

GSE’s Duty to Serve MH Rigged, Benefits 21st, VMF, Clayton, Buffett’s Berkshire, Harming Consumers & Independents, per MH CEO, Calls for Congressional Investigation

  About a decade has passed since the passage of the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing, as part of the Housing and Economic Reform Act of 2008 (HERA). A fact-and-analysis packed statement from an industry business group CEO rips the plans announced steps, as too little, too late, and …

GSE’s Duty to Serve MH Rigged, Benefits 21st, VMF, Clayton, Buffett’s Berkshire, Harming Consumers & Independents, per MH CEO, Calls for Congressional Investigation Read More


$100s of Billions Will Pour into U.S. in 2018, How Much of that Capital Will Deploy in Manufactured, PreFab Housing?

Executive Summary The combination of the new tax law, a growing economic boom, and talk by Apple and other tech giants of bringing back to the U.S. some $200-$400 Billion dollars in 2018 alone will create a search for valuable ways to deploy that capital. With the affordable housing crisis …

$100s of Billions Will Pour into U.S. in 2018, How Much of that Capital Will Deploy in Manufactured, PreFab Housing? Read More


Beyond Skyline/Champion Merger, What’s Next in Manufactured Housing? Plus MHMarket Update$

  Yes, the Champion/Skyline Merger Deal is on people’s minds today. We covered that announcement first and best earlier in the Daily Business News. Yes, Skyline SURGED on today’s new$. But MHProNews is also scanning the horizon, beyond the now, to what’s next… …and why. If you’re new, already hooked …

Beyond Skyline/Champion Merger, What’s Next in Manufactured Housing? Plus MHMarket Update$ Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis

It was a document read into the Congressional Record. It was first published by MHProNews. Barney-Frank_Finance-Reform_ManufacturedHousingLendingDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews The document originated from a reader who sent it in as a news-making tip. As in last night’s report, industry veterans will rapidly ‘get it.’ The two “Smoking Gun” documents from 21st Mortgage were …

Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis Read More


Duty To Serve, “Complete Waste of Time” per Tim Williams, CEO/21st Mortgage; POTUS Trump, Warren Buffett Insight$

The 45th President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump, and Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett have very differing political views. But there is an area of agreement that yields a valuable takeaway for any manufactured home professional to grasp, and adopt. Warren Buffett invests the time, and learns …

Duty To Serve, “Complete Waste of Time” per Tim Williams, CEO/21st Mortgage; POTUS Trump, Warren Buffett Insight$ Read More


FHFA Publishes Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Underserved Markets Plans for Duty to Serve (DTS) Program

“The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today published Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) Underserved Markets Plans for 2018-2020 under the Duty to Serve program,” said the FHFA in a release to the Daily Business News. “The Plans become effective January 1, 2018.” “FHFA issued a final rule on December 13, 2016 …

FHFA Publishes Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Underserved Markets Plans for Duty to Serve (DTS) Program Read More


Homebuyer Assistance Program Works for Manufactured Homes

A new home buyers assistant program has gone into effect, and is drawing interest. “The Homebuyer Assistance Program is funded by the County and the Los Alamos Housing Project (LAHP) administers the program,” per the Los Alamos Daily Post. Housing and Special Project Manager Andrew Harnden stated that the program …

Homebuyer Assistance Program Works for Manufactured Homes Read More


Who Will Replace Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway? Expert Insights, Video & Manufactured Home Industry Outlook

Noah Buhayar, writing for Bloomberg Businessweek, and their video colleagues are going out on a limb, and making their projection of who will succeed Warren Buffett once he steps down, or passes away. There’s been speculation for years on the issue. The Berkshire Hathaway board of directors reportedly already knows …

Who Will Replace Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway? Expert Insights, Video & Manufactured Home Industry Outlook Read More


GAO, House Members Blast Controversial Federal ‘Office of Financial Research’

“The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations met today to examine the controversial Office of Financial Research (OFR), assessing its management and structure, public work-product, its cooperation with Congress, and support of the Financial Stability Oversight Council,” said the House Financial Services Committee in a release to the Daily Business News. …

GAO, House Members Blast Controversial Federal ‘Office of Financial Research’ Read More


Fake New$ Legal Suit? MH Market Updates DBN

The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, isn’t an attorney. But he has access to plenty of them, and he’s been involved in his fair share of litigation over the years. The president’s take, plus other expert views on a muffled mainstream media report that cost investors …

Fake New$ Legal Suit? MH Market Updates DBN Read More


Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed

The image to the left and those below are from a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced booklet. It’s good. With nuanced exceptions, it’s accurate. This booklet – combined with other educational materials – are precisely the kind of document that could appeal to and inform: home buyers/consumers, public officials, policy …

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed Read More


The Top 10 American Corporations, Manufactured Homes, and PreFab Housing

Every professional adult interacts/or is impacted by every Top 10 U.S. based giant periodically. But odds are excellent that manufactured housing operations, and interests like your business, are impacted daily – either directly, or indirectly – by the top 6 mega-corporations shown in the infographic below. There are also many …

The Top 10 American Corporations, Manufactured Homes, and PreFab Housing Read More


Former CFPB Attorney Spotlights Problems, Judge Rules on English/Mulvaney Leadership

A federal judge has ruled on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) case filed by Leandra English. English was selected by outgoing agency director, Richard Codray, to replace himself. She sued to claim Cordray’s old job. Meanwhile, the CFPB’s own general counsel advised CFPB staff that the president’s pick, Mick …

Former CFPB Attorney Spotlights Problems, Judge Rules on English/Mulvaney Leadership Read More


Economic Growth, Wages Consumer Spending Revised – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Update$

If you wonder why Warren Buffett and Apple are part of a headline on a manufactured housing industry focused market page, maybe you’ve been on vacation? Or missed those recent special Daily Business Newsreports… PreFab housing moves are being made – and/or are potentially poised to be made – by hi-tech executives connected with big …

Economic Growth, Wages Consumer Spending Revised – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Update$ Read More


FHFA Publishes Final Evaluation Guidance for Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing, Rural, Underserved Markets by Government Sponsored Enterprises

Almost a decade after the enactment of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA 2008) that birthed the Duty to Serve and the SAFE Act, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has published “its final Evaluation Guidance for the Duty to Serve Program.” In a release to MHProNews, the FHFA …

FHFA Publishes Final Evaluation Guidance for Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing, Rural, Underserved Markets by Government Sponsored Enterprises Read More


Mulvaney Moves Quickly to Start Reigning in the CFPB

The question might be a coin toss for many in the manufactured housing industry. Which federal agency has caused the manufactured home (MH) industry and its consumers more head-aches and heart aches in the last 5 (+/-) years? Some would say, it’s the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). …

Mulvaney Moves Quickly to Start Reigning in the CFPB Read More


Experts Answer, Where’s the Top of this Market? MH Update$

Where’s the market top?  Is it stable?  A bubble? Will passage of meaningful tax reform keep it going? If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing …

Experts Answer, Where’s the Top of this Market? MH Update$ Read More


Leandra English Sues to Control CFPB, Who’s Legally in Charge?

“Leandra English, a career staffer appointed Friday to lead the CFPB,” is suing the Trump administration for control over the CFPB, reports a range of sources, including the right-of-center Wall Street Journal, and left-of-center media outlets such as the New York Times, LA Times and others. Outgoing director, Richard Cordray, appointed …

Leandra English Sues to Control CFPB, Who’s Legally in Charge? Read More


DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates

It’s not a deal within the manufactured housing industry, but the DoJ move may set up what could be a precedent that will send waves through offices in Omaha, metro Knoxville, and Arlington, VA. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get …

DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates Read More


Obtained Email Details Richard Cordray Resigning Soon, Cong. Hensarling Reacts

In an email to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) staff, Director Richard Cordray stated he is stepping down at the end of this month. In a release to MHProNews, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), said in reaction the following. “We are long overdue for new leadership at …

Obtained Email Details Richard Cordray Resigning Soon, Cong. Hensarling Reacts Read More

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