

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.4.2018 to 3.11.2018

Things are not always what they seem to be.   When one compares mainstream media reports with industry news coverage, there are often significant additional insights found here on the Daily Business News. Why? How many mainstream media reporters or editor/producers have: A quarter century of direct manufactured housing industry …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 3.4.2018 to 3.11.2018 Read More


Chicago Fed President on Labor Number$, Plus MH Market UPdate$

The Chicago Fed’s President, Charles Evans provides expert insights into the latest job numbers, which is tonight’s featured spotlight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured …

Chicago Fed President on Labor Number$, Plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Demands Clarification on “New Class” of HUD Code Manufactured Home

The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), in a February 27, 2018 communication to the Chief Executive Officer of Freddie Mac (linked below), demanded clarification of that organization’s implementation of the “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” (DTS) in relation to a so-called “new class” of “manufactured home being developed …

Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Demands Clarification on “New Class” of HUD Code Manufactured Home Read More


Warren Wages War

Investors routinely say that they prefer “certainty.” That’s true for investors in manufactured home communities, stocks, or businesses.   The growing economic confidence during the year following the 2016 election witnessed a well-reported rise in stocks.  That was fueled in part by regulatory rollbacks – the “certainty” caused by an …

Warren Wages War Read More


An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation

It’s a landmark document that is perhaps more relevant now than when it was first published.   It’s the report to the Ford Foundation by Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, done in collaboration with the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University.   The Daily Business News has cited Harvard’s …

An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation Read More

Plot Twist – Duty to Serve – Freddie Mac CEO Layton Called to Accountability w/Congressional, Administration Leaders Over New Manufactured Home Lending Revelations

The Duty to Serve (DTS) program for manufactured housing industry retailers, communities and potential home buyers took what may be a problematic twist in news revealed, according to a memo obtained by the Daily Business News.   The memo to Donald H. Layton, Chief Executive Officer, Freddie Mac – one …

Plot Twist – Duty to Serve – Freddie Mac CEO Layton Called to Accountability w/Congressional, Administration Leaders Over New Manufactured Home Lending Revelations Read More


DEADLINE! Invest 1 Hour NOW to Secure Brighter Future – Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Sales meetings are important.  But there are some things so urgent, and today could be one of them, that requires that the meeting be pushed back for the moment.   Get More MH Lending…from HUD?! Yes, you can… The opportunity to open up more good loans from FHA Title I …

DEADLINE! Invest 1 Hour NOW to Secure Brighter Future – Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Federal Manufactured Home Improvement Loans Are Available, says RE author Tom Kelly

In the Spokesman Review, real estate author Tom Kelly points to the use of FHA Title I loans as a way for manufactured and conventional home owners to borrow money for home improvements.   All kinds of housing, as they age, require updates, maintenance, or the home owner just may …

Federal Manufactured Home Improvement Loans Are Available, says RE author Tom Kelly Read More


“Blazing Economy” Touted at CPAC, Forbes on the FED, Plus MH Market Update$

POTUS touted the “blazing economy” today, while Steve Forbes gaze is on the FED, and concerns that it is impacting the recovery and stocks unnecessarily. Those are in our spotlight report tonight. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH …

“Blazing Economy” Touted at CPAC, Forbes on the FED, Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


Duty To Serve “Final Rule” Mocked by MHARR, “Continues To Fail Consumers and Industry – Time For Accountability”

Mark Weiss has had a surprising number of quiet victories in the past year, and the Washington, D.C. based trade association is hoping for another win that will benefit consumers and manufactured housing’s independent producers, retailers, communities, and all involved in the sales of new manufactured homes. In a release …

Duty To Serve “Final Rule” Mocked by MHARR, “Continues To Fail Consumers and Industry – Time For Accountability” Read More


“Complete Morons,” Vix, Borrowing, Bonds, Congress – Your Money, plus MH Market UPdate$

CNBC’s Jim Cramer tells you how he really feels, about a “complete group of morons” that he blames for the fall that suddenly rocked otherwise sound markets.  That plus VIX, Congress, and more, in our featured report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are …

“Complete Morons,” Vix, Borrowing, Bonds, Congress – Your Money, plus MH Market UPdate$ Read More


CFPB’s Mulvaney’s Email; What it Says, Mean$ to Lending, & Manufactured Housing

First, the Daily Business News will share the email that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Acting Director, Mick Mulvaney sent out. Then, we will then briefly examine what it could mean to lending, and the manufactured home industry.   The CFPB email: ————– From: Mulvaney, Mick (CFPB) <>Date: January …

CFPB’s Mulvaney’s Email; What it Says, Mean$ to Lending, & Manufactured Housing Read More


Skyline Corp, Champion Homebuilders Conference Call Presentation Facts, Figures, Forward-Looking Statements, Planned Merger Detail$

A few minutes after 9 AM ET, the previously announced conference call between Skyline and Champion took place. The call lasted about 30 minutes. There was no Q & A after their presentation. The presenters generally followed the information provided in their power point.  The meat of the presentation, minus …

Skyline Corp, Champion Homebuilders Conference Call Presentation Facts, Figures, Forward-Looking Statements, Planned Merger Detail$ Read More


ECN Triad Financial Services – Fascinating Facts, Manufactured Home Industry Professionals, Investors

Triad Financial Services is now part of Canadian based ECN Capital, a publicly traded company, as the Daily Business News has previously reported. ECN/Triad produced a power point designed for investors.  Three of those slides have been published on MHLivingNews, as part of a broader report for savvy shoppers of …

ECN Triad Financial Services – Fascinating Facts, Manufactured Home Industry Professionals, Investors Read More


Warren Buffett’s Political Payoff$, THIPS, and Manufactured Housing

The “Oracle of Omaha” billionaire whose Berkshire Hathaway owns several manufactured housing (MH) brands, backed Barack Obama for the White House, twice. Before looking at what that Warren Buffett support for Mr. Obama did for Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other Berkshire MH brands, let’s peek at what …

Warren Buffett’s Political Payoff$, THIPS, and Manufactured Housing Read More


“How Gold Rules,” Tim Williams/21st Mortgage, MHI VP, State Execs Conference Call

The traditional golden rule is, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” (Mt. &;12, Lk. 6:31) The new secular golden rule goes like this. “Cash is king,” so “he who has the gold, rules.” Knowledge is potential power. The reason thousands of manufactured housing industry owners, …

“How Gold Rules,” Tim Williams/21st Mortgage, MHI VP, State Execs Conference Call Read More


Financial Services Updates, Manufactured Housing Connected Market UPdate$, 1.19.2018

The House Financial Services Committee provided the Daily Business News with several updates on housing related bills, which will be tonight’s spotlight report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, …

Financial Services Updates, Manufactured Housing Connected Market UPdate$, 1.19.2018 Read More


MH Finance Earthquake Coming? Trump Admin Master Stroke? Defanging CFPB, Manufactured Housing Impact?

The last quarter when Richard Quarter was director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), left-of-center Politico reports that, “former director Richard Cordray asked for $217.1 million. Cordray, an appointee of President Barack Obama, needed just $86.6 million the quarter before that.”   According to more centrist Reuters, what did …

MH Finance Earthquake Coming? Trump Admin Master Stroke? Defanging CFPB, Manufactured Housing Impact? Read More


MH Resistance – Unmasking, Demystifying, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Roadblocks

Broadly speaking, there are two sets of roadblocks or choke points to the manufactured housing industry’s growth.   They are? Internal road blocks, and external ones. The nearly concluded Louisville Manufactured Housing Show marks 50 years of Show Ways Unlimited’s Dennis Hill’s leadership of the event. Every significant event in …

MH Resistance – Unmasking, Demystifying, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Roadblocks Read More


China’s Move Roiled the Markets, Impact on Manufactured Housing Markets, Economy?

“The three major U.S. stock indexes ended lower on Wednesday after a choppy trading session as investors worried that China would slow U.S. government bond purchases and that U.S. President Donald Trump would end a key trade agreement,” said right-of-center, Fox Business. That followed a report from left-of-center Bloomberg, that …

China’s Move Roiled the Markets, Impact on Manufactured Housing Markets, Economy? Read More

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