National Bank of New York, Kuhn Loeb & Co. and individuals such as Paul Warburg, Jacob H. Schiff, Felix M. Warburg, Frank E. Peabody, William Rockefeller and Benjamin Strong, Jr.  Understanding this system of overlapping financial networks and how those networks were used to dominate utilities, railroads, banking and the U.S. financial infrastructure throughout much of the twentieth century is key to the proper analysis of our current economic situation and the influence that the “Money Power” wields over global politics.

9) MHProNews has previously introduced our readers to reports on the Gilded Age, the Robber Baron era, and the rise of antitrust law in the U.S. Understanding the past helps us to understand the present, as Copilot and those quoted authors reflected.




Teddy Roosevelt became a popular figure in part because he was a ‘trust buster.’
Uploaded on MHProNews on August 18, 2019.
Uploaded to MHProNews on December 21, 2018.


10) President Teddy Roosevelt is immortalized on Mount Rushmore due in part to the historic perception of Roosevelt as a “trust-buster.” As Wikipedia explains: “The term “antitrust” came from late 19th-century American industrialists’ practice of using trusts—legal arrangements where someone is given ownership of property to hold solely for another’s benefit—to consolidate separate companies into large conglomerates.”


11) Perception is not always reality, although sometimes perception includes some element of reality, which may be exaggerated. Our industry has been struggling for well over 20 years to recover to the levels that it last achieved in the mid-to-late 199os. It seems almost preposterous to imagine that before MHProNews and MHLivingNews created the following table, that MHI had not done so years before, made and kept it public and updated. Apparently, as Copilot has observed, MHI practices a kind of Orwellian memory hole method of communication (or lack thereof). Paltering is by definition sharing part of a truth, but not all of it.  At some point, it is necessary to look back and carefully examine how our industry – and our nation – got into this current pattern of a few financial giants that control much of the political, economic, media, big tech, and other related institutions when laws were enacted over a century ago that were supposed to disrupt and thwart these very consolidations of financial, information, and political power.


The first two months of 2024 yielded some 15,830 homes. If that pace was maintained through the year it would equal about 94,980 total new HUD Code manufactured homes in the U.S. That would be a pace similar to the years 2019-2020, and less than 2018, 2021 and 2022. That would also be about 72 percent lower than production in 1998.


So long as people don’t understand the origins of the problem, it is more difficult to solve them. Some very bright people have said as much. Otherwise, we as professionals are stuck in the rut of doing the same things in the same way and expecting a different result.




12) It took over a century to get the country into this current situation. It will take some time, hopefully not nearly that long, to correct the matters. It is plausible that much could be done in the next 5 to 10 years. But what is certain is that if understanding doesn’t expand and then that understanding isn’t acted upon, then our nation will find itself in the same or worse condition in 5 or 10 years than it is today.

13) As Scripture puts it, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live…” (Deuteronomy 30:19 RSV, BibleGateway). The NLT translation reads as follows: “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”

If we want and our children are to live better, we have to make better choices, day by day.


14) More on Pujo Committee Findings, per Wikipedia.

Concentration and control of money and credit

QuoteMarksLeftSideThe committee discovered that several forces, such as the consolidation of banks and interlocking directorates (small groups of the same men serving as directors on several different boards) had led to increased wealth accumulation of 42.9% of America’s total banking resources held by its twenty largest banks.[4]Furthermore, and surprisingly to the investigators, it was found that “180 individuals” covering “341 directorships in 112 corporations…[possessed] $22,245,000,000 in aggregate resources of capitalization.”[5] Finally, it was concluded that a system known counterintuitively as “Banking Ethics” restricted competition among banks and firms.

Despite the fact that lead attorney Samuel Untermyer had predetermined that no money trust would be found as part of the Investigation because “There is no agreement existing among these men that is in violation of the law”,[6] and despite the refusal of aid by the Comptroller of the Currency, the failure of the Senate to pass the bill to amend section 5241 of the Revised Statutes, and the lack of any authoritative decision by the courts sustaining the committee’s right to access the books of the national banks, the Pujo Committee Report concluded in 1913 that a community of influential financial leaders had gained control of major manufacturing, transportation, mining, telecommunications and financial markets of the United States.[clarification needed] The report revealed that at least eighteen different major financial corporations were under the control of a cartel led by J. P. MorganGeorge F. Baker and James Stillman. These three men, through the resources of seven banks and trust companies (Banker’s Trust Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Astor Trust Co., National Bank of Commerce, Liberty National Bank, Chase National Bank, Farmer’s Loan and Trust Co.) controlled an estimated $2.1 billion. The report revealed that a handful of men held manipulative control of the New York Stock Exchange and attempted to evade interstate trade laws.

The Pujo Report singled out individual bankers including Paul WarburgJacob H. SchiffFelix M. Warburg, Frank E. Peabody, William Rockefeller and Benjamin Strong, Jr. The report identified over $22 billion in resources and capitalization controlled through 341 directorships held in 112 corporations by members of the empire headed by J. P. Morgan.[4]

Although Pujo left Congress in 1913, the findings of the committee inspired public support for ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913 that authorized a federal income tax, passage of the Federal Reserve Act that same year, and passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914. The findings were also widely publicized in the Louis Brandeis book, Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It.

House of Morgan partners blamed the April 1913 death of Morgan on the stress of testifying in the Pujo hearings, though other health factors were certainly involved.

With that background, and from what follows, the documentary “Shadow Ring” (posted above) will make more sense. It will also help debunk any concerns about the expression YouTube labeled this with, the “New World Order,” because this isn’t based on some far out conspiracy theory, but is rather based on sound history and evidence. While there might be (as in any article, video, production of whatever kind) tweaked or improved, it is a solid presentation of information that is often overlooked or misunderstood. Keep in mind that Presidents Obama (D), Bush 41 (R) and now Joe Biden (D) were among those that had the term “New World Order” were used by them and/or were applied to their respective work.


15) To illustrate that point and build upon it, consider this from left-leaning Copilot.

Who are the U.S. presidents that have used the term New World Order or some phrase that expressed a similar notion?

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsThe term “new world order” has been used by several U.S. presidents in different contexts throughout history. Here are some notable instances:

  1. Woodrow Wilson:
  1. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman:
  1. Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush:
  1. Joe Biden:

In summary, the concept of a “new world order” has been invoked by various U.S. presidents to describe shifts in global dynamics, cooperation, and the pursuit of peace and stability. Each context reflects the challenges and aspirations of its time. 🌎🌟 …”


16) So, with those insights it will be interesting to note how these historic items shed light on the feature movie-length documentary posted below.  For those who have carefully read the above what follows may produce several ‘aha!’ moments.



17) A Look at Woodrow Wilson “Progressive” Plan and Lessons Learned

President Woodrow “Wilson thought that Progressives needed to use the power of government to implement solutions to new social and economic problems,” says the DigitalCommons.Salve.edu.

According to WoodrowWilsonHouse.org: “Wilson’s Presidency both overlapped with and was in many ways definitive of the politics of the Progressive Era (approx. 1890-1920).  The term “Progressive” was broadly defined, encompassing a wide array of policies and ideologies – often in contradiction with one another – which sought to mitigate social and economic inequalities at the turn-of-the-20thcentury.  The era witnessed the rapid expansion and overcrowding of cities, inadequate housing, unregulated labor, poor public health, farmer indebtedness and sharecropping – especially for southern Blacks, child labor, and the emergence of a wealth gap in which 1% of Americans owned nearly 90% of the nation’s wealth. While their solutions differed and often conflicted, Progressives shared the view that a proactive, expanded government was necessary to fix society’s ills.”

The impact of Wilson on the presidency, the federal government, and thus American society was profound, as the next quotes from UVA’s Miller Center explain. When you think about housing, economic policy, and what the federal government should be doing, it may be easy to miss why someone long dead should still matter to Americans today, but covering this history is useful for those who will do like Warren Buffett and take the time to do it, grasp it, and learn from it.

“Woodrow Wilson’s presidency fulfilled much of the progressive reform agenda and laid the foundations of the modern activist presidency.” “…Wilson’s administration fundamentally altered the nature and character of the presidency, despite his immediate successors’ return to the caretaker model of the presidency.”

“Before setting forth his agenda, Wilson consulted extensively with congressional leaders to ensure that his programs would be dealt with sympathetically when Congress considered them. In April 1913, at the opening of a special session of Congress called by the president to consider tariff reform, Wilson appeared personally before a joint session of the House and Senate to explain his program. His speech made headlines because no president had addressed Congress personally since John Adams, and it demonstrated that Wilson intended to play a dominant role in policy making.”

Crusade for Reform: Tariffs, Banking, and Anti-Trust Regulations

Wilson came into the White House like a “priestly visionary,” intent on expanding economic opportunity for people at the bottom of society and eliminating special privileges enjoyed by the nation’s richest and most powerful citizens.

What the above pull quotes fail to mention is that Wilson, a Democrat, was arguably a racist. While he purported to care about the people at the bottom rungs of society, changes that came with his agenda often harmed the very souls that they claimed would be beneficial for the poor and lower income groups. Additionally, while Wilson pitched a new vision for the federal government with expanded powers, new forms of taxation, and a government increasingly run by bureaucrats, even a casual reading of history reveals that much of what Wilson launched failed to attain their lofty goals in his era or since.

For readers, researchers, or those that may want to check the transcript to the “Racist Progressive: Woodrow Wilson – Forgotten History” video below is, it is found at this link here.

18) Back to UVA’s Miller Center account of President Wilson by Saladin Ambar.

QuoteMarksLeftSideWilson focused first on tariff reform, pushing through Congress the Underwood-Simmons Act, which achieved the most significant reductions in rates since the Civil War. He argued that high tariffs created monopolies and hurt consumers, and his lower tariffs were especially popular in the South and West. The act offset lost revenue by providing for a small, graduated income tax as authorized by the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted on February 25, 1913, before Wilson took office.

Next, Wilson tackled the currency problem and banking reform. Since the Civil War, Democrats and agrarians had wanted a more flexible money supply and system of banking that would allow adjustments in the amount of money and credit available in times of economic expansion or crisis. By the early twentieth century, bankers and businessmen had also begun to demand reform. After the Panic of 1907 (the third such in many American’s lifetime), a special congressional investigating committee, the Pujo Committee, demonstrated to the American public the extent to which a handful of banks and corporations controlled the nation’s wealth. Reformers wanted a strong federal system that would regulate credit and oversee the nation’s currency.

In response to the demand for reform, Wilson pushed for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which established twelve regional reserve banks controlled by the Federal Reserve Board, a new federal agency whose members were appointed by the president. This new federal system could adjust interest rates and the nation’s money supply. Because it was authorized to issue currency based on government securities and “commercial paper” (the loans made to businesses by banks), the amount of money in circulation would expand or contract with the business cycle.

Additionally, the Federal Reserve was empowered to adjust the interest rates, or the discount rate, charged to its member banks for money deposited in the branch reserve banks, which would indirectly control the interest rates that banks charged their borrowers. The new system could also set the amount of money banks would have to hold as an offset against deposits (the reserve requirement), thus establishing a reserve fund for times of economic crisis. This act, won through considerable compromise between agrarian and banking interests, was probably the most important domestic achievement of the Wilson administration, one that still provides the framework for regulating the nation’s banks, credit, and money supply.

Wilson’s support of the Clayton Antitrust Act, which Congress passed in 1914, endeared him to labor and farmers because it excluded their organizations from antitrust prosecution under the Sherman Antitrust Act. It also fulfilled a 1912 campaign promise by prohibiting some anti-competitive business practices, such as price-fixing and interlocking directorates (in which the same people sit on the executive boards of competing companies in one industry). This act complemented the Federal Trade Commission law passed the same year, which created a new government board appointed by the president and empowered to investigate and publicize corrupt, unfair, or anti-competitive business practices. When Congress created a separate cabinet-level Department of Labor on March 4, 1913, Wilson strengthened his support among progressives by appointing a former union official, William Wilson, as secretary of labor.

In 1916, Wilson nominated Louis Brandeis, a staunch progressive who had fought in court against the exploitation of women and children workers, to the Supreme Court. He was the first Jewish justice on the Court. Following Brandeis’s nomination, Wilson supported improved credit for farmers and workers’ compensation for federal employees. He then pushed through a law to eliminate child labor, but the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1918. When American railroad unions threatened to strike in 1916, Wilson supported and signed into law a bill securing an eight-hour workday for railroad employees—the Adamson Act, which paved the way to shortened workdays for all industrial workers.

In one area of reform, Wilson disappointed some of his supporters. In the 1912 election, Wilson appealed to African Americans to support his candidacy, and many did, inspired by the New Freedom platform that touted social justice and opportunity for all Americans. Once in office, however, President Wilson allowed members of his cabinet to introduce segregation into federal departments such as the Post Office and the Treasury Department. Wilson approached equality between whites and blacks in a way that was consistent with his Southern background; he was not an advocate for racial equality and claimed that segregation reduced friction between blacks and whites working together. African Americans protested the separation of blacks from whites in restrooms, cafeterias, and offices in the federal government through letters, petitions, and mass meetings but many African Americans who worked in the federal government were downgraded and discharged during Wilson’s administration. The president also did little to calm racial tensions in the United States that worsened with the migration of African Americans from the South to Northern cities and the end of World War I beyond issuing a proclamation against lynching and mob violence in 1918.

Federal Wartime Authority

Historians describe World War I as the first “total war” because it demanded the mobilization of belligerents’ entire societies and economies. However, because the United States entered the war three years after it began and fought for just over a year, the effects on the United States were less severe than for the other participants. Nevertheless, the war forced Wilson to set aside much of his reform agenda and encouraged at least the temporary centralization of power in Washington.

On the whole, the administration was able to manage mobilization by creating special agencies that were staffed largely by volunteers and functioned only for the duration of the war. For example, Wilson established a War Industries Board in 1917 under the direction of Bernard Baruch, a wealthy New York stock market investor, to coordinate industrial production. Baruch had little legal authority but was so skillful at persuasion that industrial production increased by 20 percent.

Wilson also appointed Herbert Hoover, a prominent mining engineer famous for his success in coordinating a massive relief program for German-occupied Belgium in the early years of the war, as national Food Administrator. Hoover, who later became the thirty-first president of the United States, promoted voluntary conservation of food with “Meatless Mondays,” “Wheatless Wednesdays,” and “war gardens.”; But Hoover’s most important achievement was in persuading farmers to expand production so rapidly that the United States was able not only to feed its own civilian and military populations, but to supply much of the food for the European Allies as well. The Food Administration also included a Fuel Administration, which encouraged fuel conservation by such methods as the introduction of daylight saving time.

Similar special agencies and boards supervised aircraft and ship building, acquired and operated merchant vessels to ship men and supplies to Europe, and ran a massive labor exchange program that matched workers and jobs around the country. The labor system achieved nearly full employment and good wages, and the unions cooperated by promising not to strike during the emergency. Union membership increased from 2.7 million to more than 4 million by 1919.

Not everything went smoothly, of course. Ship and aircraft construction programs never really got going before the end of the war, and both were plagued with inefficiency and minor financial scandals. The antiquated railroad system, upon which the country was almost completely dependent for moving people and goods, broke down completely in the winter of 1917-1918 and had to be nationalized for the duration of the war. The armed services drafted nearly four million men, but the British and French mostly provided weapons, uniforms, and transportation for the two million sent to Europe because American factories were unable to get into full production quickly enough.“


19) As we have routinely said, quoting a source doesn’t mean that we concur with each and every thing that source said or did. In fact, we may disagree with several aspects of what a source has expressed. That said, as we noted in the preface and Part I, to truly understand the present, at least a basic understanding of the past is required. One of the best explanations for that is by a former historian turned Congressional leader, and here is how he said it.


“We study history in order to understand the present and prepare for the future. Because anything that’s happened before can happen again.” That was on 2.29.2020 per a televised remark. One may or may not agree with Rep. James “Jim” Clyburn’s politics. But the wisdom of this statement by Clyburn is demonstrably true.


20) Note that left-leaning Wikipedia said this about tariffs. “Tariffs were the greatest (approaching 95% at times) source of federal revenue until the federal income tax began after 1913. For well over a century the federal government was largely financed by tariffs averaging about 20% on foreign imports.” Oxford Languages defines a tariff this way: “a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.”

Millions of Americans may have a difficult time picturing a national government that operated without an income tax. Yet, as Wikipedia notes, until Wilson pushed through the Congress the graduated income tax made possible by the purported adoption of the 16th Amendment, tariffs were how federal spending was generally paid. More on that below.




A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism. Karl Marx Quote AZ QuoteMHProNews


21) It should be noted that while the federal government was smaller pre-Wilson and was often mostly paid for by tariffs, there was very little federal debt.  Per USGovernmentSpending.com is the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideRight now the Gross Federal Debt is $34,563,348,818,204.50.

At the end of FY 2023 the debt was $32.99 trillion, or 119.5% GDP.
The previous highest federal debt in US history was 119.0% GDP in 1946 just after World War II.”



According to TheStreet: “In first 50 years or so following the Civil War, the national debt generally fluctuated between $1.5 billion and $2.5 billion.” Meaning, under the pre-Wilsonian system that focused on tariffs and fees as the primary way to pay for the federal government, there was by modern measures almost no federal debt.


22)  Here is the data from the U.S. Treasury.gov website.

Fiscal Data US Treasury.gov
Federal Debt Fiscal Calander
Record Date Outstanding in Dollars Year Year
1/1/1790 $71,060,508.50 1790 1790
1/1/1791 $75,463,476.52 1791 1791
1/1/1792 $77,227,924.66 1792 1792
1/1/1793 $80,358,634.04 1793 1793
1/1/1800 $82,976,294.35 1800 1800
1/1/1801 $83,038,050.80 1801 1801
1/1/1802 $80,712,632.25 1802 1802
1/1/1803 $77,054,686.40 1803 1803
1/1/1804 $86,427,120.88 1804 1804
1/1/1805 $82,312,150.50 1805 1805
1/1/1806 $75,723,270.66 1806 1806
1/1/1807 $69,218,398.64 1807 1807
1/1/1808 $65,196,317.97 1808 1808
1/1/1809 $57,023,192.09 1809 1809
1/1/1810 $53,173,217.52 1810 1810
1/1/1811 $48,005,587.76 1811 1811
1/1/1812 $45,209,737.90 1812 1812
1/1/1813 $55,962,827.57 1813 1813
1/1/1814 $81,487,846.24 1814 1814
1/1/1815 $99,833,660.15 1815 1815
1/1/1816 $127,334,933.74 1816 1816
1/1/1817 $123,491,965.16 1817 1817
1/1/1818 $103,466,633.83 1818 1818
1/1/1819 $95,529,648.28 1819 1819
1/1/1820 $91,015,566.15 1820 1820
1/1/1821 $89,987,427.66 1821 1821
1/1/1822 $93,546,676.98 1822 1822
1/1/1823 $90,875,877.28 1823 1823
1/1/1824 $90,269,777.77 1824 1824
1/1/1825 $83,788,432.71 1825 1825
1/1/1826 $81,054,059.99 1826 1826
1/1/1827 $73,987,357.20 1827 1827
1/1/1828 $67,475,043.87 1828 1828
1/1/1829 $58,421,413.67 1829 1829
1/1/1830 $48,565,406.50 1830 1830
1/1/1831 $39,123,191.68 1831 1831
1/1/1832 $24,322,235.18 1832 1832
1/1/1833 $7,001,698.83 1833 1833
1/1/1834 $4,760,082.08 1834 1834
1/1/1835 $33,733.05 1835 1835
1/1/1836 $37,513.05 1836 1836
1/1/1837 $336,957.83 1837 1837
1/1/1838 $3,308,124.07 1838 1838
1/1/1839 $10,434,221.14 1839 1839


$3,573,343.82 1840 1840
1/1/1841 $5,250,875.54 1841 1841
1/1/1842 $13,594,480.73 1842 1842
1/1/1843 $20,201,226.27 1843 1843
7/1/1843 $32,742,922.00 1843 1843
7/1/1844 $23,461,652.50 1844 1844
7/1/1845 $15,925,303.01 1845 1845
7/1/1846 $15,550,202.97 1846 1846
7/1/1847 $38,826,534.77 1847 1847
7/1/1848 $47,044,862.23 1848 1848
7/1/1849 $63,061,858.69 1849 1849
7/1/1850 $63,452,773.55 1850 1850
7/1/1851 $68,304,796.02 1851 1851
7/1/1852 $66,199,341.71 1852 1852
7/1/1853 $59,803,117.70 1853 1853
7/1/1854 $42,242,222.42 1854 1854
7/1/1855 $35,586,956.56 1855 1855
7/1/1856 $31,972,537.90 1856 1856
7/1/1857 $28,699,831.85 1857 1857
7/1/1858 $44,911,881.03 1858 1858
7/1/1859 $58,496,837.88 1859 1859
7/1/1860 $64,842,287.88 1860 1860
7/1/1861 $90,580,873.72 1861 1861
7/1/1862 $524,176,412.13 1862 1862
7/1/1863 $1,119,772,138.63 1863 1863
7/1/1864 $1,815,784,370.57 1864 1864
7/1/1865 $2,680,647,869.74 1865 1865
7/1/1866 $2,773,236,173.69 1866 1866
7/1/1867 $2,678,126,103.87 1867 1867
7/1/1868 $2,611,687,851.19 1868 1868
7/1/1869 $2,588,452,213.94 1869 1869
7/1/1870 $2,480,672,427.81 1870 1870
7/1/1871 $2,353,211,332.32 1871 1871
7/1/1872 $2,253,251,328.78 1872 1872
7/1/1873 $2,234,482,993.20 1873 1873
7/1/1874 $2,251,690,468.43 1874 1874
7/1/1875 $2,232,284,531.95 1875 1875
7/1/1876 $2,180,395,067.15 1876 1876
7/1/1877 $2,205,301,392.10 1877 1877
7/1/1878 $2,256,205,892.53 1878 1878
7/1/1879 $2,349,567,482.04 1879 1879
7/1/1880 $2,120,415,370.63 1880 1880
7/1/1881 $2,069,013,569.58 1881 1881
7/1/1882 $1,918,312,994.03 1882 1882
7/1/1883 $1,884,171,728.07 1883 1883
7/1/1884 $1,830,528,923.57 1884 1884
7/1/1885 $1,863,964,873.14 1885 1885
7/1/1886 $1,775,063,013.78 1886 1886
7/1/1887 $1,657,602,592.63 1887 1887
7/1/1888 $1,692,858,984.58 1888 1888
7/1/1889 $1,619,052,922.23 1889 1889
7/1/1890 $1,552,140,204.73 1890 1890
7/1/1891 $1,545,996,591.61 1891 1891
7/1/1892 $1,588,464,144.63 1892 1892
7/1/1893 $1,545,985,686.13 1893 1893
7/1/1894 $1,632,253,636.68 1894 1894
7/1/1895 $1,676,120,983.25 1895 1895
7/1/1896 $1,769,840,323.40 1896 1896
7/1/1897 $1,817,672,665.90 1897 1897
7/1/1898 $1,796,531,995.90 1898 1898
7/1/1899 $1,991,927,306.92 1899 1899
7/1/1900 $2,136,961,091.67 1900 1900
7/1/1901 $2,143,326,933.89 1901 1901
7/1/1902 $2,158,610,445.89 1902 1902
7/1/1903 $2,202,464,781.89 1903 1903
7/1/1904 $2,264,003,585.14 1904 1904
7/1/1905 $2,274,615,063.84 1905 1905
7/1/1906 $2,337,161,839.04 1906 1906
7/1/1907 $2,457,188,061.54 1907 1907
7/1/1908 $2,626,806,271.54 1908 1908
7/1/1909 $2,639,546,241.04 1909 1909
7/1/1910 $2,652,665,838.04 1910 1910
7/1/1911 $2,765,600,606.69 1911 1911
7/1/1912 $2,868,373,874.16 1912 1912
7/1/1913 $2,916,204,913.66 1913 1913
7/1/1914 $2,912,499,269.16 1914 1914
7/1/1915 $3,058,136,873.16 1915 1915
7/1/1916 $3,609,244,262.16 1916 1916
7/1/1917 $5,717,770,279.52 1917 1917
7/1/1918 $14,592,161,414.00 1918 1918
7/1/1919 $27,390,970,113.12 1919 1919
7/1/1920 $25,952,456,406.16 1920 1920
6/30/1921 $23,977,450,552.54 1921 1921
6/30/1922 $22,963,381,708.31 1922 1922
6/30/1923 $22,349,707,365.36 1923 1923
6/30/1924 $21,250,812,989.49 1924 1924
6/30/1925 $20,516,193,887.90 1925 1925
6/30/1926 $19,643,216,315.19 1926 1926
6/30/1927 $18,511,906,931.85 1927 1927
6/30/1928 $17,604,293,201.43 1928 1928
6/29/1929 $16,931,088,484.10 1929 1929
6/30/1930 $16,185,309,831.43 1930 1930
6/30/1931 $16,801,281,491.71 1931 1931
6/30/1932 $19,487,002,444.13 1932 1932
6/30/1933 $22,538,672,560.15 1933 1933
6/30/1934 $27,053,141,414.48 1934 1934
6/29/1935 $28,700,892,624.53 1935 1935
6/30/1936 $33,778,543,493.73 1936 1936
6/30/1937 $36,424,613,732.29 1937 1937
6/30/1938 $37,164,740,315.45 1938 1938
6/30/1939 $40,439,532,411.11 1939 1939
6/29/1940 $42,967,531,037.68 1940 1940
6/30/1941 $48,961,443,535.71 1941 1941
6/30/1942 $72,422,445,116.22 1942 1942
6/30/1943 $136,696,090,329.90 1943 1943
6/30/1944 $201,003,387,221.13 1944 1944
6/30/1945 $258,682,187,409.93 1945 1945
6/28/1946 $269,422,099,173.26 1946 1946
6/30/1947 $258,286,383,108.67 1947 1947
6/30/1948 $252,292,246,512.99 1948 1948
6/30/1949 $252,770,359,860.33 1949 1949
6/30/1950 $257,357,352,351.04 1950 1950
6/29/1951 $255,221,976,814.93 1951 1951
6/30/1952 $259,105,178,785.43 1952 1952
6/30/1953 $266,071,061,638.57 1953 1953
6/30/1954 $271,259,599,108.46 1954 1954
6/30/1955 $274,374,222,802.62 1955 1955
6/30/1956 $272,750,813,649.32 1956 1956
6/30/1957 $270,527,171,896.43 1957 1957
6/30/1958 $276,343,217,745.81 1958 1958
6/30/1959 $284,705,907,078.22 1959 1959
6/30/1960 $286,330,760,848.37 1960 1960
6/30/1961 $288,970,938,610.05 1961 1961
6/30/1962 $298,200,822,720.87 1962 1962
6/30/1963 $305,859,632,996.41 1963 1963
6/30/1964 $311,712,899,257.30 1964 1964
6/30/1965 $317,273,898,983.64 1965 1965
6/30/1966 $319,907,087,795.48 1966 1966
6/30/1967 $326,220,937,794.54 1967 1967
6/30/1968 $347,578,406,425.88 1968 1968
6/30/1969 $353,720,253,841.41 1969 1969
6/30/1970 $370,918,706,949.93 1970 1970
6/30/1971 $398,129,744,455.54 1971 1971
6/30/1972 $427,260,460,940.50 1972 1972
6/30/1973 $458,141,605,312.09 1973 1973
6/30/1974 $475,059,815,731.55 1974 1974
6/30/1975 $533,189,000,000.00 1975 1975
6/30/1976 $620,433,000,000.00 1976 1976
9/30/1977 $698,840,000,000.00 1977 1977
9/30/1978 $771,544,000,000.00 1978 1978
9/30/1979 $826,519,000,000.00 1979 1979
9/30/1980 $907,701,000,000.00 1980 1980
9/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00 1981 1981
9/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00 1982 1982
9/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00 1983 1983
9/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00 1984 1984
9/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00 1985 1985
9/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42 1986 1986
9/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00 1987 1987
9/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16 1988 1988
9/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32 1989 1989
9/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25 1990 1990
9/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03 1991 1991
9/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66 1992 1992
9/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 1993 1993
9/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 1994 1994
9/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39 1995 1995
9/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73 1996 1996
9/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34 1997 1997
9/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62 1998 1998


$5,656,270,901,615.43 1999 1999
9/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86 2000 2000
9/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06 2001 2001
9/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16 2002 2002
9/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62 2003 2003
9/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32 2004 2004
9/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50 2005 2005
9/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23 2006 2006
9/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48 2007 2007
9/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.40 2008 2008


$11,909,829,003,511.70 2009 2009
9/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.70 2010 2010
9/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.10 2011 2011
9/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.80 2012 2012
9/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.30 2013 2013
9/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.80 2014 2014
9/30/2015 $18,150,617,666,484.30 2015 2015
9/30/2016 $19,573,444,713,936.70 2016 2016
9/30/2017 $20,244,900,016,053.50 2017 2017
9/30/2018 $21,516,058,183,180.20 2018 2018
9/30/2019 $22,719,401,753,433.70 2019 2019
9/30/2020 $26,945,391,194,615.10 2020 2020
9/30/2021 $28,428,918,570,048.60 2021 2021
9/30/2022 $30,928,911,613,306.70 2022 2022
9/30/2023 $33,167,334,044,723.10 2023 2023


The U.S. is racking up more debt in a matter of months that it generated from the founding of the Republic to 9/30/1981. 

Yet, with all that debt, we have tremendous social, economic, political – and yes, housing – problems.


23) Democratic President Wilson, as this history revealed, made promises to Blacks that were not kept.  As this report reflects, Wilson was a purported racist. How sincere was his promises to Blacks?

As reports on MHLivingNews and MHProNews shown above reveal, more recent promises made to Blacks and other minorities have not been kept.  As MHProNews has previously reported, even Biden’s now ‘vice president’ – back during the 2020 campaign – then Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) essentially accused Biden of being a racist. How sincere were Biden’s promises to Blacks and minorities?

There are tremendous gaps in the proper historic understanding of much of modern American history. There are many contributing factors to that problematic reality. But these periodic reports aim to fill those gaps so people can become better informed voters and advocates.

24) As some past and recent posts reflect, federal officials from both major parties have all but said that the causes for the nation’s housing woes are well known.  Home ownership is one of the best-known methods of household wealth creation. Manufactured homes, said then HUD Secretary Ben Carson, M.D. said.


Then HUD Secretary Ben Carson, M.D., quote is from the official comments as prepared, per the HUD website, on May 7, 2019. So, keep in mind that those costs per square foot for conventional housing and manufactured homes have risen since then. But the savings rate is about the same.


25) This historic snapshot will serve as a future reference point that manufactured housing associations and others who are involved in manufactured housing should consider using as a reference. There are apparent patterns of behavior that need to be understood. Federal politicos have often made promises that have gone unkept.  Until existing federal laws that aimed to benefit manufactured housing are properly implemented, it is foolish at best, or corrupt at worst, to propose passing reams of new legislation as MHI has recently suggest should be done.


26) The so-called progressive era has in several respects proven to be an illusion.  So-called wealth inequality is back with a vengeance.  The safeguard supposedly enacted by Wilson have proven to be ineffective, and in some ways, may have given cover to the very people they were supposed to reign in. Meanwhile, the income tax that Wilson kicked in has served to cost lower and middle-income Americans mountains of money over the years. Instead of being a tax on the rich, they eventually became a means of hobbling the earning power of lower- and middle-income Americans.


27) Keep in mind our opening insight from Copilot. “In summary, truthfulness has practical and financial implications. While half-truths or lies may seem convenient initially, their long-term effects can be costly. Prudent choices involve embracing truth and transparency in all aspects of life.”

MHProNews will do a follow up on this report. But in the meantime, dig deeper in these issues, which shed light that most media today won’t take the time or effort to express. Several manufactured housing industry specific reports are coming in the days ahead. Watch for them from the manufactured home “Industry’s News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © top source for “Intelligence for your MHLife” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” ©


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No one connects the dots in MHVille like MHProNews and MHLivingNews. Who says? Competitors. Manufactured home industry outsiders, but also from MHVille insiders.






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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


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