The Minot Daily News says engineers from Verendrye Electric Cooperative are working on a plan for 200 home sites east of Minot, North Dakota, for evacuees of the Souris River flooding in late June. Several of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) manufactured homes have already arrived at a staging area east of Velva, ND, just south of Minot. FEMA spokesman John Ashton says the homes are suitably winterized for the area, having been built according to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) strict standards. The homes are coming from Maryland, Louisiana, Indiana, and Alabama. Some may be sited in existing manufactured housing communities. FEMA is still determining how many manufactured homes will be needed, and asked that applicants tell FEMA of any change in their housing needs. covered this story July 1 in our Daily Business News article linked below: