As professionals of all kinds know, every day – each week – is a potentially important and impactful one. But some days and weeks are clearly more memorable than others.
In the past week:
- The modular home industry won a significant court case.
- The manufactured home industry obtained a key admission with a useful, insightful document.
- Lawmakers and public officials are increasingly focusing on antitrust issues.
- Public officials are grappling with the roots of the affordable housing crisis, instead of just dealing with top or bottom-line numbers.
- More industry pros are – and/or soon will – grasp the benefit of the mantra: understand the facts and enforce existing good federal laws.
There are problematic items to report too. All of that and more will follow below in our headline week in review.
They are not popping the cork on champagne bottles in a certain office in Washington, D.C., because that is not their style. But the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), in conjunction with others in MHVille, earned a major concession yet again from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
It may not seem so yet, but MHI, their big boy backers, and bootlicking ‘trade media’ toadies have painted themselves into a corner. Based upon history, they are not likely to publicly admit the errors. But by documenting those stubborn facts with screen captures from MHI and their minions’ own websites, their own documents, and quotes from their own members – past and present – they are proving to be the antithesis for what a good trade organization arguably ought to do.
When the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) joined into a lawsuit that proved successful last week, that should beg the question. Why didn’t MHI do something similar to that years ago?
When MHI admits, and now asks in writing, that HUD should enforce the federal law on enhanced preemption, that begs the question. Why didn’t they make that point five or ten years ago during the Obama Administration? After all, Warren Buffett had easy access to former President Obama. For the first two years of the Obama Administration, what they wanted, could be obtained. Later, much was done with executive orders, and HUD was an executive agency that would respond to presidential direction.
We aren’t popping the corks yet either. But we too have proven, in conjunction with other professionals of good will in manufactured housing, that doggedly sticking to facts, following the money, applying common sense, and accurately citing sources across the left-right divide pays off. Let’s underscore that some of our sources have been, and continue to be, within the MHI orbit. They are not a monolithic body, all marching in lockstep – even though they clearly have a thrust that routinely aligns, per sources, with what Omaha-Knoxville and other ‘big boys’ want the Arlington, VA based trade group to do.
Facts are stubborn things. Push them persistently enough, and doors may creak open.
There is far more to unpack. But that is more than enough of a lead into the headlines from the week that was, from 7.21.2019 to 7.28.2019. With no further adieu, let’s dive into the runaway most-read news line-up in all of manufactured housing.
What’s News on MHLivingNews
Defining Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes, Trailer Houses, and the Big Lie
What’s New on the Masthead
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Publicly Traded Manufactured Housing Firms – Which Source Do You Trust More? Why? MHI, MHARR, Others
Publicly Traded Manufactured Housing Firms – Which Source Do You Trust More? Why? MHI, MHARR, Others
Under Pressure, MHI Pivots “HUD Must Implement and Enforce its Enhanced Preemption Authority”
Under Pressure, MHI Pivots “HUD Must Implement and Enforce its Enhanced Preemption Authority”
Google Under Fire, $50 Million Rep Tulsi Gabbard Suit, Peter Theil Cries Foul too, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
National Low Income Housing Coalition Touts “Yes In My Back Yard” Act, S. 1919
National Low Income Housing Coalition Touts “Yes In My Back Yard” Act, S. 1919
Patrick Riding High – Latest Data – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Patrick Riding High – Latest Data – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Approval for New Manufactured Home Development Obtained, Groundbreaking Planned, Details Others Lack
Approval for New Manufactured Home Development Obtained, Groundbreaking Planned, Details Others Lack
Manufactured Housing Institute – Seth Appleton, Hunter Kurtz Begin Key Roles at HUD – Analysis
Manufactured Housing Institute – Seth Appleton, Hunter Kurtz Begin Key Roles at HUD – Analysis
“Revolving Door” – 2019 Research by Public Citizen Spotlights Swampy Problems
“Revolving Door” – 2019 Research by Public Citizen Spotlights Swampy Problems
NAR, Land Use, Property Rights, Declining Existing, New Housing Sales
NAR, Land Use, Property Rights, Declining Existing, New Housing Sales
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin “Absolutely Right” AG Investigating Antitrust Issues, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Senator Todd Young (IN-R) Reportedly Plans Address at Controversial “Educator” George F. Allen Event?
Legal Insurrection – Will Senator Warren, Other 2020 Presidential Hopefuls Business Deals Hurt Democrats in 2020?
Tuesday 7.23.2019
HUD Secretary Ben Carson Emerging Strategies in Affordable Housing Expo 7.23.2019, Talks Manufactured Homes, Other Innovations, Solutions
AG Barr Announces Broadest Antirust Probe Yet, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
AG Barr Announces Broadest Antirust Probe Yet, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Sounding Off! Going “On the Record” – Manufactured Housing Controversies, Opportunities
Sounding Off! Going “On the Record” – Manufactured Housing Controversies, Opportunities
CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger, FTC Official Statement, Others on Massive Credit Breach Settlement
CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger, FTC Official Statement, Others on Massive Credit Breach Settlement
Monday 7.22.2019
“Abrogation of Good Corporate Governance,” Billionaire Icahn Blasts “Buffett Deal,” plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Center with Automation Capacities Opened
New HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Center with Automation Capacities Opened
Don’t Tell Me, Show Me, with Manufactured Housing
POTUS Trump ‘Racism,’ BET Founder Robert Johnson, Secretary Carson, and Bipartisan Solutions Advancing Manufactured Housing
Sunday 7.21.2019
‘Alexa, Make Breakfast for Me,’ Past, Present, Future and Manufactured Housing Developments, News
‘Alexa, Make Breakfast for Me,’ Past, Present, Future and Manufactured Housing Developments, News
That’s all she wrote, with a little help from that other guy, in the week that was for “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and Connect with us on LinkedIn here and here.
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MHARR Meeting with New FHFA Leadership
JULY 15, 2019 TO: MHARR MANUFACTURERS MHARR TECHNICAL REVIEW GROUP (TRG) MHARR STATE AFFILIATES FROM: MHARR RE: MHARR MEETING WITH NEW FHFA LEADERSHIP An MHARR delegation met with senior officials of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on July 11, 2019, including newly-confirmed FHFA Director, Dr. Mark Calabria.