Let’s be clear. There are some things that are different now, then it was back then for comedy, late night TV, and for Donald J. Trump.
That said, whatever your view of the 45th president, take 10. See what he says. Compare and contrast it to what you hear from this or that source today.
The video is a mix of serious and light hearted. For the younger set, this video reminds us too how much sharper our TV pictures are then they were just 20 years ago. At the time this video was made, Mr. Trump was pondering a run for the Oval Office on the third-party Reform ticket.
Why this, why now? As many have realized, perhaps the biggest risk for many is from political winds. Those political winds may be local, national, or global.
Knowledge is potential power. History can help with clarity. Make it a good night in MHVille.
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