Capital, financing, regulatory and other internal or external hurdles have hampered the recovery of manufactured housing (MH) for some 15 (+/-) years.
Certainly, jobs and the general economy are also factors in selling more manufactured homes, as publicly traded companies in manufactured housing often tell their shareholders or potential investors.

Areas in America that lost factories have ripple economic consequences, said noted manufactured home industry finance, retail, and communities veteran, Marty Lavin, J.D.
Some places were as devastated by years of trade questionable U.S. trade policies as if they had been war zones, said Lavin, in his analysis linked below.
Industry Voices
Anyone going to school in the U.S. after WW II has learned the breakdown in world trade was a primary, though not only, cause of the Great Depression. It is said import tariffs and barriers caused world trade to be constrained. There is little doubt it was a cause.
While there are plenty on Wall Street types that fret and disagree with the Trump Administration agenda, some are now seeing it as Lavin expressed exclusively to MHProNews weeks ago.
There are plenty of naysayers across the left-right political, economic, and media divide on the issue of trade.
“I actually think he’s (Trump’s) right on the big picture on trade,” Eric Lonergan, macro fund manager at M&G, said.
Lonergan doesn’t necessarily agree with the administration’s rhetoric, but he is confident that the principles are sound, he told CNBC on Wednesday.
Lonergan added, “Europe is free-riding global demand, running huge trade surpluses and nobody has really stood up credibly to that ideology until Trump.”
CNBC’s accompanying take is that “Trade relations between the U.S. and some of its biggest trading partners — Europe, China, Canada and Mexico — are at rock bottom several months after Trump first threatened to slap import tariffs on steel and aluminum imports after alleging trade abuses.”
As if to confirm Lavin’s and Lonergan’s thoughts, enter Arancha Gonzalez. Gonzalez is the executive director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), and said that Europe and the Trump Administration could be closing the gap on trade talks.
“The EU is saying two things. The first thing… is we will not negotiate under a threat, we will not negotiate with a gun to our head. But the second thing the EU is saying (is) that, alright, if there is a particular sector causing difficulties to the U.S. like vehicles, let’s sit down and discuss,” Gonzalez told CNBC’s Joumanna Bercetche on Wednesday.
In the video interview that follows, the president teases with a smile that the various nations in the trade feuds are calling routinely. He confidently expects new, better trade deals for America.
If so, that would further fuel economic growth, which should benefit workers, and the MH industry’s continuing recovery.
Exclusive Interview of President Trump With Maria Bartiromo
In the video below, President Donald J. Trump addressed a range of issues, starting with replacing Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court, with Maria Bartiromo on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’
This video interviews also addresses the U.S. economy, trade deals, plus his vision for the next phase of tax cuts and reform. It’s under 13 minutes, and covers a lot of meaty topics in that time. That’s a curated look at the “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory built housing.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Third party images, and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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