Meanwhile, comments on the article included longtime MH attorney, consultant and industry executive Martin Lavin, who distinguishes between a Manufactured Home, which is the current name for the successor to what was the mobile home, and a manufactured home, which is also built in a factory, the same as a modular home. The latter is built to local codes the same as a site-built home, while the Manufactured Home adheres to national standards established by the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The modular home should have been issued a building permit the same as a site-built home. He adds, “Trying to ban the manufactured home/modular from the zoning area in question is an attempt to prohibit factory built homes in that area.”
L. A. “Tony” Kovach, publisher of MHLivingNews and MHProNews, says, “Manufactured housing is federally preemptive. That home owner has every legal right to be there,” adding that the local officials in Stuttgart are harming themselves and their community.
He says an interview with state inspector Becki Jackson on MHLivingNew should be instructive—please click here. ##
(Photo credit: McClellands LLC delivering a manufactured home)