Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
On the surface, it sounds preposterous.
Or even bizarre.
Why would billionaire Warren Buffett, his family, and related foundations make ‘charitable’ contributions of Berkshire Hathaway stocks, cash, and/or grants to a left-wing activist-organizations that in turn paid MHAction, which disrupted HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s address to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)?

That’s where the news tip, facts, and evidence point to – in what could develop into the biggest manufactured housing exposé since Smoking Gun 3.
It was a resident group member that tipped the Daily Business News on MHProNews to the statements by the president of the Golden State Manufactured-Home Owner League (GSMOL) that MHAction – Manufactured Housing Action – was getting funding from the Tides Foundation.
Among the donors to the leftist Tides?
The NoVo Foundation, with Warren’s son Peter and his wife as organization’s Co-Presidents. In the year shown, Buffett backed NoVo Foundation gave millions of dollars toward the Tides. See that new report on MHLivingNews, at the link below.
Manufactured Home Resident Group President Cautions Against MHAction, Surprising Background Reveal to Manufactured Housing Action –
If you scratch deeply enough, people of good will can find some common ground with others of good will. There will be disagreements between people. It has been so, since ‘the fall,’ and is expected to continue that way until time comes to an end.
The Tides in turn gave to MHAction, stated the GSMOL President Michelle Smith.
Smith blasted MHAction for trying to wrongfully take credit for work that they – GSMOL – had in fact done.
What Smith didn’t say was the “dark money” trail from Buffett – who’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate owns Clayton Homes, 21st and Vanderbilt, among several other firms connected to manufactured housing – has purportedly funded MHAction.
But Tides and groups funded by Buffett and billionaire George Soros haven’t funded through intermediaries MHAction alone. There are other radical activist groups that have been funded too.
We didn’t want the details to leak before publishing this, but soon plan to ask how
- Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS),
- “Frank & Dave,” RVHorizons, and Mobile Home University (MHU),
- or the Blackstone Group
feel about having Berkshire money flowing into anti-business protests that have been aimed at them?
MHAction, as MHProNews has previously reported, protested each of those groups. See the video above for one example, with more in the related reports, further below the by line.
Further, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has elevated Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA-D). Warren, was a keynote for an MHAction and other radical activist groups address.
‘Pay More Attention to what People Do…’ and ‘Follow the Money.’
You decide if Marty Lavin’s dictum applies.
Where’s the Logic?
MHAction – through the Tides Foundations, and via other mechanisms – are connected
- to Black Lives Matter,
- New York Communities for Change (NYCC),
AntiFa (so-called Antifascists, who ironically use the brownshirt and violent tactics that fascists used), - and other radical – sometimes violent and destructive – groups. It should be noted that NYCC and others spun off from ACORN, which was disbanded after allegations of voter fraud, and other illegalities surfaced.
The above facts appears to confirm the oblique links between Buffett’s billions and those of left-wing activist billionaire, George Soros.
GSMOL, Other Resident Groups Should Be Disturbed
It’s no secret that the Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association (WHA) and GSMOL are often at loggerheads with each other.
But are each group missing something in this revelation?
How is it that Democrats are getting backers like:
- billionaires Buffett and Soros,
- state resident groups are also often backing Democratic candidates?
- In California, sources say that the WMA backs Democrats too.
- Who is fooling whom?
MarketWatch Reports Warren Buffett’s Midterm Campaign Contributions
“When you look at the pieces of the puzzle, it makes you think back to corruption of Tammany Hall,” said L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, publisher of MHProNews, manufactured home industry consultant, service provider, and expert.
How is it that members of the Delaware Manufactured Home Owners Association (DMHOA) failed to realize the import of their own statements? Didn’t they realize that Democrats have the lion share of the PAC money in the U.S., and apparently in their state?

Why are there so many cases of both residents and industry insiders backing the same party’s candidates?
MH Communities, Owners, MH Independents Alert – NMHOA and MHAction Next Steps? – Part 1
Paying to Stir Up Trouble…
Manufactured housing is a microcosm of what is taking place in other parts of the national scene. There are paid agitators in Washington, D.C. and other places. There are organizations that have formed with money from billionaires and others that are organizing the protests that disrupted
- Secretary Carson’s address to MHI.
- ELS,
- Frank Rolfe, et al,
- And the Blackstone Group, among others.
More on this in the days ahead. But suffice it to say for today that the billionaires are paying to stir up trouble for the members of the industry on several levels.
Part of the image issue of our industry is fueled by the protests of MHAction and others. That impacts not only those who are being protested, but arguably, the industry at large.
And the party that Buffett and Soros backs are the Democrats. The Democrats are the ‘beneficiaries’ of AntiFa and related groups, that operate similarly to how MHAction are being used in MHVille. In fact, as a prior report revealed, MHAction attends other leftist groups protests, and vice versa.
Where is MHI on this? Oh, yes, pardon me. They are being funded by Berkshire Hathaway too.
On MHProNews, we follow the leads, evidence, tips, and money.
Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage’s Manufactured Housing “Spies”
So that manufactured housing industry professionals can be alert to the kinds of purported schemes that cost thousands of professionals their businesses, that either sold for a discount, or were closed and lost. See the related reports, linked further below. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports:
GIGO, Esther Sullivan, Clayton Homes, Boston Globe, GSMOL on ‘Manufactured Insecurity-Mobile Home Parks and Americans’ Tenuous Right to Place’
Like millions of others, during my high school days and at the university, computer geeks used the acronym, GIGO. “Garbage In, Garbage Out .” It simply means that if your input is bad, then the output is bad. Similarly, when using logic, if the premise is flawed, then the conclusion is flawed too.
“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille
Truth, Trump, Tragedy, Triumph, Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes
Let’s stipulate that both President Donald J. Trump and his anti-Trump opponents at times error in various ways. No one is perfect. Let’s note later why the bullets below matters for the cause of the economy, affordable housing in general, and manufactured homes in particular.
“I knew right from the beginning.” When President Trump, First Lady Melania, VP Pence Toured Manufactured Home Community –
” Best vote ever ,” said one manufactured home resident as he took a sandwich, water and thanked President Donald J. Trump. ” I knew right from the beginning,” said another resident in the Naples, Florida manufactured home community as he shook the president’s hand, and thanked him.