On May 22, 2023 Patrick Revere for Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) owned MHVillage’s MHInsider publication made the points found in Part I of today’s article. The claims by Revere were later largely regurgitated by Yardi in July 2023, which cited MHVillage’s Revere as the author of its post too. ELS, MHInsider, and Yardi are all known as Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) members, per a document obtained by MHProNews generated by MHI. MHVillage claims that they are endorsed by MHI, so, apparently their MHInsider – a subset of the MHVillage site – is in some way seemingly ‘endorsed.’ A “contributor” to MHInsider is MHI CEO Lesli Gooch. ELS owns Datacomp, MHVillage, and MHInsider. With those points in mind, the MHInsider article entitled “Manufactured Housing Industry Trends & Statistics” used as its subtitle “What Is The State of the Manufactured Housing Industry? Updated Industry Facts and Figures.” However, certain facts and trends are apparently missing from that report. But at-a-glance, the article nevertheless impress the underinformed and trusting. The problem, however, is that several claims made in that report are demonstrably inaccurate. Some search engines give that report an arguably undeserved measure of prominence, as if it were authoritative and reliable. Thus, the need for MHProNews to provide this fact check, analysis, and expert commentary – in order to provide the “True State of the Manufactured Housing Industry in October 2023.”
Before proceeding, it is useful to note that while MHI’s traffic has been in decline for months (per SimilarWeb), MHProNews’ traffic (per even more accurate Webalizer 2.23) has enjoyed a sustained upswing in 2022 vs. 2023 by over 50 percent. While MHVillage claims good traffic, they have removed their pageview data that revealed how poor their traffic and engagement actually were. One takeaway from that is that these fact checks, analysis, and commentaries have been popular. Inquiring minds want to know why the manufactured home industry is struggling when there is a well-documented affordable housing crisis. More on that sharp spike in MHProNews traffic during a time of declining manufactured housing industry production is planned for a future report.
The version of the report below, which is about 363 words, is the one by Revere posted on Yardi dated July 14, 2023. A fact check, analysis and commentary will follow in Part II.
Part I
Manufactured Housing Trends & Stats To Know (July 2023)
Manufactured homes continue to be a crucial solution to the affordable housing crisis. Judging by the numbers from the MHVillage 2023 “State of the Industry” report on manufactured housing industry trends and statistics, manufactured housing continues to meet the need for affordable housing in the U.S., and there continues to be positive signs for growth.
Competitive advantage
What is the cost per square foot comparison between manufactured and site-built homes? The average cost per square foot of a site-built home is $139.20. The average cost per square foot for a manufactured home is $72.46.
Community living
There are an estimated 4.3 million manufactured home sites in the U.S. Approximately 27% of new manufactured homes are placed in a community, and the U.S. has approximately 43,000 manufactured home communities. A third of the country’s communities were constructed in the 1950s through 1990s.
How many people live in manufactured & mobile homes?
Manufactured housing industry trends and statistics show 21.2 million people in the U.S. live in a manufactured or mobile home. Manufactured homes make up 11% of annual new home starts. About 77% of new manufactured homes are titled as personal property.
Resident satisfaction
A recent study reveals 85% of people are satisfied with their mobile or manufactured home, a 7% increase from the last survey conducted in 2018. Also, 70% of residents cite affordability as the key driver for choosing manufactured housing, 53% of manufactured homeowners said they purchased their home for its energy efficiency and 49% chose it for added space.
Manufactured housing production
34 U.S. manufactured home builders operating from 145 plants (growth of one builder and four plants compared with 2021) across the country produced 112,865 housing units in 2022. Shipment levels of new manufactured homes eclipsed the 100,000 mark in consecutive years, and only for the second time in 16 years.
Top manufactured home builders by market share
- Clayton Homes — 45.7%
- Skyline Champion — 16.8%
- Cavco Industries — 12.06%
- Live Oak Homes — 4.14%
- Hamilton Homebuilder — 3.17%
- Legacy Homes — 2.86%
- American Home Star — 2.25%
- Jessup Housing — 1.91%
- Elliott MH MFG — 1.47%
- Adventure — 1.28%
Top markets for manufactured housing retail sales
- Houston
- Dallas-Fort Worth
- Detroit
- Austin, Texas
- San Antonio
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Tampa-St. Pete, Clearwater, Florida
- Birmingham, Alabama
- Knoxville, Tennessee
- Phoenix
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Manufactured Housing Expert Editorial Analysis and Commentary
To preface the following analysis, it is useful to grasp how certain politicians, businesses, and media have arguably become adept at paltering. Paltering is defined by left-leaning Wikipedia as follows: “Paltering is the active use of selective truthful statements to mislead.” Merriam Webster says: “The meaning of PALTER is to act insincerely or deceitfully: equivocate.” Oxford Languages says that to equivocate means: “use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth…” Harvard published a paper on the subject of paltering, because it has become such a vexing and relatively common issue in certain segments of modern society.
Let’s boil that down by noting that paltering is often a mix of true, inaccurate, or misleading statements that may appear to be accurate but often is not completely so.
With paltering and equivocation in mind, let’s go section-by-section (“fisking“) Revere’s post, referenced above. The words in bold are added by MHProNews following the quoted remark.
- Per MHInsider’s Revere -“Manufactured homes continue to be a crucial solution to the affordable housing crisis.” True.
1a. “Judging by the numbers from the MHVillage 2023 “State of the Industry” report on manufactured housing industry trends and statistics, manufactured housing continues to meet the need for affordable housing in the U.S.,” are reasons to think that manufactured housing can and does meet the needs of some who bought one, but the conclusion of that remark is demonstrably false: “and there continues to be positive signs for growth.” That remark is inaccurate at best, or gaslighting and knowingly false at worst. As the official data in May and July of 2023 reflected, the manufactured home industry’s production was already in a sharp decline. Note that MHInsider entirely avoids in the above mentioning production data. For the most recent production report, click here.
2. Per MHInsider’s Revere – “What is the cost per square foot comparison between manufactured and site-built homes? The average cost per square foot of a site-built home is $139.20. The average cost per square foot for a manufactured home is $72.46.” That data was outdated and contradicted by MHI in a report that they have since removed from their website. Fortunately, MHProNews downloaded and retained that 2023 document. From that MHI document are their following facts, which they say apply to 2022 (so, well in advance of MHInsider’s statements by Revere). Such data is normally based on Census Bureau research.
Site Built Housing:
- $413,160 Avg. Cost
- $164.87 per sq. ft.
Manufactured Homes:
- $127,250 Avg. Cost
- $85.00 per sq. ft.
- Single Section: $86,100
- Multi-Section: $158,63
2a. So, the so-called ‘facts’ from MHInsider were outdated at best, but were certainly wrong when they were published in May and July 2023.
3. Per MHInsider’s Revere (much of which is wrong, are the next following remarks from their ‘report’ above.
“Community living
There are an estimated 4.3 million manufactured home sites in the U.S.” But According to the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, there are approximately 4.4 million manufactured home sites in manufactured home parks and communities in the United States 1
Per MHInsider’s Revere – “Approximately 27% of new manufactured homes are placed in a community,” But per MHI’s Quick Facts for 2022 said: “49% of new manufactured homes are placed on private property and 51% are placed in manufactured home communities” and their 2023 version oddly did not update that information for this year.
Per MHInsider’s Revere -“and the U.S. has approximately 43,000 manufactured home communities.” But per Lincoln Institute’s George McCarthy to MHProNews: “Yes, based on new FEMA data, there are 50,393 MHCs in the US.”
Per MHInsider’s Revere – “A third of the country’s communities were constructed in the 1950s through 1990s.” But that’s contradicted by information that Datacomp provided that claims that very few manufactured home communities have been built in the 21st century. Datacomp is a sister brand to MHVillage’s MHInsider. Furthermore, Forbes said that per “Ryan Burke, an analyst at Green Street Advisors, estimates that only ten mobile home communities have been developed in the past two decades.:
So, the vast majority of what MHVillage’s Paul Reverse claimed in that “Community living” segment (#3) of his brief post was demonstrably wrong, including contradicting Datacomp, MHI, FEMA, and the Lincoln Institute’s McCarthy.
4. Per MHInsider’s Revere –
“How many people live in manufactured & mobile homes?
Manufactured housing industry trends and statistics show 21.2 million people in the U.S. live in a manufactured or mobile home.” This is apparently based on information from the Census Bureau. What is unclear at this time is why the Census Bureau has adjusted down their prior claim that some 22 million people live in a manufactured or mobile home. MHI’s “Quick Facts” in 2022 said this total was 22 million. But in 2023, their updated document said it was 21.1 million. Neither MHInsider, nor MHI, give any explanation for the source of the data, or what accounted for the shift. Surely, they aren’t claiming that some 800,000 people moved out of manufactured homes in the last year?
“Manufactured homes make up 11% of annual new home starts. About 77% of new manufactured homes are titled as personal property.” The 11 percent claim appears to come from MHI, but MHInsider doesn’t provide a source for any of those data claims. Why not?
5. Per MHInsider’s Revere –
A recent study reveals 85% of people are satisfied with their mobile or manufactured home, a 7% increase from the last survey conducted in 2018. Also, 70% of residents cite affordability as the key driver for choosing manufactured housing, 53% of manufactured homeowners said they purchased their home for its energy efficiency and 49% chose it for added space.”
There is no direct way to fact check this for several reasons. One, MHInsider doesn’t give the source. Some, perhaps all of that, may be based on an MHI survey. But MHI surveys have a troubled track record and are generally hidden behind a paywall that are for “members only.” That noted, long-term readers here may recall that MHI claimed great things about their CrossModTM program. However, after years of blistering fact checks by MHProNews, even MHI had to essentially admit to a federal agency that their CrossModTM scheme proven had proven to be a failure, as developers were backing away from it. That occurred despite their big claims based on some research survey MHI had performed.

But MHInsider seemed quite comfortable pushing what amounts to propaganda and gaslighting by Kevin Clayton and MHI with respect to CrossMods. There is no way to know without more details about the research and its methodology if their so-called “satisfaction survey” is any more accurate than their research on CrossMods.
6. Per MHInsider’s Revere, the first paragraph under the heading: “Manufactured housing production” may well be accurate. But the following posted in July 2023 on Yardi was doubtful or inaccurate for several reasons.
- Clayton Homes — 45.7%
- Skyline Champion — 16.8%
- Cavco Industries — 12.06%
- Live Oak Homes — 4.14%
- Hamilton Homebuilder — 3.17%
- Legacy Homes — 2.86%
- American Home Star — 2.25%
- Jessup Housing — 1.91%
- Elliott MH MFG — 1.47%
- Adventure — 1.28%”
6a: Elliot Housing (a.k.a.: “Solitaire”) was acquired in 2022 by Cavco Industries. That puts at least two of the ten data points above in question.
6b: Skyline Champion has announced a deal for Hamilton Homebuilders. There is no notice of that in the above, which may put a question mark around still more data claimed by Patrick Revere.
6c: As Samuel Strommen, then with Knudson Law, observed Skyline Champion appears to have previously given cover for Clayton Homes market share data. That prior claim was debunked by Statistical Surveys.

6d: Said Strommen in his seminal research report into apparent manufactured housing antitrust violations, were the following remarks.

6f: So, it is frankly not easy to determine what is or isn’t accurate, since Statistical Survey’s – previously listed as an MHI member, per an MHI document obtained by MHProNews – has declined to further update their prior insights to MHProNews shown above. Furthermore, after several years of fact-checks by MHProNews, Clayton Homes has apparently ceased issuing its own (arguably paltering) annual report too.

6h: But beyond those various evidence-based concerns above, there is also the fact that Patrick Revere, MHInsider, and Yardi all failed to give the known hard data that points to manufactured housing being in a steep decline. MHI itself admitted to that decline, via testimony by William “Bill” Boor to Congress, which occurred on the same date that Yardi published the above.

The one segment that this analysis won’t question at this time is the ‘top retail markets.’ It may or may not be accurate, but without more data from a known reliable source, there is simply no independent way at this time to confirm or contradict its claims.
Additional Insights and Observations
By way examples, a short segue is useful to grasp what should happen when an error is discovered by a publication or serious writer.
On October 4, 2023 multi-year manufactured housing association professional Al Kemp sent the following correction out to his email list as a follow up to an item he’d published earlier that day.
In my haste to get today’s information to you, I quoted a section from the wrong Tenancy Act.
The section quoted in the first line of Grounds for Approving . . . should read 79(1.1)
. . . . Al”
Kemp became aware of the mistake, and swiftly let his readers know what that mistake was. Typos and other errors simply happen, because humans are imperfect and have been since the days following Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden for failing to keep their Creator’s only original commandment. The vast majority of people understand that reality of human imperfect. Most are forgiving, so long as errors aren’t swept under the proverbial rug or otherwise ignored.
Kemp did the right thing.
MHProNews recently learned that Havenpark Communities is not listed, per an MHI connected source that claims knowledge, in MHI’s latest membership list. MHI for some time published their membership information and made it public. But MHI have since hidden that membership listing behind a paywall for “members only.” Once MHProNews was advised of the updated info about Havenpark, we published that fresh insight. How that detail about Havenpark may or may not play into issues like the class action lawsuit against several MHI members and/or members of MHI affiliated state associations is not entirely clear. That said, the broader pattern of allegations against those firms named in that antitrust class action arguably nevertheless persist because Havenpark was an MHI member during some of the time frame in question in that lawsuit. It is unclear if Havenpark was asked to leave membership by some authority at MHI, or if instead Havenpark simply failed to renew, or in some way quit MHI. What is more certain is that other firms named in the class action suit have engaged in similar business practices as Havenpark, per various mainstream reports as well as from the evidence claimed by those involved in that class action which aptly named Havenpark as a prior MHI member along with other MHI firms accused of collusion to raise lot rents. Datacomp, as noted a sister-brand to MHVillage/MHInsider, and Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) are among the MHI members named in that class action lawsuit. Note that ELS owns Datacomp, MHVillage, and MHInsider, per their own press release.

There is an evidence-based case to be made that misinformation, deception, paltering, and various forms of “razzle dazzle” distractions (like MHI awards for “excellence”) are part of the mix that keeps several MHI members looking better than their track records would otherwise indicate. Essentially, almost every segment of the approximately 363-word post by Revere has errors and/or reasonably questionable claims in them. It is hard to imagine how a professional that claims to care about accuracy could get it so wrong. Yet, MHInsider dares to assert in their ‘disclaimer’ that every effort has been made to get their information to be accurate.
Since they became part of a publicly traded company – i.e.: ELS – there ought to be standards for accuracy in their reports. But as the above and other items linked herein reveal, MHInsider is hardly a source for reliable information. Visually appealing at times? Yes. Reliably accurate? Hardly. As the examples above about Havenpark or Al Kemp are meant to illustrate, dependable media and professionals issue corrections once inaccurate information becomes known. Yet, there is no known example of either MHI or MHInsider issuing a correction for errant misinformation in the last 5 years.
To illustrate the prior sentence above, the following inquiry was put to Bing’s AI Chat function:
>”Are there any known examples of the Manufactured Housing Institute or MHInsider issuing a public correction in the last 5 years?”
I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Learn more:
1. manufacturedhomepronews.com 2. manufacturedhomepronews.com 3. manufacturedhomepronews.com 4. mhvillage.com 5. manufacturedhomepronews.com”
As a relevant follow up, so that MHInsider is kept in reasonable company with other MHI members who blog or publish, the following inquiry was put to Bing.
> “Are there any known examples of bloggers George Allen, Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds, or ManufacturedHomes.com issuing a public correction in the last 5 years?”

Part III – is our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.
The macro market move graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
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Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 10.5.2023
- SBF’s actions were ‘flagrantly wrong,’ former FTX employee testifies
- Crocs Classic Cowboy Boot
- There are cowboy boot Crocs now
- SpaceX, Twitter and electric car maker Tesla CEO Elon Musk looks on as he speaks during his visit at the Vivatech technology startups and innovation fair at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center in Paris, on June 16, 2023.
- US regulator seeks court order to compel Elon Musk to testify about his Twitter acquisition
- Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers form a picket line as they begin a strike nationwide at Kaiser Oakland Medical Center in Oakland, Calif., on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. About 75,000 healthcare workers across the country take part in the largest strike in United States history. Workers demand higher wages and solutions to staffing shortage.
- ‘I feel bad for the nurses, but I feel worse for the patients’: Kaiser members struggle during the strike
- United Auto Workers member Mariusz Mirek holds a picket sign near a General Motors Assembly Plant in Delta Township, Mich., Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. The United Auto Workers union expanded its two-week strikes against Detroit automakers Friday, adding 7,000 workers at a Ford plant in Chicago and a General Motors assembly factory near Lansing, Michigan.
- Negotiations between the UAW and GM are showing signs of progress
- A Sale Pending sign hangs in front of a property in San Francisco, Tuesday, April 18, 2023. On Thursday, Freddie Mac reports on this week’s average U.S. mortgage rates.
- Mortgage rates climb to 7.49%, hurting home sales
- Thomas Jefferson University College of Nursing students practice transferring a patient.
- Nursing schools are turning away thousands of applicants during a major nursing shortage. Here’s why
- Apple CEO Tim Cook delivers a keynote address during the WWDC22 at Apple Park on June 06, 2022 in Cupertino, California.
- Apple rejected opportunities to buy Microsoft’s Bing, integrate with DuckDuckGo
- Miami Marlins general manager Kim Ng smiles prior to Game 1 of the Wild Card Series between the Miami Marlins and the Philadelphia Phillies at Citizens Bank Park on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Miami Marlins’ Kim Ng became the first woman GM to lead an MLB team to the playoffs
- online shopping STOCK
- Record online discounts are coming this holiday season
- The largest health care strike in US history enters its second day
- The Girl Scouts are discontinuing a cult-favorite cookie
- Gas prices could fall to $3.25 by Halloween as oil plunges
- Belgium’s security services are monitoring Alibaba for possible spying
- Shares in this UK bank just plunged over 30%
- Hyundai and Kia are the latest to switch to Tesla EV charging
- In this city, the right to own a car starts at $76,000. And that doesn’t include the car
- Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour movie hits a presale record for Cinemark
- Britain’s high-speed rail fiasco reflects grim economic reality
- What to expect from Friday’s jobs report
- Here’s why investors are selling bonds in droves
- Microsoft, Amazon facing UK antitrust probe over cloud services
- Russia wields ‘silent weapon’ of grain exports to weaken Ukraine
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below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 10.5.2023
- Biden: I Had to Use Trump-Era Funds on Wall … but Still Say Barriers Won’t Help
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- Scalise Has Edge for 1st Vote but Bets Off After That
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- Cline: ‘Very Important’ to Keep Motion to Vacate | video
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