Final Plans Approved for Expansion of Manufactured Home Community

Indiana_carrington_pointe_mhc__sun_communities__creditUpdating a story MHProNews last posted Dec. 19, 2015 regarding an addition to an MHC at the edge of Smith Field airport, with a retention pond attracting waterfowl that can interfere with airplanes, owner Sun Communities, Inc. (NYSE:SUI) will build a ‘dry pond,’ one that will dry out within 48 hours after heavy rains.

The development would expand Carrington Pointe manufactured home community near Fort Wayne, IN by a planned 165 home sites, as journalgazette tells MHProNews. Sun’s plans for the 37 acres have been approved and re-zoned, but the Fort Wayne Board of Zoning Appeals delayed the special use permit because of the possibility for bird strikes into the airplanes.

The board unanimously granted the special use permit provided no building is more than 40 feet high, and the property must have shielded lighting and no emission of steam or smoke that may interfere with pilot vision. ##

(Photo credit: Sun Communities, Inc.–Carrington Pointe MHC, Fort Wayne, IN)

matthew-silver-daily-business-news-mhpronews-comArticle submitted by Matthew J. Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.

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