Once the vexing issue of paltering and the various forms of “deception and misdirection” are understood and kept in mind, amazing realities hiding in plain sight involving the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) begin to emerge. Edelman’s 2021 research reveals that over half of the nation distrusts the statements of corporate leaders. That factoid underscores what follows. The content below about zoning and placement challenges facing modern manufactured homes was copied word-for-word from the MHI website from their page with the “zoning-2” link as it appeared on 6.24.2021 at 8:34 AM ET. The issue of zoning and placement are widely acknowledged to be one of the key issues facing manufactured housing professionals. Such placement barriers are limiting new manufactured home sales in urban and other areas where affordable housing is in crisis. That position is routinely held by MHI members, those associated with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, independents not connected with either of those trade groups, third-party researchers looking into the problems in our industry, etc. So, it is no surprise that MHI has a public position statement on zoning. As a teaser, let’s note that the information from MHI is insightful, largely accurate, and thus potentially useful. That noted, it is arguably lacking. Why? It is what is not said by MHI that reveals the troubling truths hiding in plain sight. That analysis will be part of the additional information and expert commentary that follows the MHI “Unfair Zoning Laws” statement, below.
As an additional teaser, the photospread with Kevin Clayton quotes at the end of this article has several new items that are compelling and on the zoning barrier topic. His statements bring these zoning and placement issues into sharper focus and shed light on what MHI stated, as quoted below.
With those thoughts in mind, let’s dive into MHI’s zoning issue webpage.
There is an affordable housing crisis in the U.S. and some communities are making a bad situation worse.
There is a growing trend of municipalities trying to use zoning and other land use regulations to restrict or eliminate manufactured housing in their jurisdictions. These actions could reduce the supply of critically-needed affordable housing for working families across the country and may be discriminatory under the Fair Housing Act.
The attempts at cities discriminating against manufactured housing are wide ranging. Some cities now restrict community owners from replacing units when someone moves, others are looking at banning them altogether, and some are segregating them at locations far out from local amenities such as schools, transportation, doctors and jobs.
Local city and county government’s use a variety of land use planning devices to restrict the use of manufactured homes as an available source of affordable housing. Interestingly, these devises are often in conflict with the entity’s comprehensive plan. These cases often involve zones within a community where manufactured housing fits the character and ascetics of the zone.
Outright Bans
This past year, Huntsville, Texas, passed an outright ban on the placement of manufactured homes in the community, including on private property. This change in the law came despite the presence of manufactured homes and multi-family homes in the community. After an outcry from residents living in manufactured homes, the council overturned the ban.
Lot Size
Rural Harrison County, Kentucky is attempting to pass a requirement that manufactured homes may only be placed on lots of 10 acres or more. These types of ordinances are found in other communities and can range from 1 to 10 acres.
Lot size is not just a rural issue. In a community in South Carolina, the Georgetown council required minimum lot size in a zone predominated by older mobile homes whereby the practical effect would be to require the accumulation of several lots to build any new home. As this case involves a zone containing a majority of African American residents, HUD is investigating for possible Fair Housing violations.
Layering of Multiple Ordinances
When a Mississippi Supreme Court decision disallowed Pearl’s method of excluding manufactured housing, the city undertook changes to multiple land use planning devices (density, occupancy, setbacks) which allowed the placement of a home in a land-lease community, but made it illegal for anyone to occupy the home.
Changes to density and setback requirements cause land-lease communities to provide homes on every other lot.
Restriction to Manufactured Home Communities (Parks) only
An affront to private property rights is where a government restricts the placement of manufactured homes to manufactured home parks only. An ordinance in Kentucky like this was passed in London, and following a lawsuit, reversed.
A trend in western states (Kansas and Arizona for instance) is the adoption of ordinances where there is an age restriction on manufactured homes, disallowing the placement of a home more than 5- or 10- years old. These local laws basically place expiration dates on homes, and artificially kill resale values.
Non-conforming Uses
The Village of Lodi, Ohio, changed its interpretation of non-conforming use such that when a home would be removed from a land-lease community, the entire park would become a non-conforming use. The Ohio Supreme Court struck down the interpretation.
No Reason Whatsoever
The most frustrating cases come when a city or county denies the placement of a home for no reason whatsoever. In Washington Township, Ohio, it took a court order to force a zoning panel to issue a permit for the replacement of an older manufactured home with a new one.
## MHProNews Note: a copy of the item above in a PDF format is found at this link here. ##
Additional Information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
So, what’s wrong with the zoning statement by MHI above? Superficially, not much, especially to those who may be outsiders looking in. If MHI is formally investigated for falsely claiming to be working for “all segments” of manufactured housing – instead of merely for the interests of their larger consolidators, that statement or others like it may be an example they might use in their own defense. For clarity, there are MHI member/consolidators who apparently are happy with the status quo. There are others whose comments may be muted, but at least they question MHI and its effectiveness.
The MHI zoning statement may pass a superficial smell test for the uniformed. So, once again, what is it that MHI missed?
When the contents for that MHI webpage is place in a Word document and the search is performed for the phrase “preemption” there is no result. The screen capture below documents that point, which can be confirmed by reader(s) looking carefully at the above MHI content once again. Why does their failure to use that term matter?
Ironically, MHI itself provides the answer, as is reflected in quotes from Kevin Clayton and Lesli Gooch, shown further below. But let’s first note that this is one more example of what a MHEC member called “association malpractice,” which is not just a throw away line, if the legal opinion cited in the report linked below the screen capture means what it says.

Not to mention federal preemption for manufactured housing, since preemption has existed since the HUD Code took effect on June 15, 1976 is to miss one of the key elements of the federal law. MHI should routinely be stressing that law earnestly with all regulators at the federal, state, and local levels in every engagement. Their counterparts at MHARR do so, why not MHI?
As statements cited below will reflect, MHI and several of their members are aware of federal preemption.
That preemption that has been law since the summer of 1976 was later strengthened by the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA or 2000 Reform Law). To clarify the meaning of preemption, several refer to the strengthening of the preemption provision under the 2000 Reform Law as “enhanced preemption.” Enhanced preemption was made law by a widely bipartisan margin via the passage of the MHIA.

The MHIA legislation itself refers to the upgraded notion of preemption as to be “broadly and liberally construed.” On a practical level, how important a difference might enforcing preemption make? A clue is found in California, where ADU’s (Accessary Dwelling Units, which are routinely factory-built housing) received statewide preemption. As the National Housing Conference documented, sales of such units shot up over 600 percent in just the first few years. Note that the image below, in several browsers, along with others can be expanded to reveal a larger size for ease of reading. If manufactured housing enjoyed the benefits of the MHIA law as intended, extrapolating from the California example, manufactured home sales might top 600,000 units by 2024. But instead, annual manufactured home production has been in decline since early on in the Berkshire era of manufactured housing. A closer look at the evidence reflects that the decline can be directly attributed to the action of Berkshire brands and their allies.

Therefore, federal preemption over local zoning is the trump card, pun intended, in a key topic when several of the association’s own members and affiliates, past and present, have decried because it is not being properly enforced.

Ironically at first, prior MHI EVP – now CEO – Lesli Gooch, Ph.D., has also made the argument for preemption. Although the case can be made she has done so under pressure from MHARR, and repeated reports over the course of recent years by MHProNews, and MHLivingNews, nevertheless, Gooch has said the following useful statements.
To make it plain that this enhanced preemption means what it says, the pull quote from the letter below by federal lawmakers who were part of the ‘legislative intent’ of the law said as much in their letter to then HUD Secretary Mel Martinez. Those lawmakers pressed HUD to enforce the law.

Those items document the legal reality of federal preemption that is available for HUD Code manufactured homes. Those quotes tee up this key point.
Given that MHI staff, leaders, and numbers of members know about “enhanced preemption,” why is it that MHI fails to mention enhanced preemption on their own website?
Similarly, why isn’t the phrase “federal preemption” used on that specific article about valid zoning and placement gripes on the MHI website, shown in toto further above?
Hold those salient thoughts. Because there is more.
- While Gooch mentions manufactured housing preemption in correspondence and statements, there is no published evidence that anyone pressed for it in live meetings with HUD Secretary Carson. Questions put to various public officials by MHProNews has established that point, as have online searches.
- Far more direct evidence of the magnitude of the miss is observed in MHI’s stunning fumble reported in the topsy turvy claim they made in the report linked below. When MHI revealed that they set up the questions, it makes MHI’s apparently sinister posturing and communications methods all the more apparent in hindsight.
After admitting to their members in writing that they provided the questions put to her, MHI’s apparent failure to have lawmakers ask HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge about her position on advancing routine enforcement of enhanced preemption while she was on CSPAN in a Senate hearing is a stunning miss tantamount to “association malpractice.” That phrase, association malpractice, is one of several that Manufactured Housing Executives Council (MHEC) members have used to describe the oddities and errors at MHI.
Not pinning down Secretary Fudge when they had a golden opportunity to do so is thus arguably a dereliction of the duty of board members as well as staff. The evidence reflects this point. MHI has the clout and connections to get preemption enforced. After all, some of the largest and most powerful corporate interests in the U.S. are MHI members, massive equity companies like Apollo, Blackstone, Blackrock, and Berkshire Hathaway.
Given that this is a matter of a enforcing an existing law, rather than passing a new one, such failures are epic. While someone might posit some intellectual oversight, the fact that Gooch and others at MHI have – arguably under pressure from this trade publication and their rivals at MHARR – raised the topic, she and MHI leaders can’t claim ignorance.
Quotes from Kevin Clayton recently obtained by MHProNews from federal officials further illustrates the points above on zoning, placement, and enhanced preemption.
Kevin Clayton also said:

“Subsequent changes to the law with the enactment of the Manufactured Improvement Act of 2000 (P.L. 106‐569) made significant enhancement to the MHCSS Act by…
- establishing a balanced consensus process for the development, revision and interpretation of construction standards;
- creating a ‘Non‐Career’ position within HUD to oversee the manufactured housing program
- establishing model manufactured home installation standards; and
- establishing a program to enforce standards in states that choose not to implement their own programs and enhancing the federal preemption of the HUD‐Code.”
Kevin Clayton pressed further in his congressional testimony, putting on what might appear to be his best MHARR game-face, though he is not a MHARR member.
“Congressional action to significantly strengthen preemption of the HUD Code and its enforcement regulations, HUD has failed to change its outdated 1997 policy guidance on preemption. More importantly, HUD has been unwilling to intervene when state and local regulators attempt to mandate requirements above and beyond the HUD Code or when communities use local zoning to unlawfully prohibit or restrict the placement of manufactured housing.”
4 times Kevin speaks about manufactured housing’s federal preemption in those quotes. Once more, given that Barack Obama was in the White House at that time, and Warren Buffett helped get him there, how is it possible that preemption has not been put into effect as Clayton asked? But this isn’t a partisan question, because as MHProNews previously documented, Kevin Clayton, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, and other Clayton/MHI leaders had a similar opportunity with HUD Secretary Ben Carson on numerous occasions.

The troubling answer is the obvious one. The case his hereby made that these disconnects between the opportunities to press for enforcement of existing laws and the repeated failure to do so over a period of years boils down to Clayton/MHI et al leadership is behavior amounting to window dressing. It could also be described paltering, a clever head fake, “deception and misdirection,” razzle dazzle – plug in the phrase that feels right on something that is clearly so wrong. Because the rate of overall homeownership has declined in the U.S. since 2000, even though part of the stated goal of the MHIA was to increase the rate of homeownership.
As a special report coming up – tentatively planned for Monday – will reflect, yet another significant MHI member has publicly made a detailed statement. Their report, when properly understood, further belies the posturing and theatrical performances of Kevin Clayton, Lesli Gooch, or other corporate and staff leaders. But attention to detail and the history of these issues is necessary to see how these various puzzle pieces fit together.
Once more, Berkshire Hathaway, Clayton Homes, MHI, some of their inside and outside counsels, along with MHI affiliates at the Ohio Manufactured Homes Association (OMHA) Elizabeth Birch and Tim Williams – public defenders of MHI – were asked to respond to such concerns. They all declined to respond.
Previously, Birch and Williams did respond. But they did so in such an anemic fashion that it might explain why they are silent now. When Birch in a formal letter in response to MHProNews herself raises the notion of the “viability” and “perception of manufactured housing.” That is yet another oblique admission that MHI claims one thing, but is delivering something quite different. When someone follows the money trail, and sees who is benefiting from this 15 plus year pattern, the obvious answer is that larger MHI member firms are consolidating and growing, while eliminating or marginalizing thousands of one viable smaller ones. If that sounds ‘conspiratorial,’ then consider the evidence. Some of that evidence is found in quotes from Kevin Clayton below the linked report about Birch.

Additional Insights, Summing Up, and Conclusions?
A similar case could be made on the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing. Again, Kevin Clayton and Gooch are among those who have claimed to be pushing for the full enforcement of DTS. But that claim is ironically belied by 21st Mortgage Corporation President and CEO, Tim Williams, who admitted to a group during an MHI meeting that he was glad that the pilot project failed. See that bookend report linked below.

Since this evidence is publicly unchallenged, a prima facie case exists that MHI, on behalf of their dominating brands, has been acting to consolidate the industry by select brands. Those consolidations are accomplished at discounted or favorable valuations, which is accomplished by limiting sales and industry growth. An MHI member, quoted further below, said as much.
But that means that MHI is engaged in a kind of fraud: claiming to their smaller independent members one thing, but meanwhile they are doing something quite different that benefits consolidators.
It is simply not plausible that MHI and their corporate masters are unable to effect enhanced preemption in practice. When existing laws are going unenforced – as Kevin, Gooch, and others have admitted – and they clearly have the access and clout to get it done – the obvious implication is that the status quo of limited new manufactured home sales is desired.
Indeed, that is part of what Samuel “Sam” Strommen from Knudson Law argued, in his well documented and reasoned legal probe into what has gone wrong in the manufactured housing industry. Strommen names Clayton, MHI and others who are key players at MHI in his legal research.

That status quo on the MHIA and DTS caused Clayton’s market share to skyrocket. So too has allied brands with Clayton at MHI in this apparent oligopoly ploy grown their market share, all while other companies failed. Who said? Ironically, once again, it is Kevin Clayton.

“New manufactured home construction has fallen roughly 80 percent over the past decade, which has accounted for more than 160 plant closures, more than 7,500 home center closures, and the loss of over 200,000 jobs. More importantly, thousands of manufactured home customers have been left unable to buy, sell or refinance homes. Without action in the following key areas, the people who live in manufactured homes and whose livelihood is connected to this industry are at significant risk.”
That field testimony given to Congress from Kevin Clayton under “Truth in Testimony” disclosure is found as a download in the report at this link here. It was provided to MHProNews thanks to staff working for key Democratic lawmakers. That may or may not mean that those lawmakers themselves will act. But the source is significant and worth mentioning given Democratic domination of the House, Senate, and their control over the White House.
“No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar,” said Abraham Lincoln per Forbes, the BBC, and Brainy Quotes, among other sources. The passage of time, and the carefully reconstructed statements and behaviors by MHI leaders has brought the truth into sharp focus.
- It is time for a bipartisan panel of lawmakers to probe these issues with subpoena powers, getting testimony under oath.
- State officials and federal agencies often have the clout to effect a genuine probe too.
- What must be avoided is another multi-year stall that was revealed by a source at the CFPB to MHProNews in the report linked here.
There are reasons why Berkshire, other major brands at MHI, and their leadership have ducked engagement when MHProNews. Once various tips and evidence began to reveal the score at MHI, MHProNews so reported. The juicy part? Clayton and testimony by Tom Hodges makes it clear that the harm caused by their behavior is in the billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars. Thankfully, Berkshire, Buffett and others involved in this purported scheme have deep pockets.
Industry voices should press for action.
The links, illustrations, and additional quotes are dot’s on the i’s and crosses on the t’s from the information herein. Once the severity of the allegations are properly understood – given the affordable housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of homeless – this ought not to be one more matter swept under the rug.

MHI member Andy Gedo attempted to debate MHI and Clayton’s performance and behavior with MHProNews, but ended up making useful and insightful admissions instead. One of those is shown above, and more are linked here. That’s to Gedo’s credit, because his overall candor was useful to those who want to understand what has gone wrong in affordable manufactured housing. Buffett made it clear several time about class warfare and his beliefs about the man-eating amphibians in his malign moat methods that Kevin Clayton himself has referenced numerous times.

Because the evidence of the harmful, and arguably intentional misses, to grow the manufactured housing industry simply by getting the enforcement of good existing laws such as federal preemption over local zoning is simply too big to miss any more.

Next, is our evening market report and related left-right headlines.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this business daily report has recently been modified, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market moving’ items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business = evening of 6.24.2021
- Stocks surge
- Traffic on Highway 101 in Petaluma, California, U.S., on Monday, March 22, 2021. The centerpiece of President Biden’s next big priority after pandemic relief, a massive transportation infrastructure package, could move through a key Senate committee by the end of May according to the chair of the Environment and Public Works panel.
- Wall Street rallies after Biden announces a bipartisan infrastructure agreement
- Why Tesla stock is getting left in Ford’s and GM’s dust
- Amazon is about to face a much bigger union fight
- Windows 11 is here: Everything you need to know
- Watch Yellen warn Congress: This could have ‘catastrophic economic consequences’
- Silicon Valley gave Asia’s richest man billions, but things aren’t going well
- John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison
- Biden administration extends federal eviction ban through July
- Census pushes to get LGBTQ+ Americans counted in key pandemic survey
- Opinion: Why airfares will likely keep getting more expensive
- Weddings are making a huge comeback and couples are ‘panic booking’
- Killer Mike postpones bank launch to catch up to demand
- Bill Carter: Why Conan O’Brien was such a brilliant late-night host
- Wendy’s is testing a new plant-based burger
- HOUSTON, TEXAS – AUGUST 08: A view of the Victoria’s Secret store during Victoria’s Secret debuts new Fall Collection with Angel Martha Hunt on August 08, 2019 in Houston, Texas.
- Victoria’s Secret’s ‘sexy for all’ strategy boosts sales and shares
- Ferrari says its new supercar is fast and powerful, but it’s mostly about having fun
- This brand is going fur-free to save its reputation, and its sales
- FILE – In this March 30, 2021 file photo, the Ever Given, a Panama-flagged cargo ship, is anchored in Egypt’s Great Bitter Lake. An Egyptian appeals court on Sunday, May 23, 2021, said it lacks jurisdiction to look into the Suez Canal Authority’s demands to uphold financial claims that led to the the seizure of the massive Ever Given that blocked the waterway in March. The authority and the ship's owners are in dispute as to whose fault it was that the ship ran aground and how much compensation should be paid.
- The Ever Given could soon be released by the Suez Canal
- These Chinese ports are backlogged
- Retailers plead with Biden to fix port congestion
- Businesses have products stuck in the Suez Canal
- This is why your next car, cheese party or refrigerator could be in peril
- What it’s like to drive Bugatti’s new $4 million supercar
- See the ‘Fast & Furious’ car that sold for $550,000
- Farfetch CEO on his company’s billion-dollar rise
- Pandora CEO: Why we’re ditching mined diamonds
- Rolls-Royce will now build you any car you want, but it will cost millions
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 6.24.2021
- Biden, Bipartisan Senate Group Reach Deal on $579B Infrastructure Plan
- The Deception Pass Bridge, nearly 1,000-feet long and about 180-feet above the waters below, is covered in scaffolding as work to replace corroded steel and paint the structure continues in Deception Pass, Wash. (AP)
- President Joe Biden said he’s reached a tentative deal with a group of Democratic and Republican senators on a bipartisan, $579 billion five-year infrastructure plan that would fulfill one of his top priorities. [Full Story]
- Newsmax TV
- Rand Paul: Fire Fauci Now
- Rudy Giuliani: De Blasio Leaves Rising Crime Legacy
- Curtis Sliwa: NYC Mayoral Race Is About ‘Crime, Crime’
- Ed Rendell: ‘Common-Sense’ Gun Laws Not a ‘Grab Attempt’
- Rosendale: VA Shouldn’t Fund Transgender Surgery
- Lisa McClain: More Focus on China Needed |
- Pat Fallon: Racism Military Threat ‘Fabricated Issue’ |
- RNC Chair McDaniel: Focus Must Be on ’22, Not ’24 |
- Nicole Malliotakis: Bill Calls for Transparency at Border |
- Seth Barron: NYC Mayoral Nominee Sliwa in Good Position |
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- 1 Dead, 51 People Missing in Miami-Area Condo Collapse [MHProNews Note: later reports said 3 dead, 99 missing]
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- ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ Author: Critical Race Theory Critics Winning
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- Biden Admin to Relocate Afghans Who Aided US Military
- President Joe Biden wants to move Afghans who served the United [Full Story]
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- Netanyahu’s Removal Could Jeopardize Abraham Accords
- Benjamin Netanyahu’s record-setting 12-year reign as Israeli prime [Full Story] |
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- Biden Extends Residential Eviction Ban Through July
- The Biden administration on Thursday said it was extending the [Full Story]
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- Russia Will Be Ready to Fire to Hit Intruding Warships
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- US: Wuhan Virus Sequences Removed From Database
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- More Newsfront
- Finance
- Wall Street Sees Friend in Adams as NYC Mayoral Race Narrows
- When Tom Glocer went to bed on Tuesday night in the Hamptons, Morgan Stanley’s lead independent director felt a mix of disappointment and contentment.He was glum that his fellow Wall Street veteran Ray McGuire “did not pull a miracle royal straight flush,” despite the… [Full Story]
- Biden, Bipartisan Senate Group Reach Deal on Infrastructure Package
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- More Finance
- Health
- Top Health Officials Tout Vaccines After Heart Risk Reports
- S. public-health leaders sought to reassure Americans that Covid-19 shots are safe and to get vaccinated after reports that a relatively small number of mostly young men had suffered a heart problem after being immunized. About 1,200 cases of heart inflammation have been… [Full Story]
- Cholesterol-Lowering Statins May Lower Cancer Risk Too
- Moringa Tea Boosts Immunity, Relieves Allergies, Lowers Blood Sugar
- FDA Will Add COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Warning for Young Adults
- Silent Heart Attacks Are Common: What You Need to Know
Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

Spring 2021…
Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.