

Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates

There are several reasons why manufactured home professionals ought to be closely watching what’s developing with Big Tech in D.C.  Scott Galloway weighs in on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony, which is our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Marketers Alert – Galloway on Zuckerberg, FB – Plus MH Market UPdates Read More


Manufactured Home Loan Delinquencies Rising, Per ABA, FED

The Collingwood Group tells the Daily Business News about new research that may signal a looming challenge in manufactured home lending.   “…a recent study tracking delinquencies among mobile-home [sic] loans could signal the build-up of troubling trends,” said DS News. “Are increasing mobile home delinquencies the “canary in the …

Manufactured Home Loan Delinquencies Rising, Per ABA, FED Read More


Trump Administration and the Manufactured Housing Industry

President Donald J. Trump took his oath of office on January 20, 2017, at about 9:00 AM PST (noon ET).   Since that time, there have been significant, and well publicized, regulatory freezes and roll-backs.  A number of these have benefited the manufactured housing industry. There has been the Tax …

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Triad Financial Service’s Parent Company, ECN Capital – First Data Report

ECN Capital, the new parent company for Triad Financial Services, has reported year-over-year growth of 14.4 percent in 2017, vs. 2016.   That translates into some $466 million in loans. Triad formally closed their deal with ECN on December 29, 2017. The significance for manufactured housing is this. Unlike some …

Triad Financial Service’s Parent Company, ECN Capital – First Data Report Read More


“Trailer House Trauma,” Fresh Look at Manufactured Housing’s Opportunities

Misunderstood.   Perhaps no other industry which has a product that boasts 22 million daily users is as misunderstood as the Manufactured Housing Industry in 21st Century America. At the Tunica Manufactured Housing Show, Darren Krolewski exemplified the problem, when he told attendees that they can ask some adult about …

“Trailer House Trauma,” Fresh Look at Manufactured Housing’s Opportunities Read More


Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$

Markets continued to regain lost ground, as investors fears over a trade war over tariffs cooled, oddly, even after China announced its own tough talk on tariffs.  Chase’s billionaire leader, Jaime Dimon has given the president’s moves a thumbs up, rhetorically asking, ‘where are the pro-growth Democrats?’ Related issues will …

Trump and Kudlow on Trade, Chase’s Dimon Gives Thumbs Up, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


HUD’s Carson, Top Finance and Housing Experts Address 5 Star Event in Washington

“We are honored to host Dr. Carson as a keynote presenter,” said Five Star Institute President and CEO Ed Delgado via a release to the Daily Business News. “The importance of HUD’s leadership in furthering the health and wellness of the United States housing market simply can not be overstated. We look …

HUD’s Carson, Top Finance and Housing Experts Address 5 Star Event in Washington Read More


CFPB’s Mick Mulvaney Offers Yet Another Gift to MHVille

Mick Mulvaney, the interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), said in a letter to Congress on Monday that legislators should limit the agency’s power.   “The Trump administration wants to limit a federal regulator’s independence in policing the consumer-finance industry, the latest salvo by the White House …

CFPB’s Mick Mulvaney Offers Yet Another Gift to MHVille Read More


“Kevin…the Problem of Your Industry…”

In the video interview with Kevin Clayton, the son of Jim Clayton says what Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway says is what’s wrong with the manufactured home industry.   Per Clayton, Buffett says it’s resale. “Kevin, it seems to me that the problem of your industry is resale.” – …

“Kevin…the Problem of Your Industry…” Read More


Investor$, Manufactured Housing, and Proof of Concept

There are signals that the tech sector – notably giants such as Facebook and Amazon – could come under greater regulatory or even antitrust actions. The markets have already signaled that such action could take some of the bloom off that rose for investors.   Where will capital seeking opportunities …

Investor$, Manufactured Housing, and Proof of Concept Read More


700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates

When big names such as Elon Musk, Jim Carrey, and Cher delete their Facebook accounts, you know that something’s going sideways for that tech giant.  While the Dow rose in the morning, more troubling news resulted in an ongoing drag by the end of the day.  The growing storm of …

700 Point Swing Today, Tech Drags Dow as Facebook Storm Grows, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.18.2018 to 3.25.2018

Financing. Events. Market conditions. Producer intrigue…these and more are part of the week that just concluded. Among the big topics in MHVille during the week was one of the two big, full-scale annual trade shows in manufactured housing.   A full-scale trade show includes model homes on display from HUD …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.18.2018 to 3.25.2018 Read More


MHI Lender Shakes Up DTS and MLO Rule Discussions

A veteran Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) lender’s controversial comments to the Daily Business News are bound to shake up discussions about two hot button industry topics.   Those two subjects are: the Duty to Serve (DTS) Manufactured Housing, mandated by Congress a decade ago, and the Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) …

MHI Lender Shakes Up DTS and MLO Rule Discussions Read More

President Trump Signs Tariffs, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates

In a twist, Democrats are among those supporting President Trump’s tariffs that target China. With the markets dropping 700 points on the announcement of the first of several planned tariffs, that will be our market focus tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are …

President Trump Signs Tariffs, Stocks Drop, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Abracadabra, with Wave of a Powell’s Hand, Rates Change – Plus MH Market UPdate$

If you haven’t noticed all of the buzz around the Federal Reserve’s expected rate move, then maybe you’ve been on vacation. One might sympathize with former Texas Congressman and multiple time presidential candidate, Ron Paul and wonder why the Fed has been given so much power over the U.S. economy?  …

Abracadabra, with Wave of a Powell’s Hand, Rates Change – Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Fannie Mae’s Paul Barretto, News-Making Remarks in Tunica

  Several dozen manufactured home industry pros took their seats in Tunica to hear Paul Barretto shed light on Fannie Mae’s long-awaited chattel lending plan.   Barretto is Fannie Mae’s field point-man with the industry on the federally mandated Duty to Serve (DTS) Manufactured Housing. The law which included the …

Fannie Mae’s Paul Barretto, News-Making Remarks in Tunica Read More


On Left and Right – Facebook Rep, Fears, & Frustrations Grow, Stock Sinks, Plus MH Market UPDate$

When left-of-center Bloomberg, and right-of-center Fox Business agree on an issue, is it time to pay more attention?  Instead of hearing about a possible run for president in 2020, Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg are ducking a barrage of controversy, which is shrinking shares value, and sparking investigations on …

On Left and Right – Facebook Rep, Fears, & Frustrations Grow, Stock Sinks, Plus MH Market UPDate$ Read More


Tunica, Nashville Trade Shows and Manufactured Housing Glory Days

The faces at Tunica’s Hollywood Casino and Hotel chatting near the exhibit hall or lobby included many familiar ones in the manufactured housing (MH) industry, such as Fleetwood’s Charley Lott, or Keith Bennett from Kabco.   Paula Reeves, President of CIS Financial, was was with a group of MH Industry …

Tunica, Nashville Trade Shows and Manufactured Housing Glory Days Read More


Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations

The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass S. 2155, which is a reform of Dodd-Frank that could include some added wiggle room for industry professionals.   The bill is dubbed the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.” S. 2155 passed in a bi-partisan vote – as reported by …

Senate votes for Changes to Dodd-Frank Regulations Read More


Facebook, Google, and NY Stern Professor Scott Galloway’s Quest

Every day, tens of millions of Americans turn to Facebook for their social media, and to Google for searches.   Industry professionals strive in various ways to use both of those web-tech platforms for their marketing efforts. The economic power of big tech is astonishing.  Google and Facebook reportedly eat …

Facebook, Google, and NY Stern Professor Scott Galloway’s Quest Read More

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