What topics are important to manufactured housing industry professionals, advocates, public officials and for those researching the manufactured home industry’s news and views? In August 2022, the answer is found in this computer-generated data found below provided by Webalizer to MHProNews. This occasional and popular feature on this site informs those in or exploring the manufactured housing industry on what are the top-subjects that attracted the attention of readers like yourself. As our platform is the first and still only known daily business news and views publication anywhere in the U.S.A., the facts and insights that follow are particularly relevant.
As the maxim about what may seemingly be boastful remarks aptly says, ‘it isn’t bragging if it is true.’
During the month of August 2022, literally thousands of news articles, reports, fact-checks, analysis and viewpoints were accessed by readers on MHProNews, per the latest data from third-party Webalizer. As the software is connected directly to our server, it is arguably the best available data of its kind anywhere.
What follows below is a snapshot in time of the topics ranked higher in interest to those seeking information about manufactured housing in August of 2022. Some notices and disclosures are warranted before sifting through the following linked headlines.
There are certain pieces of information withheld for proprietary reasons, but the listing of topics in the order most read here on Manufactured Home Professional News (MHProNews.com) is the highest known level of disclosure anywhere online by any manufactured housing connected publisher, trade group, advocates, bloggers or others that happen to routinely provide insights into the world of inherently affordable manufactured housing. Despite the popularity of this occasional feature on MHProNews, no other known rivals have apparently done anything like this.
Curious minds want to know. Knowledge is potential power.
Further, while self-promotional claims abound in MHVille publishers and bloggers – MHVille being a moniker used by some within the manufactured housing industry to describe the profession in fond yet lighthearted terms – no one has seriously challenged the evidence-based claim that MHProNews is the dominating publication within this profession. There are several reasons to believe that MHProNews has more visitor traffic in a day than other industry-focused trade sites may obtain in a week, month, or more. Why does that matter? Because that logically makes these topics the most read in the industry.
The ranking that follows is from the most accessed article (at the top) and in descending order to the 31st most ranked article for 8.2022, per Webalizer-software generated data. Note that the home page is routinely going to be #1 for obvious reasons for those who understand the internet and websites.
Thus far in 2022, in a profession that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) used to assert has some 75,000 full time equivalent (FTE) professionals working, MHProNews has averaged well over 1 million pageviews monthly. Our articles routinely run in the thousands of words, they are not typically short posts. This data is per our primary cPanel, and our large site has over a dozen cPanels each of which generate their own dataset.
As a disclosure, there are times when we do these reports that we reflect categories of articles, not just the actual article name. For instance, the Masthead is a category, as are iReportNewsTips, contacts, email sign up, terms of use, corporate press releases, the Words of Wisdom, and several others on the MHProNews site. For the purposes of this ranking below, the only items being shown will be actual linked reports with the first one being the most-accessed for August 2022. They are then ranked in descending order (2nd, 3rd, 20th, etc.)
Note that while most of these article were new in August, some were published weeks or months before. That is often a reflection of people finding the website via a Google or other search engine search. The #3 ‘referrer’ source for the month was Google. But MHProNews has built up a large and loyal reader base, so thousands logon daily because they know they want to see what’s occurring in MHVille or with respect to issues that my impact manufactured housing that also reflect broader economic, political, or other trends.
The cutoff at 31 is arbitrary, in this case suggested because there were 31 days in August. As noted, some article were first published years ago, some were published this week and a range of publication dates in between. When articles published months or years ago occurs, that may be due to some topic in the news that causes a researcher to search Google or another search engine and they come across this site through that process. More on these topics will follow the listing.
You can click a link to access that report.
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
As web-experts have noted, linking articles within and following a report is a proven method for getting readers to follow the link to access more information that a visitor may be interested in. In no particular order of importance are the following additional facts and observations.
• For all of 2022, MHProNews has averaged well over 1 million page views monthly on its main cPanel alone.
• According to SimilarWeb: the giant CNN news website reportedly has: “Pages per Visit. 2.32.”
• Also per SimilarWeb, the more modest Newsmax website visitor accesses “Pages per Visit: 2.28.”
• By contrast, the Webalizer data for August appears to be a record on MHProNews for a particular aspect of reader engagement. While there have been months with more pageviews and more visitors, the overall pace has been in keeping with the 2022 pattern on MHProNews. What looks to be a record is this. Per Webalizer data for the month, the typical visitor accessed a remarkable 10.909 pageviews per visit. That is several times the volume of the normal news and views mainstream website.
Obviously, curious minds want to know.
That noted, for first time or occasional visitors’ sake, examples of our standard manufactured housing and broader markets reports are linked below.
Each day has one (sometimes more) featured issues. That featured subject is then followed by a snapshot of the broader equities for the prior day as well as for the manufactured home connected Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), stocks and other publicly traded equities associated with manufactured housing.
Each of our ‘rivals’ have at various times praised this site. Even those in industry management whose firms are periodically critiqued by this platform’s observations are among the regular readers, per reliable sources. Perhaps our greatest weakness? Editing. Perhaps our greatest strength? Content that dares to proclaim information that others ignore, downplay, or distract from whenever possible.
MHProNews and/or our MHLivingNews sister site have been cited by:
- Information submitted into the Congressional record by Members of Congress
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in their White Paper on manufactured housing. See footnote number 15.
- The National Association of Realtors (NAR) in their seminal 2018 research report on the market for manufactured housing. See footnote number 1.
- The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), and numbers of state associations involved in manufactured housing.
- In the groundbreaking third-party research into the monopolization of the manufactured housing market by Samuel “Sam” Strommen with Knudson Law. Numbers of references and a special mention of the value of our site in that heavily footnoted research referenced MHProNews.com and/or our MHLivingNews sister site.
- In what was reportedly the first (and successful) doctoral thesis on manufactured housing in years (see acknowledgements segment).
- Numbers of mainstream media reports.
- Per LinkedIn, this writer is one of the most recommended and endorsed personalities in all of manufactured housing.
As was previously noted, this site is geared to shed light on topics in a manner that informs the reader on issues that are often misunderstood or obscured. To support that effort, it is common for articles to be thousands of words in length, because original sources are provided and then unpacked in a systematic fashion. This is ideal for researchers seeking the truth rather than some party’s agenda-driven narrative or spin.
Per WordCounter, the typical typed page is about 500 words. If content on MHProNews in recent months averaged some 3000 words per report (likely higher) in length, that means that some 3,255,000 words were published here in August. That would be the equivalent of 6,510 typed pages, plus scores of illustrations, graphics, photos and more. There is simply no other trade publisher or blogger in MHVille that even comes close to the volume and quality of information provided here. Rivals have acknowledged as much.
For our routine readers, please note. Several of our normal Daily Business News on MHProNews market report are intentionally omitted. Only the snapshot graphic for the manufactured housing connected equities is provided today.

Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.