Jacksonville, Fla.-based analytics firm Black Knight Financial Services reports foreclosure inventory fell to its lowest level in six years in June, dropping 36 percent from a year earlier to 951,000 properties, according to nationalmortgagenews.com. Marking its 26th consecutive month of declines, foreclosure starts numbered 88,300 in June, a drop of 19 percent year-over-year. Although the loan delinquency rate rose 1.6 percent June over May, 2014, the rate for June was 5.7 percent, a decline of 15 percent from a year ago. MHProNews has learned over 2.8 million properties are considered to be delinquent, although not in foreclosure. The five states with the most foreclosures and delinquencies as a percent of active loans are Mississippi, New Jersey, Florida, New York and Louisiana. Black Knight’s data represents about two-thirds of fo the overall mortgage market. ##