Representative Ilhan Omar held a news conference on “systemic racism” with Minnesota leaders on Tuesday 7.7.2020. CBS Local said that “Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose represents the congressional district” that George Floyd’s tragic death and the subsequent civil unrest have occurred. Omar took to television cameras and microphones to make her case for systemic change in America.
The Somali-born congressional representative led off her message with a call to end “oppression” in “housing” and other aspects of American life.
“We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in healthcare, in employment, in the air we breath[e].” – Ilhan Omar, 7.7.2020 news conference, reported by left-of-center PBS News and others.
PBS News reported the following.
The Minnesota Department of Human Rights launched a civil rights investigation into the city’s police department last month and the FBI is investigating whether police willfully deprived Floyd of his civil rights.
The department has faced decades of allegations of brutality and other discrimination against Black Americans and other minorities. A majority of City Council members support dismantling or defunding the department.
Omar told CNN’s “State of the Union” last month that the Minneapolis Police Department is suffering a crisis of credibility and needs to be dismantled. In the recent news conference, she expanded her criticism to the wider systemic racism rooted in American culture.
“We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system,” she said. “We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in healthcare, in employment, in the air we breath[e].”
In a tweet, Omar doubled down on her press conference’s comment about profits and her pro-socialist positions.
“As long as our economic and political systems prioritize profit, without considering who is profiting and who is being shut out, we will perpetuate inequality.
It is telling that a black woman discussing systematic oppression is so triggering to the right,” said Omar.
“As long as our economic and political systems prioritize profit, without considering who is profiting and who is being shut out, we will perpetuate inequality.”
It is telling that a black woman discussing systematic oppression is so triggering to the right.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) July 7, 2020
What Omar doesn’t say is why those informed on the right are “triggered.” Is it due to her being a black woman? Or are more “triggered” due to her ties to socialists who are concerned about her openly calling on people to dismantle the American system? What exactly does Omar and others like her hope to accomplish?
U.S., Global Reaction
What happens in America is important to other nations, as well as our own. Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s statement that she “wants to dismantle” our institutions is of concern to professionals who look to “America and all that has made it a beacon of prosperity and freedom.” Australian Sky News host Chris Kenny shared a key clip from the video above and provides his commentary in under a minute and 50 seconds.
It is worth nothing that left-of-center PBS News clip below spotlighted that same clip as Sky News’ Kenny provided.
The right-of-center GOP War Room – editing and commenting on that video clip – said “Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar called for the “dismantling” of the U.S. “economy and political system,” when she appeared on a news conference on systemic racism with Minnesota leaders on 7/07/2020.”
Right-of-center Breitbart, highlighted these aspects of Rep. Omar’s talk.
“Right now in Congress the Senate is sitting on a comprehensive bill to transform criminal justice and the policing system. All along with the Congressional Black Caucus, I helped led the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. And because of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, it is being ignored. I guess the president would rather attack the people who are protesting than actually address the issues people are out here protesting for.”
She continued, “We can’t stop at criminal justice reform or police reform for that matter. We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, in the air we breathe.”
Omar added, “The mortality rate for black Minnesotans to COVID is twice as high as it is with other races. And for me, this is very personal because I lost my own father to the coronavirus. I see the pain and the havoc it is wreaking on the black community in Minneapolis. We must recognize that these systems of oppression are linked. As long as our economy and political systems prioritizes profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequity. So we cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.” Note that millions of regular Breitbart readers, often on the center-right, would routinely grasp the significance of those words without commentary.
Omar – and the Red-Green Marxist Socialist Axis?
J. Michael Waller is a Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy. Months before the current unrest, Waller did a report and analysis of Omar and her education into socialist policies and politics.
Waller’s research indicated that Omar’s “Family beholden to Communist-Islamist Somalia dictator.”
Waller continued, “A teacher trainer in any revolutionary communist regime is the political commissar who trains teachers on how to indoctrinate children.” He noted that “Congressman Omar’s father was a professional propagandist for the Communist-Islamist dictatorship. Of course, the sins of the father cannot be attributed to the child – unless the child carries on the father’s legacy.”
Waller explains what the Red-Green axis is in the context of the Somalia that Omar and her family lived in prior to coming to America. Waller cites the United Nation’s as one of his sources.
“After seizing power by coup d’etat in 1969, Siad Barre declared a Marxist-Leninist regime that he began to infuse with elements drawn from Islamist political thought. The United Nations country profile of Somalia explains:
To supplant that Western-oriented parliamentary democracy in a country defined most by tribes, Siad Barre needed – in addition to tough enforcement mechanisms like property confiscation and a powerful secret police – softer mechanisms like cadres of “teacher trainers…”
“Nur Omar Mohamed, father of Ilhan Omar, was one of those indoctrinators,” said Waller.
Waller, like Trevor Loudon in the documentary show below, appear to be ahead of his time.
But now, the time has come to realize what is occurring, no longer just behind a veil, but out in the open. In doing so, the points made by Waller, Loudon and others come to life.
The trailer for Loudon’s research is above. His full video documentary is posted below.
Trevor Loudon has spent years investigating, writing about, and doing video documentaries about the socialist-communist-Marxist movement in the U.S. Like Waller and the Center for Policy Studies, Loudon’s group sees Ilhan Omar in that Marxist-Socialist camp.
On April 5, 2019 Loudon listed her as follows. “Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Supported by Democratic Socialists of America [DSA]– controlled groups Our Revolution and National Nurses United. Reportedly a self-described “Democratic Socialist.””
Is that fair and accurate? Let’s look at evidence beyond what Waller and Loudon have written.
On July 3, 2018 Terresa Monroe-Hamilton writing on the website noted several self-identified Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) who are often members of the Democratic Party.
One of the DSA co-chairs tweeted this.
As a DSA branch co-chair, I would like to sign onto this with a small amendment: Communism is very good.
— Rent Is Theft (@ThatNJSocialist) July 2, 2018
Another openly praised communism.
As a DSA branch co-chair, I would like to sign onto this with a small amendment: Communism is very good.
— Rent Is Theft (@ThatNJSocialist) July 2, 2018
Put differently, several of the leaders and politicos involved in Black Lives Matter are openly supportive of Marxist, Socialist and Communist beliefs. It is no longer a case of sifting the tea leaves looking for clues. They are saying so – as the examples above and below make clear – in their own voices and in their own words.
- “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” – Hawk Newsome, Chairman Black Lives Matter of Greater New York. Source: Newsweek.
- “We are trained Marxists.” – Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter Co-Founder. Source: progressive Real News interview. See the report linked below which includes the video of Cullors making that statement.
- “We know that in order to defend immigrants, protect DACA and defend our democracy, that Trump must be defeated this November.” – Cristina Jiménez, United We Dream co-founder. Source: NBC News. See the report linked below. The report follows the money-trail and evidence of where these groups get their funding.
“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” – Shaun King tweet. Wikipedia said he’s the “co-founder of Real Justice PAC. King uses social media to promote social justice causes, including the Black Lives Matter movement.” King is one of those Loudon interviewed at a pro-Marxist-Socialist event. See that in the video posted above.
This tweet is tied to this discussion.
your Tweet was quoted in an article by @DailyCaller
— Recite Social (@ReciteSocial) July 6, 2018
Millions have never been taught, or need a reminder, as to the types of devastation that occurred under socialists and communists. Common estimates of the loss of life are commonly around 100,000,000 dead.
Note that several of these personalities are already stars in the increasingly left-leaning Democratic Party.
Those who may have started their Democratic Party affiliation years ago, before the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Marxist, and other pro-socialist and communist voices moved in may not realize that the party they joined years ago has steadily been co-opted. Despite that leftward lurch, former Obama Administration Vice President Joe Biden has made it clear that several of these personalities will play a key role in his administration if he wins on November 3, 2020.

Racial justice is something that most Americans of whatever background is a slogan that people would support. But as Noam Chomsky – who is left-leaning – has said in his words, slogans are used as a cover to gain acceptance for causes that may mask an agenda. Note that Chomsky recently came out to oppose the so-called “cancel culture.”

Among those who have supported Black Lives Matter – BLM upper case, as in the nonprofit political activist group’s name that is led by self-avowed Marxists – is Senator Tammy Duckworth. Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently spotlighted Omar and Duckworth, as is shown further below.
Right-of-center Forbes noted the surge of Tucker Carlson’s show to the top-rated on all of cable news.
“With an average total audience of four million viewers, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson finished the week of June 8 through June 14 as the most-watched host in all of cable news, despite the decision by some advertisers to abandon his program over comments Carlson made about the Black Lives Matter movement.”
While Carlson is wont to use hyperbole and satire, he often raises evidence-based issues that span the traditional left-right divide.
“We have every right to fight to preserve our nation, heritage and culture. When vandals like Tammy Duckworth and Ilhan Omar tell us that we’re not allowed to question their patriotism, as they scream about how horrible this country is, we have every right to laugh in their faces.” So states a tweet from Tucker Carlson, host on Fox News’ popular Tucker Carlson Tonight, and previously with left-of-center CNN and MSNBC.
We have every right to fight to preserve our nation, heritage and culture. When vandals like Tammy Duckworth and Ilhan Omar tell us that we’re not allowed to question their patriotism, as they scream about how horrible this country is, we have every right to laugh in their faces.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 8, 2020
Samples of responses for and against that tweet are as shown below.
Twitter is not the same as America. But it does provide a glimpse into the arguments being made on each side of the left-center-right divides.
MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
This platform has noted that the need for more affordable housing is only growing in post-pandemic America.
While mainstream real estate seems to be recovering rapidly, manufactured homes have not had the type of surge that some might expect. The linked reports above and below will lead to reports that document the statements being made.
Not unlike some of these pro-Marxist-Socialists, Warren Buffett himself stated quite openly they there is class warfare underway. But what must be connected is how Buffett and others of his ilk are supporting movements like those that would subvert America.
Warren Buffett Declared “Class Warfare,” Buffett Says Fellow Billionaires – “We’re Winning”
The support by corporations for the BLM nonprofits has been making mainstream news for weeks. But what is less known is that the BLM, Antifa and similar movements have been supported by Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and George Soros, among other uber-billionaires.
Revolutions and nonprofits don’t happen by accident. They require funding. History sheds light on these issues.
What J. Michael Waller calls the “Red-Green Axis” is an apt indicator of what occurred in Iran when the pro-American government there was overthrown by radicals that had ties to Marxists-Socialists-Communists.

“You Made Me, Promises, Promises…” Historic Iranian, American Lessons in Freedom
At a glance, what Waller is spotlighting are issues that seem to align with the research and reports produced here on the macro-political landscape.
The far-left – which is increasingly openly Marxist-Socialist-Communist – stands for positions that would decimate the investments of small to midsized businesses, including thousands in manufactured housing.
People are known by what they say, compared to what they do. People are also known by who supports and opposes them.
Buffett-Gates-Soros et al are on record as opposing President Donald Trump and his America First agenda that aimed to restore the middle class. Prior to the tragedy of COVID19 hitting America, incomes were rising for the working and middle class. That’s according to research reported by both left- and right-wing media.
The 2020 election is literally shaping up as being about the future of America as a free republic or a sharp turn left to become a socialist nation.
There are less than 4 months to November 3. President Trump’s former acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has said that if the Democrats successfully frame the election as a referendum on President Trump, he faces real headwinds. But if it is about what policies will work best, then President Trump has a clear edge over the 8 years of problematic results by the Obama-Biden years.
The public polling suggests that the 45th president is behind. But polling said similarly in 2016.
Violence in the streets. Open support for socialism and dismantling the American way. The contrast is becoming quite clear.
For those without property, socialism may sound fine. For those who are highly wealthy, socialism is a catch-phrase to re-establish a full blown system of feudalism.
Ilhan Omar is not alone. She is preaching the message that turned Cuba and Venezuela the same message that turned once reasonably successful societies into socialist basket-cases where the rulers are wealthy and the masses are equally disadvantaged.
There will be no consensus before November, if ever. America has never been perfect, but it has been a demonstrably superior way of life. That’s why millions have come and very few have left.
An anti-Trump voice that has engaged with MHProNews in a private email discussion has voiced concerns that President Trump isn’t concerned about taking care of senior lives, among others. That is an argument of his opponents, and ironically, that same source has noted that sometimes people that point a finger have three pointing back at them.
The president’s opponents to a significant degree have successfully defined him with millions as an evil person. But those who are doing the defining – when carefully examined – are often in that pro-socialist, pro-leftist billionaire camp. It is the history of socialists and communists that some 100 million died as a result of their policies.
The facts, when carefully examined in an objective fashion, are clear. To oppose the president and his supporters is effectively to be supporting the socialists who want to overthrow America.
The reason the far-left and billionaire class are so bent on unseating the president is because they see him and his supporters as a chief obstacle to their stated aims. Thus, much of their propaganda is aimed at separating President Trump from his base and those who would be natural supporters.

There is always more to come, so stay tuned with the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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