A rut has been defined as an open-ended grave.
Habits can be useful, and good habits are necessary in one’s personal and professional life.
But problematic habits are a rut. They may be comfortable, at least until the walls of the rut finally weaken and collapse.
If a collapsed wall of a rut is deep enough, if not escaped in time, that open-ended rut can become a grave.
The Challenge of Contemporary MH News…
The challenge of a pro-industry, pro-consumer trade journalist in manufactured housing today can be summed up like this. In an obviously
Furthermore, in case an insufficient number of the core audience fails to awaken from the sleep-walk of a potentially deadly rut, one must attract a new professional- and investor-audience that ‘gets it.’ Experience has shown that newcomers have at times rapidly lapped sleepwalkers, who by definition, are not performing to their potential.
That’s transparency.
Our site statistics, other third-party insights, and other metrics tell us we are successful in a variety of ways at threading those needles.
For example, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) – which claims to professionally represent all aspects of factory-built housing – says there are some 40,000 people working in the manufactured home industry. That seems like a low figure, for common sense reasons. The graphic below explains one of many reasons we think that MHI is ‘wrong again’ on claimed ‘facts.’
So, with it understood that some 40,000 (+/-) are working full-time in our industry, and knowing that every day north of 11,000 unique visitors are logging onto MHProNews, and they read an average of about 4½ articles each, that tells you just how powerful our market penetration is.
No data set is perfect. But the vast majority of those professional readers here – third-party data, messages, calls, and common-sense all suggests – aren’t lawn mowers and line workers – whose work we respect, because those workers are essential to our industry. Rather, our trade media site of professional readers are the managers, owners, executives, investors, policy-makers, advocates, and other pro-doers.
Again, the biggest names – plus the mom and pops – and all in between are among most faithful readers of our proprietary e-list.
- When facts are twisted by the powerful,
- when pros get spin instead of the truth, or
- professionals are squelched and told how to think or behave,
- human nature often rejects those trying to push them around.
That push-back may not be an open rejection. But people find ways to respond – such as by reaching out to MHProNews with the news tips that some of those ‘big boys’ hate to read.
We have a variety of ways – often, from insights directly from within companies and organizations – of knowing in a broad fashion who are logging on. We aren’t Google or Facebook, so we don’t ‘see you’ on this site, but our email database and other insights suggest the following:
- About 97% of MHProNews readers are U.S. based.
- About half of the remaining 3 percent are from Canada, the rest are often from ‘investor’ nations that have people with deep pockets,
researching opportunities in factory-built housing. - While we have corporate plus independents of all sizes and types – retailers, communities, producers, etc., etc. – the very biggest names in our industry are among our most dedicated readers, per third-party reports.
- Our open rate on our emails, and our click through rates dwarf others in media and publishing. All of this is from third-party information.
- Our readership – which was already #1 in our industry – skyrocketed since we went to a more fact-check oriented format, about 16 months ago. To be more specific, readership more than doubled in that timeframe.
It’s not because we are wacky ‘conspiracy theorists’ or mere ‘bomb throwers,’ as the blindly MHI favoring types want to project. MHProNews carefully lay out the facts, show the money-trails, document public sources, and lay out the reasoning. It’s what the president of a well-known organization called our “street cred” that keeps him and thousands of others coming back.

What’s Coming in 2019
Looking ahead, MHProNews plans to roll out in the first quarter of 2019 the latest version of our already industry-leading MHProNews site.
As 2018 winds down, it is possible that manufactured housing will close again with perhaps a modest gain over 2017. That’s an embarrassment to anyone who truly understands our industry. Yet the true story of Rollohome reminds us that one could create in 2 years a company that could dwarf the industry’s current number 2 producer. In five years, Clayton, 21st, and VMF could be in the rear-view mirror.
In fact, among the tips – from multiple sources – is that increasing unrest is found at Clayton Homes among their team members. It is obvious that MHI has fairly routine turnover and has suffered along with that problem for years.

Leadership isn’t about self-congratulatory posturing, like what we satirically call the Monopolistic Housing Institute – and their string pullers – have been doing. Leadership is about taking the bull of reality by the horns and working treacherous bullhorns around toward victory.

JiuJitsu is what our industry has needed for some time. Our sources, supporters, clients, and sponsors understand that reality.
We provide daily reality checks found nowhere else in the avoidably modest-today industry we affectionately call MHVille. But we won’t rest until MHVille honorably emerges to becomes MHLand, and then MHNation.
That’s the Manufactured Housing Revolution.
A few will of course check out, unable to deal with reality. But far, far more MH pros and investors are checking in than the trickle that check out or knock us. A common comment from investors, researching our industry is this. ‘With the manufactured housing product such a good value, and given the affordable housing crisis, how can it be performing so poorly?’
While a tiny few can’t handle the truth, over 11,000 daily per third-party metrics find what we publish relevant. In a modest sized industry, those totals are
Perhaps the best compliment of all is that those who wish we and our fact-checks would vanish are among our most avid readers. Thanks.
In fairness to other who publish or blog in MHVille, there’s one other publisher in factory-built housing who could be said that he’s also trying to thread-the-needle that we do. But they don’t do fact checks, and all of the others are arguably different degrees of sellouts. Just look at who backs what, and that speaks volumes.
There’s one trade association – the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform or MHARR – that has been facts-, evidence- and reality-based for years. They are an independent producers organization, but have correctly called for a new-post-production trade body, because MHI has for too-long failed the majority of the industry.
MHARR Recommending Independent Collective Representation for Post-Production
Washington, D.C., November 15, 2017 – The Board of Directors of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has authorized the public release of a comprehensive internal study by the Association of the past, present and future representation of the post-production sector (PPS) of the federally-regulated manufactured housing industry.
There’s the larger trade body that so lacks transparency that they prefer half-truths and arguably deceptive spin to the public debate they refuse to have with us and others who are seeking to expose their purported con game. We are publicly calling BS on many of their claims. They can’t even correct obviously flawed data, why not? Don’t they care about their own image and reputation? The bottom line of their failures is evidenced by the shipments. The rest of MHI’s efforts are arguably smoke and mirrors.
Read the headlines, and you’ll know what kind of articles the claimed MHI attorney is whining about.
A non-MHARR member wrote earlier today to say, “…keep giving them hell.” That source is one of several that says there are growing reports of rumblings from within the ranks of Clayton and their Monopolistic Housing Institute puppets.
Our news tip sources make that point clear.
We have a new set of Clayton Homes, MHI, and insider insights below, with more coming in the days ahead. But we mix it all in with the other MH “Industry News, Tips, and Views that Pros Can Use” that caused you to make us #1.
Our sincere thanks to all who make that the truth.
In an affordable housing crisis, when the National Association of Realtors says 8.3 million housing units are needed, MHVille is underperforming. When MHVille has enhanced preemption that modular producers don’t, HUD Code manufactured housing is the obvious solution for many projects and needs. So the low production levels oddly have benefited just a handful that keep consolidating the industry at discounted prices, to the detriment of the many.
With no further adieu, dive into the headlines from the week of 12.16.2018 to 12.23.2018 that keeps readers coming back for more. Merry Christmas to all.
Notice for New Visitors: You can access one or more of the articles below by either clicking on the hotlink, or by clicking on an image/linked box. Either way, you can access the ‘red hot’ reports, news and commentary that follows.
What’s New on the Masthead
Affordable Housing – Fleetwood, Champion, Clayton – Genius of the Christmas Story
The Masthead
Depending on who’s estimate we accept, there’s some 550,000 to 660,000 homeless in the richest nation on earth, the U.S.A. As rents rise, so does homelessness, says Zillow’s research, which supplied the higher homeless count.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
Affordable Homes, Warren Buffett as Mr. Potter in Christmas Classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Affordable Homes, Warren Buffett as Mr. Potter in Christmas Classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life” – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
In communities and homes across the U.S. and Canada, millions of manufactured home residents enjoy the benefits of affordable home ownership. At Christmastime, the holiday classic ” It’s A Wonderful Life ” ought to be a reminder of just how important home ownership is.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 12.22.2018
Capital Pouring In, What Warren Buffett May Not Want MHVille Professionals to Know
Capital Pouring In, What Warren Buffett May Not Want MHVille Professionals to Know
Friday 12.21.2018
Darkest, Shortest Day 2018, Markets Dump, Apt Rentals Bump, Housing Slump$
Darkest, Shortest Day 2018, Markets Dump, Apt Rentals Bump, Housing Slump$
Optimism Among U.S. Manufacturers at Record High Heading into 2019
Thursday 12.20.2018
MH Equities Snapshot, Plus, ‘Rich Won, Workers Lost’ from Fed, per Cramer, As Market Slide Continues
MH Equities Snapshot, Plus, ‘Rich Won, Workers Lost’ from Fed, per Cramer, As Market Slide Continues
State Association Steps Up, Promoting Manufactured Home Communities Investing
State Association Steps Up, Promoting Manufactured Home Communities Investing
Wednesday 12.19.2018
Fed Rate Hike, Chair Jerome Powell Comments Send Broader Markets, Most MH Equities Reeling
Sam Zell’s ELS Scores Again, Details Others Missed
Tuesday 12.18.2018
Spotlighting Pro-Growth Educational Effort by Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association
Spotlighting Pro-Growth Educational Effort by Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association
Sun Communities, SUI Insider Trades, Institutional Moves, Plus Manufactured Home Equities Updates
Sun Communities, SUI Insider Trades, Institutional Moves, Plus Manufactured Home Equities Updates
Millionaires Survey IDs Top Threats to Their Wealth
Monday 12.17.2018
New Skyline Champion Manufactured and Modular Home Factory Set to Open, Plus MH Market Updates
New Skyline Champion Manufactured and Modular Home Factory Set to Open, Plus MH Market Updates
Cavco Industries (CVCO) Hit$ Bottom
MHI Allies Respond, Provide Confirmation to #NettlesomeThings, Facts, and Clayton/Berkshire Exposés
MHI Allies Respond, Provide Confirmation to #NettlesomeThings, Facts, and Clayton/Berkshire Exposés
Scandalous, Presidential Politics, Affordable Housing, Mobile and Manufactured Homes
Scandalous, Presidential Politics, Affordable Housing, Mobile and Manufactured Homes
Sunday 12.16.2018
Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You
Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You
Together with thousands of honest MHVille pros of good will, we can make our industry achieve its great potential. That’s done by making American lives better, together. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Sunday Morning, weekly headline news review, analysis, and commentary.)

NOTICE: You can join the scores who follow us on Twitter at this link. You can get our ‘read-hot’ industry-leading emailed headline news updates, at this link here.
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(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports: click the text/image box below to read that report.
Clayton’s Miss, Kevin and Tim’s Manufactured Housing Kill Shot, More
What Just Happened, to Cavco, Independent Communities, Retailers, and Manufactured Housing?
The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018