‘God has this problem: He seems to think that He is God.’ That’s an evergreen maxim just as the headline paraphrase of the following John Adams quote, confirmed by the Quote Investigator. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Merriam Webster reminds us that evergreen means: “1: having foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season. 2 a: retaining freshness or interest…b: universally and continually relevant, not limited in applicability to a particular event or date” (emphasis added). The John Adams quote is somewhat akin to the remark credited to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (NY-D), who said: “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.”
There are such a things as objective reality, truth, and evidence that rises above mere opinion. The sobering point that some in our nation and some other ‘Western’ countries have been advised or taught differently is part of the tragedy of our era. Truth and evidence matter. We can think that we can fly, but unless we have some special device or equipment, jumping off a high-rise tower, cliff that is tall enough, or jump out of a plane that is high enough without a parachute will kill us regardless of our whims or wishes.
To be clear, there are subjective truths. Example. I don’t like mustard, ketchup, or mayo. That is a matter of taste, and taste is entirely personal. You may the taste of X, I like the taste of Y. Both can be true.
But when it comes to 1+1, in the normal laws of mathematics, that is always 2. That isn’t ‘2 for you, 3 for me, or 1 for someone else.’
Truth by definition is, per Oxford Languages: “that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.”
A lie, per the definition from Merriam Webster, means: “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.”
An error, per Oxford Languages means: “the state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment.”
A true lie, per Quora: “The phrase “true lies” refers to a situation in which someone is telling a lie that is ultimately true in some sense.”
Another way that “true lies” are explained is that it is a statement that is true but is missing some information and is thus it is a truth that is intended to mislead or deceive. True lies are common enough that the American Psychological Association (APA) has studied it. The APA’s title for that research said: “True Lies: People Who Lie Via Telling Truth Viewed Harshly.” It is fair to say that people normally don’t want to be deceived.
Another word that has a similar meaning as “true lies” is paltering. As MHProNews has noted for some years, citing left-leaning Wikipedia: “Paltering is the active use of selective truthful statements to mislead.”
- there is truth.
- There are partial truths and errors that can be unintended mistakes.
- Then, there are deceptions, which can include paltering and “true lies.”
Hold those thoughts.
David Ditch is the “Senior Policy Analyst, Budget Policy, Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget” at The Heritage Foundation. He recently spoke with MHProNews. He provided the following statement.
Ditch’s remarks are like those from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Housing Center previously provided and quoted by MHProNews.

But it isn’t just public officials that are causing the housing crisis. This it the time of year that many reflect and try to absorb the lessons of the past with the goal of learning from those lessons and applying it in the future. Recall the following report? While costs have changed, the core findings – that construction is being throttled – is still true, per various sources.

To illustrate the continuing relevance of the above, consider this Q&A on 12. 23.2023 at about 3:42 PM ET with Bing AI/Bing CoPilot.
> “Marketplace media published a report entitled “Homebuilders are constructing fewer homes … on purpose” (7.29.2021) Isn’t it true that numbers of builders are reportedly doing something similar now?”