Following the 2011 flooding of the Souris River in North Dakota, NorthDakotaRealEstateRama says the acute housing shortage due to the oil boom led to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) bringing in over 2000 manufactured homes to house the survivors. Often after a catastrophe FEMA will locate rental housing/motels for survivors. Roughly 1000 homes were sited at or near existing homesites that could be repaired, 250 were placed in existing MHCs, and 750 of the manufactured homes formed what has become three communities developed by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) that tied in to existing infrastructure, and continue to house survivors. De Sour Valley Heights connected to the city of Burlington, while Virgil Workman Village and Recovery Village tied in to Minot, ND’s electrical and water systems. has learned in many instances ACE had to clear debris from the flooding before establishing infrastructure connections and launching the siting of MHCs.