Fact-Checking ‘Supersized Lies and an Order of Fries’ are ‘October Surp-Fries’ as MHVille Flashback with Fast-Forward Manufactured Housing Industry Links to Dueling Campaigns McDonalds Pitches


According to left-leaning Copilot, which cited JuneHomes.com, “In the early 1980s, the average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in the United States was around $308 per month1. Keep in mind that rent prices could vary significantly depending on the location and the state of the economy at the time.” For those who worked in manufactured housing retail in those days, as this writer for MHProNews did, back in the early 1980s, it was possible to buy a new 2+1 or 2+2 single-section HUD Code manufactured home for $10,000 to $12,000 dollars with air conditioning, delivery, and basic set up. Thus, the competing references to working at McDonald’s by the Kamala Harris (D)-Gov. Tim Walz (MN-D) and deposed President Donald J. Trump (R)-Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R) campaigns have several possible touchpoints or links to manufactured housing as an affordable housing option for lower wage employees. This report with fact-checks and analysis will explore insights about the two campaigns claims and publicity stunts but will do so through the lens of what has happened to deteriorating housing affordability and the steady loss of the “American Dream” of home ownership. 

To illustrate that 1980s flashback that tees up the headline fast-forward is the following Q&A with Copilot.

MHProNews inquiry to Copilot: “In the early 1980s could two full-time McDonald Employees afford to make the payments on a new $12,000 single section manufactured home?”


CopilotAi-poweredMHProNewsIn the early 1980s, the average salary for a McDonald’s employee was around $3.35 per hour1. Assuming both employees worked full-time (40 hours per week), their combined weekly income would be approximately $268 (2 employees * $3.35/hour * 40 hours/week). …

Given their combined weekly income of $268, their monthly income would be around $1,136…

So, while it might be tight, it seems feasible for two full-time McDonald’s employees in the early 1980s to afford the payments on a new $12,000 single-section manufactured home, assuming
they managed their budget carefully and didn’t have significant other expenses. …”


Actually, Copilot modestly understated the gross income, because the weekly pay of $268 should be multiplied x 4.33 (the typical number of weeks per month), which yields $1160.44 gross income. So, back in the early 1980s, it was quite possible in several parts of the U.S. for employees at McDonalds to earn enough money to make the payments on a manufactured home. Site fees or “lot rents” were often dramatically lower then. Some buyers would then, as now, place a manufactured home on family-owned land. So, a modest manufactured home could be purchased and sited on a McDonald’s-type income, so long as other expenses were minimal so a buyer could qualify for the loan.

As a follow up, MHProNews asked Copilot: “What is the national average pay for two employees working full time at McDonald’s today?”


CopilotAi-poweredMHProNewsAs of 2024, the average pay for a full-time McDonald’s employee in the United States is approximately $25,163 per year. This translates to about $12.03 per hour assuming a standard 40-hour work week.

For two full-time employees, their combined annual income would be around $50,326, or $24.06 per hour each.

1 www.zippia.com …” 

According to Marcus and Millichap Inc (MMI) 1H 2024 report: “The average lot rent in the U.S. nearly reached $700 in 2023. While most regions hold mean rates in the mid-$500 to high-$600 zone, the Pacific West is largely responsible for a higher national average as the subregion claimed an average lot rent of $1,100 in 2023.” Per the U.S. Census Bureau data linked here, in February 2024, the national average for a single section manufactured home was $80,200. Obviously, a smaller single section HUD Code home could be purchased for less. But escalating site fees in communities and significantly higher costs for a HUD Code manufactured home means that in many parts of the country, it is becoming less possible for a two income household working at McDonalds to buy a manufactured home.

So, as MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site have been reporting during the Biden-Harris (D), or per some now, the Harris-Biden (D) era, affordability of even the most proven kind of affordable housing alternative to conventional site-built housing is slipping out of reach for millions of everyday Americans. Per left-leaning Google’s AI powered Gemini: “McDonald’s employs close to 700,000 people in its domestic restaurants in the United States.” Those totals are for franchise restaurants as well as corporate owned stores and employees.

With that backdrop, we can now pivot to the other part of the headline. Namely, the repeated claims of Kamala Harris (D) and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (MN-D) that Harris worked at McDonalds. According to the Trump campaign, they have searched for evidence that she did work at McDonalds and can’t find any. Harris and her campaign have as of 10.20.2024 not yet offered proof of her claim of working at McDonalds.  While there are naturally claims made for and against Harris’ assertion, this from the U.K. Telegraph on 10.20.2024 is noteworthy.

Staff at a branch of McDonald’s have been sworn to secrecy about whether Kamala Harris ever worked there after Donald Trump accused her of lying.

Employees at the franchise in Alameda, California told The Telegraph they had been instructed by bosses not to talk about the vice-president, after claims that she invented her summer job to appear more authentic to voters.

Trump visited a franchise of the restaurant in Feasterville, Pennsylvania on Sunday, and cooked fries in one of the branch’s fryers. The dine-in restaurant was closed to the public to accommodate his visit, but the drive-thru remained open.

“This is fun, I could do this all day,” he said, after serving a customer from the hatch. “I wouldn’t mind this job.”

Donning a McDonald’s apron, he asked an employee: “Do I take off my jacket? The press wants to see this.”

He was then instructed on how to cook and season the fries.

Ms Harris has spoken repeatedly about her time at the restaurant, and says her job there during her university degree in the 1980s inspired her to support working families.

“Part of the reason I even talk about having worked at McDonald’s is because there are people who work at McDonald’s in our country who are trying to raise a family,” she told MSNBC last month.

Ms Harris said she first “did fries” at the restaurant and then worked as a cashier to help pay for her law degree at the University of California.

It is not known which branch in Alameda Ms Harris worked at, but at one location, on Shore Line Drive, The Telegraph understands the owner asked staff not to speak about Ms Harris after the branch began to receive calls from journalists looking to verify Ms Harris’s claim. …”

Deeper into that report, the Telegraph said this.

Neither Ms Harris nor Trump have offered proof of their claims about her job there. In an interview on Fox News on Thursday, he said he had asked the restaurant’s owner about it.

“I know she didn’t [work there],” he said. “We checked it out. They said she never worked here. She even picked the store. We went to the manager. The manager’s been there forever.”

Ms Harris did not mention the job in either of her memoirs, published in 2010 and 2019, and appears to have first revealed the job during a rally in Las Vegas in 2019.

On the one hand, as Trump himself said, lying about working at McDonalds “is not a big thing” in the larger scheme of possible issues that might be explored, like open borders, much higher prices for goods, services, fuel, utilities, and housing in the U.S., all of which Kamala Harris (D) and Joe Biden (D) have both said she took part in and voted for the policies in place in the last 3.5 years. As the left-leaning, and pro-Harris, pro-Democratic, New York Times said, Harris cast a record number of tie breaking votes in support of the Biden-Harris agenda in Congress. Then there are the international policies, and the apparent cover-up from the public by Harris of Biden’s cognitive decline.  Harris repeatedly asserted, when asked, how sharp and vigorous Biden was claimed to be.  All those apparently false claims about how sharp Biden was fell apart in the wake of the Trump-Biden debate in June 2024.




The underlying issue of the McDonalds employee claim ought to be, is Kamala Harris (D) a truth teller or is she a serial liar attempting to create a false connection with more potential voters through this purpoted fabrication? That is far more important that whether she did or did not work for McDonalds. But if she didn’t work for McDonalds, as numbers besides Trump and the Telegraph assert, then why is she making that up? Or if she did work for them, as she and her running mate and campaign claim, then why not offer evidence to back that up and then move on?

To dig further into this topic, the following items are from Newsmax in Part I. Part II will deal with the substantive issue of truth telling or apparent evidence of lying and plagiarism, on other topics beyond McDonalds.

Part I

According to right-leaning Newsmax: Oct. ‘Surp-Fries’: Trump Works McDonald’s in Pa.

QuoteMarksLeftSidePeople were packed along a street in Feasterville, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, to watch and perhaps grab some fries from former President Donald Trump as he worked at McDonald’s on Sunday [Full Story]

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Also per right-leaning Newsmax: Did Harris Truly Work for McDonald’s? Listen to Deafening Silence


QuoteMarksLeftSideRepublican presidential nominee Donald Trump planned to troll Vice President Kamala Harris for allegedly continuing to lie about having worked for McDonald’s, rolling up his sleeves as a McDonald’s fry cook in a campaign appearance Sunday.

And the Trump campaign is trolling Harris for having made baseless claims devoid of evidence.

Citing the past silence of Harris on ever having claimed to work for McDonald’s until she ran for president and painted the picture of her being from “middle class” roots, The Washington Free Beacon dug into Harris’ past to find evidence she has ever worked as a McDonald’s french fry cook as she has claimed.

“It is possible that Harris did indeed work at McDonald’s in the early 1980s,” according to the Free Beacon analysis of the McDonald’s mystery. “But the absence of that detail in public records and her campaign’s coyness and refusal to provide any further details raise questions about what is now a foundational narrative.”

All the Free Beacon found was circumstantial evidence to the contrary, potentially debunking Harris’ claim of having been a McDonald’s french fry attendant and exposing her for a white lie in her effort to appeal to “working-class” and “middle-class” voters.

Notably, Harris is the daughter of a cancer researcher and a tenured Stanford economist, who Trump rebukes as a “Marxist” movement activist, the Free Beacon noted. Her parent’s well-paying jobs are not the kind held by middle-class families, despite her campaign spinning that narrative, critics note.

Newsmax’s legal expert Alan Dershowitz famously said, “It is hard to prove a negative,” but the Free Beacon took the initiative to try.

Some of the facts the Free Beacon uncovered in its search of any potential support for Harris’ potentially erroneous claim:

  • “Harris’ résumé a year after she graduated college makes no mention of McDonald’s.”
  • Harris’ campaign and surrogates continue to say she worked her way through college using McDonald’s wages.
  • But, notably, as Harris was accepting the Democrat presidential nomination without ever competing in the primary – neither 2020 nor 2024 – against the ousted President Joe Biden, a mid-August Politico report said past campaign messaging changed to “she really took the summer job just to earn a bit more spending money,” and not “pay her way through college.”
  • Politico, a main stream media outlet, filed that aforementioned report of the subtle messaging tweak “just hours after the Washington Free Beacon reached out to the Harris campaign.”
  • The New York Times, another main stream media outlet, published a timely historical record of Harris’ upbringing, “reported without attribution” that Harris was a Howard University student in Washington, D.C., but returned “to the Bay Area for a summer during college when she worked at a McDonald’s in Alameda, a city next to Oakland.”
  • “There is no record of Harris mentioning the McDonald’s job before that labor rally in Las Vegas in June 2019.”
  • Harris’ memoirs published in July 2010 and January 2019 both fail to mention McDonald’s: “‘The Truths We Hold,’ published ahead of her maiden presidential bid, does include a passage on the ‘many jobs’ she held in college, with no reference to McDonald’s. It also devotes a chapter to the struggles of the working class and assails the service industry’s ‘starvation wages.’ Harris’ McDonald’s job is similarly absent from her 2009 book, ‘Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer.'”
  • Harris biographers are in the dark about McDonald’s experience on Harris’ résumé, too: “A 2021 memoir by Stacey Johnson-Batiste, Harris’ lifelong friend who grew up with her in California, does not mention McDonald’s anywhere in the text. Dan Morain, who authored ‘Kamala’s Way: An American Life,’ told the Free Beacon he was ‘not aware’ of her job at McDonald’s.”
  • Harris made no mention of McDonald’s work in her August Democratic National Convention speech billed as her “reintroduction,” nor in the Milwaukee campaign rally that followed.
  • An October 1987 job application obtained by the Free Beacon for a law clerk position in the Alameda County district attorney’s office listed three past positions on a form asking for five, but not McDonald’s: “On that form, Harris, who was in law school at the time, listed several jobs — including a month-long clerical job at a stock brokerage — in a section that asked her to list every position she held in the last 10 years. McDonald’s is absent.”
  • Harris’ college application for then-University of California, Hastings College of the Law, obtained by the Free Beacon “included granular life experience on her résumé — extensive travel in India, Africa, Europe” and “lived in Montreal, Canada for six years” — but not McDonald’s.
  • The omission could be incidental, or even purposeful, but the Free Beacon noted many past Democrats have boasted food service jobs in an attempt to connect to working-class voters, including former President Barack Obama’s “first job scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Honolulu,” a claim that was quickly and thoroughly vetted with evidence, according to the Free Beacon.

McDonald’s employs a full-time archivist to chronicle its 84-year history and even hailing its staffing alumni, but the company did not respond to the Free Beacon’s requests for comments.

At recent campaign rallies this week, Trump noted he has a well-placed friend at McDonald’s that has looked into Harris’ employment records at the company and has been unable to find any evidence. Trump said he has had to do the investigative research the media should have been doing to vet Harris’ claims.”

So, Newsmax, siting sources across the left-right media divide, indicates that there is no obvious evidence to support the Harris claim that she ever worked at McDonalds. If so, they she, her running mate, and campaign may justly be accused of repeatedly and deliberately lying for self-serving pollical purposes.

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary


1) In an X-post (tweet) by deposed President Donald J. Trump is the following. It shows streets lined up where he went to work the fry machine and drive up window at a McDonalds in an  apparent campaign event. A lady at the drive-up window said to the 45th president: ‘Please don’t let this country become like my native Brazil.’

2) According to a post by Trump-supporting centi-billionaire Elon Musk, the following.











4) Plagiarism is a form of lying. It is claiming as your own the work product of another. In that sense, it may be worse than a commonplace lie.




A tweet introduced the video below with these words: “This is how you are acting today. A few days ago we learned of kamala’s plagiarism, and now her blasphemy. We will all be held accountable for what we do and what we support.” While a case can be made for this exaggerating, the message can be understood that it is based on evidence for claims that Kamala Harris rally attendees are being bused in and other statements made by “Da Real Adogg.”



5) There is one big reason that Harris has survived an ongoing stream of embarrassing revelations and evidence. That would be that much (not all) of the mainstream media and big tech, just like much of “Wall Street” and the billionaire donor class, are in her corner and have buried or excused her behavior. As an X-post above noted, in 1987, evidence of plagiarism sank Joe Biden’s prior presidential campaign. But fast forward to 2024, and evidence of plagiarism, supersized lies with fries, insulting Christians, Catholic Christians on several occasions over the years, undermining the interests of Jews, and more are downplayed or ignored by friendly media. MRC is just one of the sources that have documented that media bias.


Per MRC, there have been 41 recorded times that Google has interfered with elections. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/41-Times-Google-Has-Interfered-MRC-Google-Election-Interference-Report2024-MHProNews.pdf


6) As Musk tweeted at the top, much of her campaign is Trump hatred. The other parts of her campaign, as some of the tweets (X-posts) above revealed are thinly veiled efforts at vote-buying. To be balanced, there are things that Trump is promising that also seem to fall into that same “vote buying” category.  That said, what Trump is saying he will do he did before, such as cutting taxes for the middle class and smaller businesses. By contrast, Kamala’s promises fly in the face of her behavior for 3.5 years.




7) That apparently Brazilian woman who accepted her order from prior President Trump at McDonald’s made another relevant point. Her native Brazil has been ‘taken over’ by socialists. As left-leaning NPR reported: “Leftist Lula da Silva is sworn in as president to lead a divided Brazil.” “The leftist narrowly beat far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in an October runoff election, marking a stunning political comeback — just three years after da Silva was released from prison on corruption charges and 12 years after his first two terms as president. Da Silva…The 77-year-old defeated Bolsonaro in the Oct. 30 vote by less than 2%. Bolsonaro, a 67-year-old populist in the mold of former President Donald Trump, never conceded defeat and has propagated doubts about the legitimacy of Brazil’s election.”


8) In yesterday’s Sunday MHVille weekly recap, MHProNews carefully examined the Big Lie, paltering, spin, and half-truths as presented by notable psychologist Tom Stafford.  That repetition of false or misleading information from an often-compliant media is quite in keeping with the concern that leftists Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky raised in their book, Manufacturing Consent.  Harvard, as MHProNews reported, has studied the paltering phenomena.




9) The problems with Big Media and Big Tech have been reported by MHProNews for years before Kamala Harris (D) was parachuted into the Democratic presidential nomination in what has been described as a palace coup to remove Joe Biden (D) who was seen as likely to lose to Trump in 2024 following that problematic debate performance that exposed years of coverups by people like Harris and the Biden-Harris (D) regime. Among the ironies in this campaign is that it features a former Democrat, Trump, vs. a current Democrat – Kamala Harris. It features a self-proclaimed moderate Democrat, Elon Musk, backing Trump, against an array of current and multi-year Democratic supporting billionaires and CEOs. It is former Democratic presidential candidate, Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-D), who said that his party represents the ultra-wealthy and very poor. Dr. Robert Epstein, linked below, is another self-described Democrat who has testified to Congress about his evidence-based concerns that Google (and others in big tech, like Facebook) has slyly tilted searches in favor of Democratic candidates and against Republicans like Trump, or promoted nasty reports about Trump vs. good or more balanced ones.



When Musk bought Twitter and transformed it into X, he did so by revealing evidence that was dubbed the Twitter Files, which indicated just how chummy Democratic and anti-Trump aligned public officials had worked with that company to suppress accurate reporting under false claims of misinformation.


‘Remember the Lies’ – Matt Taibbi, Elon Musk, ‘The Twitter Files’ and MHVille – What Evidence-Based Claims of Election Interference Means to America and Manufactured Housing


10) There is ample evidence, as recently as this month from former Democratic Presidential candidates John Kerry (D) and Hillary Clinton (D) that they openly favor censorship and a suppression of First Amendment rights.  Thus, it is no surprise that Musk’s recent million dollar a day giveaway in battleground states for a random person who signed a pledge to support the first and second amendments has a sort of logic to it.




11) If Harris has lied about working at McDonalds it is only the latest in a series of deceptions. Socialists, Marxists, and Communists don’t typically come to power by telling the truth. They come into power by making a series of rosy promises that don’t end up coming to pass.

That Brazilian woman pleading with Trump not to let the U.S.A. become her homeland of Brazil is a common sentiment among millions of immigrants. They came to America to get away from socialism, communism, Marxism, and autocratic or theocratic rule. While there are Cubans, for example, that are Democrats and support Democrats, they are routinely better known for supporting anticommunist candidates like Trump and MAGA style Republicans.  It is good to revisit the difference between development in Florida (top of left satellite image) vs. Cuba (mostly dark island below Florida). On the right, something similar is true between South Korea and North Korea.




12) Freedom isn’t free. It must be defended. The ballot box is the easiest way to defend freedom by voting for the candidates that want to defend free speech, freedom of religion, 2nd Amendment rights, and so on. It is the highest form of hypocrisy for Democrats like Harris to claim that Trump is a threat to Democracy and may weaponize government against his political opponents when they have already done so for years only, they have aimed that weaponization of government venom against Trump and his backers. They palter, posturing, project and share the Big Lie with glee. And until those methods are clearly understood by more voters, the more likely it is that someone votes based on false and misleading information.




Our exclusive pre-election series on the Patch drills down these topics in often shorter and fact-backed insights with analysis. ICYMI, or want to share links with others you know, see some of those linked below. Because as Professor Tom Stafford has said, evidence is a proven way of winning and changing minds, even if they have been propagandized for years by a series of “big lies,” or super-sized fries that apparently were never served by apparent plagiarist Kamala Harris (D).






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This link here will provide the most updated list of articles on the Patch, the above is just a sampling. But with the big lie hard at work, with paltering, deception, spin and more in wide evidence, the warning of Elena Gorokhova about communists in the old Soviet Union should come to mind as a warning to modern America. ##


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Mark Hemingway via Real Clear Investigations on ‘Buying the News – How the Donor Class Are Taking Over Local Journalism’ – Facts and Analysis with MHVille Specific Insights




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MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site have numerous reports on the topics raised by articles like this one. Additionally, our new pre-election information/education series on the Patch – see the latest linked here – are relevant to this topic. ###


“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” Trade media can and should be a ‘cheerleader’ when it is appropriate to do so. But authentic trade media also holds the powers that be to account. Who says? The American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


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