In the world of manufactured housing trade media, there may as well be two often differing world-views. The same is routinely true of mainstream news media too. Who says? How about the later point, how previous U.S. President?
“If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you are listening to NPR.” That’s what the former President Obama said per reports across the left-right media divide.
Mr. Obama’s point above is mirrored by recent reports from the left-of-center AP and USA Today. Both of those news outlets said that the description and vision of America being portrayed by the two major parties and their top candidates are starkly different, so much so that they are at odds with each other. Note, there will be more on former President Obama and his wife Michelle further below.
Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept, a left-of-center news perspective, called out Facebook and Twitter for their hypocritical double standard for censoring what that journalist called “dangerous” in the second tweet.
If a news outlet published emails purportedly to or from me that were in fact forgeries, the very first thing I would say, immediately, is that the emails were not authentic. I presume that’s what most people would do.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 16, 2020
Facebook and Twitter cross a line far more dangerous than what they censor by @ggreenwald
— The Intercept (@theintercept) October 16, 2020
On the Masthead on April 5, 2020 the headline read “Bio-Econ-Prop War I” – as you read the following headlines, keep that thought in mind. Because the U.S. – everyday Americans, small businesses, typical investors, retirees and others – are arguably being barraged during a pandemic that has exacerbated several pre-COVID19 trends. A former U.S. Ambassador said that early on that the pandemic was “the crime of the century.”
Sifting the Wheat from the Chaff
One doesn’t need a background in journalism, business, or history in order to apply the principle of separating the wheat from the chaff. Only objectivity, a reasonable intellect, and discernment are necessary.
Just as thousands of industry professionals – prior to MHProNews hitting hard with evidence often based upon on the warning from others inside our industry – about the threats from within our industry, there are similarly threats in the broader society. When both major parties say this is a critical election, that’s a reasonable point of departure.
When former president Obama and numerous others are saying that media is biased, the question should be, how does one discern the truth amidst the bias?
The very nature of propaganda has for centuries been the repeating of a falsehood often enough until it seems to be true, even if there is evidence to the contrary.
Take these two examples. The first sums up the view of many of the opponents of President Trump. Then, will come a look at Obama-era VP Biden.
Right or wrong, common themes from anti-Trumpers include these notions.
- Orange Man Bad.
- President Trump is a racist and xenophobic madman that is cozy with dictators. T
- He totally mishandled the COVID19 pandemic.
- He’s incompetent on foreign as well as domestic policies and must be replaced.
- He fuels division instead of trying to unite.
- He’s a threat to democracy.
- The military and/or a violent uprising may be needed to remove him from office if he loses the 2020 election.
Circular Reasoning and Bias Confirmation
There is more, of course, but that is sufficient to make the following points. If circular reasoning is used, just the sheer number of such claims may create the illusion that it is true. ThoughtCo defines it like this: “Circular reasoning in informal logic is an argument that commits the logical fallacy of assuming what it is attempting to prove.”
Those who want to ‘prove’ the bullets above about President Trump will routinely cite a source that makes those claims in the bulleted points. But what if those claims and sources are wrong? What if that is confirmation bias is at play?

The Masthead examined claims on both President Trump and VP Biden, linked below. It goes to original sources, and shows their own words. One example – racism – is carefully explored in the report linked below. While President Trump isn’t in the photo, the allegations and videos around those allegation of POTUS Trump and racism are included in the linked report that follows.

Next, let’s pivot to the former vice president.
By contrast, Joe Biden himself made several interesting admissions yesterday.
- As some of the mainstream headline news reports that follow indicate, Biden now admits he was wrong on the 1994 crime bill.
- But Biden says that while he is hoping to hold onto the black vote, without which he can’t win in 2020. His awakening to the problems of the crime bill he says he authored and helped pass is now 26 years too late. How many hundreds of thousands of lives were negatively impacted among minorities or other groups by Biden’s self-admitted 1994 crime bill blunder?
- Isn’t part of his campaign based on the notion that he has better morals and judgement of the two major party candidates?
- Biden also admitted yesterday that he was wrong on some of his early criticism of the handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
- Relative to the flurry of attention from the right-of-center New York Post about Hunter Biden emails, the Biden campaign admits he could have had contact with officials from Burisma, that’s per left-of-center Politico. That admission opens up waves of questions about apparent evidence of corruption involving his son Hunter in the treasure trove of emails that made U.S. foreign policy for sale during the Obama administration.
In discerning agendas, consider the following headline and the data that it links to, which says that Facebook and Twitter – both of which swiftly moved to shut down the spread of news about the Biden emails, has donated dozens of times more money to Biden than Trump.
Twitter, Facebook Employees Have Given 51 Times More To Biden Than Trump, FEC Data Shows
Is there a likelihood of bias or an agenda to be discerned in that data-point?
There is an ocean of news that MHProNews can’t possibly report all of in our normal manner in the final 2½ weeks to November 3, 2020. So, MHProNews will instead share some headlines with links to their respective reports. Readers can sample what interests them.
Blogs publish stories with the most recent headlines ‘at the top’ or start of the news on their site.
The first set of headlines are from right-of-center Breitbart. Bear in mind that some are sarcastic in tone, some are fact checks, others that begin with a name may be new-opinion pieces. Those will be followed by headlines early today from the left-of-center Huffington Post. Both are popular among their respective readers.
Look the headlines and similar reports over. Consider what this demonstration reveals. The Breitbart and Huffington Post headlines will be followed by additional information, some MHProNews analysis and commentary.
Good to Be Joe: Hunter Biden Story Not Brought Up at Town Hall Event
90 Minutes, Zero Questions from ABC’s George Stephanopoulos About NY Post Bombshell Report
***Livewire*** Joe Biden Faces Voters in PA Town Hall…
…Open to Mandating Coronavirus Vaccine…
…Fact Check: Says Trump Could Have Kept Schools, Businesses Open if He Passed Relief…
…Open to Mandating Coronavirus Vaccine…
…Fact Check: Falsely Claims Coronavirus Relief Only Benefited Wealthy Corporations…
…Admits He Did Not Call for Masks, Social Distancing Until March…
…Admits 1994 Crime Bill Was a ‘Mistake’…
…on Packing the Court: ‘Depends on How It Turns Out’…
…Biden: ‘I Do Not Propose Banning Fracking’
Reports: Biden-Harris’ Anti-Fracking Plan Will Kill Jobs
***Live Updates*** POTUS Participates in Miami Town Hall…
…Savannah Guthrie Repeatedly Interrupts…
…Trump: Here We Go Again, I Denounce White Supremacy…
…Leave Roe vs. Wade to the Supreme Court…
…Pelosi ‘Doesn’t Want’ Stimulus ‘Because She Thinks It’s Bad for Her Election’
Ice Cube: CNN Canceled My Interview Amid News that I Worked with Trump on Economic Plan
ESPN’s Max Kellerman Calls Trump ‘Overweight’ During Coronavirus Rant
Joy Behar: ‘End of Democracy’ if Trump Reelected
Canadian City Uses Artificial Intelligence to Predict Homelessness
McCarthy: ‘Time to Scrap’ Section 230 Protection for Social Media Giants
WSJ: Google Was a ‘Godsend’ to Travel Companies, Now a Threat
Ally Defending Joe Biden over Hunter Allegations Once Lobbied for Russian Energy Company
Biden Claims No Meeting with Burisma Adviser on ‘Official Schedule,’ Like Many Other Meetings
CBS’s O’Donnell: Hunter Biden ‘Unverified Story’
Poll: Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a Dead Heat in Pennsylvania
Democrat Mayor Refuses to Resign After Blasting Trump Voters
Democrat Cal Cunningham’s Mistress Donated to His Campaign
GOP’s Sean Parnell Outraised Democrat Conor Lamb for 2nd Consecutive Quarter
Mark Kelly Campaign Spokesman Called Cops ‘Worthless F*cking Pigs’
Trump: Amy Coney Barrett Nomination a ‘Freight Train,’ Cannot Be Stopped
Watch: ‘Handmaids’ Chain Themselves to Bench at Supreme Court
School Therapist Loses License After Pleading Guilty to Sex with Student
Community Rallies Around Maine Mother Fighting Cancer
WATCH – Deputy Helps Save Teen Suffering from Seizure: ‘I See Him As a Hero’
Feminists Criticize Recently Unveiled Medusa Statue in Manhattan
Grandfather Pleads Guilty to Cruise Ship Toddler Death, Won’t Serve Time
Nigeria Considers Shutting Down Internet amid Anti-Police Protests
China’s Campaign to Bully South Korean Boy Band for Pro-U.S. Comments Fails
Maduro Debuts Venezuela’s Coronavirus Cures: ‘Miracle Droplets,’ ‘Rectal Ozone Therapy’
Trump: NBC News Town Hall a ‘Setup’
New Thought Police: Hollywood Celebrities Demand NBC Cancel Trump Town Hall
C-SPAN Suspends Steve Scully Indefinitely After Admitting He Lied About Twitter Hack…
…Nolte: Lying Permanently Disgraces the Commission on Presidential Debates
Report: Obama Officials Will Fill Biden White House Under ‘Diversity’ Mantle
Two PA Postal Workers Federally Charged with Throwing Away Mail
More than 1 Million Ballots Cast on Texas’s First Day of Early Voting
POTUS Unloads on Biden Family: ‘Corrupt as Hell’ for Pursuing Deals in China
Donald Trump: Jesus Christ ‘More Famous’ than I Am
Philly’s Back: Fed Manufacturing Index Unexpectedly Surge
Smith and Wesson Stock Up 130 Percent amid Surging Gun Sales
Bongino: Biden Would ‘Take Money Away from Cops’
Biden Campaign Claims Bombshell Hunter Biden Report ‘False’ — Because Twitter Censored It!
NBC News Reporter Tries to Spin: ‘Disinformation Campaign’!
Wikipedia Censors Hunter Biden Bombshell, Call NYPost ‘Unreliable’ Source
Inside Job? Facebook, Twitter Execs on Biden Transition Team
Masters of the Universe Keep Censoring Bombshells
Election Rigging in Plain Sight
Twitter Locks Gorka’s Account over Hunter Tweet
19 Days Left!
Senate Subpoenas Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over Censoring Stories on Bidens
War for Free Speech: Republicans Ready to Fight Back?
Donald Trump: ‘Big Tech’ Censoring the New York Post to Save Joe Biden
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Backs Rulemaking to Reform Section 230
Hot Mic: Feinstein Appears to Say Barrett’s Pro-life View ‘Comes with Her Religion’
Kobach: Mazie Hirono’s Bizarre Line of Questioning Turns to Voting Laws
Dagger for Dems: Witness Says Barrett Ruled *Against* Her Faith When Law Required
Hearings Livewire: Amy Coney Barrett Coasting to Confirmation…
…Watch: Final Day
U.S. Capitol Police Arrest 26 People Protesting Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination
Exclusive— Blackburn: Barrett Respected Working Mom, Highly Qualified Judge
Sean Penn Questions Amy Coney Barrett’s Character
L.A. Mayor Garcetti: Don’t Trick-or-Treat This Halloween
…Nolte: Biden Cannot Protect His Own Campaign from Corona
Kamala Suspends Travel After Staffer Tests Positive for Virus…
…Coronavirus Spreading in Biden World…
Dr. Whoopi: Goldberg Suggests Trump Didn’t Have Coronavirus
UFC Star Jorge Masvidal Praises Donald Trump: ‘You a Bmf Sir’
Falcons Close facility After Positive COVID-19 Results
Rockets GM Daryl Morey Resigns 1-Year After Hong Kong Support
Philippines Communist Leader Urges Guerrilla Attacks on Chinese Companies
Russian Foreign Minister: Turkey Was Never Our Ally
Report: Another 300,000 Venezuelans Flee Country During Pandemic
New Zealand: Leftist Jacinda Ardern Set for Re-Election After Moving Back Vote
Lebanese Expect the Worst as Poverty Surges and Hezbollah Tightens Grip
Poll: President Trump and Joe Biden Statistically Tied in Wisconsin
Poll: Indian-American Voters Back Joe Biden by 3:1
Biden Campaign Continues Record Rake: $383 Million in September
Exclusive — Eric Trump: ‘We Grew Up on Construction Sites,’ Didn’t Have Time to Get in Trouble
Trump: I’ll Sign National Reciprocity if It Reaches My Desk
Michelle O Teams Up with Jennifer Lopez to Push Voting be Mail
…Stage Lit Up With ‘VOTE’ While Anti-Trump Anthem Performed
Stevie Nicks: There’d Be No Fleetwood Mac ‘If I Had Not Had That Abortion’
ABC ‘s Kimmel Sad NBC for Hosting Trump Town Hall During Joe Biden’s
Nolte: Billboard Music Awards Ratings Crash By More than Half…
Senate Judiciary Committee Will Vote to Advance Barrett’s Nomination Next Week
Mitch: We Have the Votes!
Graham Thanks Democrats for ‘Not Going Down the Kavanaugh Road’
Cory: ‘Clearly’ Amy Coney Barrett ‘Not a Racist’
Harris: Trump Trying to ‘Jam This Confirmation Through’
Jim Jordan Posts Hunter Biden-Burisma Story after Twitter Censors House Judiciary GOP
Scarborough Laughs off ‘False’ Hunter Biden Story — ‘One of Stupidest October Surprises’
TUCKER: Every American ‘Has Right to Answer’ About Hunter Biden Story
More Hunter Emails: Cuts Deals for ‘Lasting & Lucrative Arrangement’ w/ Chinese Nationals
Twitter Censors
Locks Journos for Sharing Hunter Crack Pipe Photo
Exclusive: Sen. Kelly Loeffler: ‘Enough is Enough’ on Big Tech Censorship
Trump: Twitter, Facebook ‘Out of Control’ — ‘Like a Third Arm’ of DNC
Twitter Censors Second New York Post Bombshell Story About Hunter Biden
Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Acct Weeks Before Election
Even Google-Shill Mike Lee Outraged at Twitter
Cruz: Big Tech ‘Crossed a Line That Is Very Dangerous’
Blacklists Links to Document
Twitter: Eric Trump ‘Ukraine Scandal’ Hashtag Trends While Biden Stories Muzzled
Indian Superfan Dies ‘Depressed’ After Learning Donald Trump Had Coronavirus
Venezuela Starts Clinical Trials for Russian Coronavirus Vaccine Candidate
China’s Xi Jinping to Chinese Marines: Focus on ‘Preparing to Go to War’
Confucius Institute Rep Commits Suicide amid Child Pornography Investigation
World’s Worst Human Rights Abuser China on U.N. Human Rights Council
Erdogan Threatens Greece with ‘Response They Deserve’
China Demands French Museum Erase History of Mongols, Genghis Khan from Exhibit
‘BLM Bandwagon’: Google UK Doodle Celebrates Black Nationalist, Communist
Populist-Controlled Swedish Council Refuses to Fly Pride Flag
Heart Charity Claims Hundreds of Excess Deaths Due to Lockdown
Two-Thirds of Britons Back Under Coronavirus House Arrest Again
French Fishermen Fire Flares, Throw Frying Pans and Oil at British Boats
Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise to 898,000
Boeing Reports Order Cancellations and Drop in Aircraft Deliveries
L.A. County Transfers up to $14 Million from Cops to Illegal Migrants
Joe Biden’s Campaign Manager Warns Race ‘Far Closer’ than Many Believe
Ted Cruz Debunks Democrats’ False Claim About Lincoln’s Supreme Court Nomination Decision
California Republican Party Vows to Continue Ballot Drop Box Program
Hunterleaks: Joe Can’t Deny Secret Empire!
Politico: Campaign ‘Would Not Rule Out Possibility’ Biden Met with Burisma
Retreats from ‘Never Spoke’ Excuse…
…Schweizer: Gaps in Veep’s Public Schedule on That Date!
Twitter Cites ‘Hacked Info’ Policy to Defend Censorship of NY Post Bombshell (What About Trump Taxes?)
Matt Gaetz Calls for Lawmakers to Reject Big Tech PAC Donations
Every Eviction Is an Act of Violence, Say Missouri Protesters
Prosecutors Across U.S. Vow Not to Enforce Laws that Restrict Abortion
Federal Court Strikes Down Tennessee Abortion Waiting Period Law
SCOTUS Denies S.C. Petition for Hearing on Defunding Planned Parenthood
WATCH: Booker Calls Trump Fams ‘Cult of Personality,’ ‘Armed Militias’
Exclusive: Republicans in Israel Emblazon Taxis with ‘Thank You Trump’
Pompeo Urges Saudis to Normalize Ties with Israel
Saudi Arabia Loses Bid for U.N. Human Rights Council Seat
San Diego Bishop Defends Voting for Pro-Abortion Politicians
Donald Trump to Seniors: I Will Protect Health Care from Illegal Migration
New York Times’ ‘1619 Project’ Named to ‘Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade’
Trump Loosens Up, Removes Tie In Iowa
Melania Trump Reveals ‘Natural Route’ Recovery from Coronavirus
San Diego Bishop: Planet Earth Is Headed Toward ‘Climate Annihilation’
UK Spy Chief Confirms ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Islamists are Biggest Terror Threat
Lockdown! London Goes into ‘High Alert,’ Banning Households From Mixing Indoors
Frances: Announces Curfews in Major Metropolitan Areas
Twitter Suspends WH Press Sec McEnany…
Tom Cotton: Big Tech Only Allows ‘What It Finds Politically Acceptable’
@Jack Sez Company’s *Communication* ‘Not Great’… but No Pullback on Election Interference
…‘Not a Temporary Blockage’ – ‘They Essentially Have Me at Gunpoint’ to Delete News
Justice Clarence Thomas: Section 230 Protections for Big Tech Are Too Broad
Pollak: 5 Things Media Should Grill Kamala Harris About
Veterans Speak Out Against Democrat Cal Cunningham’s Extramarital Affair
Catholic Coalition Launches Ads Calling on Democrats to Oppose Religious Bigotry
France: Woman Arrested After Defrauding Coronavirus Aid to Pay for Breast and Butt Implants
CDC Study: 85% of COVID Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’
CNN’s Tapper: ‘Barron’s Father Should Stop Hosting Super-Spreader Events’
Russia Adds Alleged Coronavirus-Smelling Dogs to Pandemic Fight

Next, these are headlines from left-of-center Huffington Post
Trump To Hold Wisconsin Rally 3 Days After State Opens COVID-19 Field Hospital
Trump Won’t Confirm If He Took A COVID-19 Test For His 1st Debate With Biden
OSHA Tells Employers Not To Worry About Reporting COVID-19 Hospitalizations Anymore
Janitors, Bus Drivers On Returning To Schools: Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t
LATEST UPDATES: Harris Tests Negative For COVID-19
In Town Halls, Trump Defends Dangerous Theories As Biden Paints Vision For Future
Biden Says He’ll Announce Position On Court-Packing Before Election
GOP Sen. Ben Sasse Trashes Trump In Call With Voters: He ‘Kisses Dictators’ Butts’
Japan Reportedly Plans To Dump Contaminated Water From Fukushima Into The Sea
Anatomy Of A Smear: Questions Surround The New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
Twitter Changes Hacked Content Rules After New York Post Article Controversy
How The North Carolina GOP Undermined Cleanup Of ‘Forever Chemicals’
Barrett’s Climate Dodge Isn’t Just Unscientific. It’s At Odds With Most Americans.
‘2 Different Planets’: Twitter Users Roast Dueling Trump-Biden Town Halls
Savannah Guthrie Tells Trump What People Think Of His Conspiracy Theory Tweets
Trump Adviser’s Head-Scratching Attempt To Trash Biden Backfires
Twitter Users Chop Down Ivanka Trump’s Tree-Planting Boast
‘NBC Sucks!’ Jimmy Kimmel Unloads On Rival Network Over Trump Stunt
Multiple Health Organizations Unite To Condemn COVID-19 Herd Immunity Strategy
Fauci Urges Americans To Reconsider Thanksgiving Family Gatherings Amid Pandemic
Chris Christie Won’t Blame Trump For COVID-19, Says He Should’ve Worn Mask
U.S. Intelligence Reportedly Warned White House Giuliani Was Target Of Russia Disinformation
Americans Are Voting Early At A Record Rate
Trump’s $200 Drug Discounts For Seniors Won’t Be Ready For Election Day
Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Suggests You Ignore Her Dad And Vote For Biden
Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein Heaps Praise On Lindsey Graham After Barrett Hearing
Gloria Estefan’s Daughter Emily Says Mom Had Hurtful Response To Her Coming Out
Rudolph And His Nose-So-Bright Going On The Auction Block ― Santa Too!
To give added context to that flurry of headlines, some additional sources across the left-right divide will follow. Note that some topics both of the above didn’t cover are included in the following. But there are also reports that cover the same ground, but may shed a different light.
Headlines from Townhall
Uh Oh: Here’s Why the FBI Is Now Investigating Hunter Biden’s Emails
President Trump Eviscerates Liberal Talking Points During NBC Town Hall
The One Question Joe Biden Wasn’t Asked Last Night…And It’s Not All That Shocking
Bombshell Lawsuit Sheds Light On Governor Cuomo’s Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Order
The Democrats Are the Party of the Lie of the Year—but the Party of Healthcare is Donald Trump’s
Judge Barrett: An Originalist, Not a Conservative Activist
Rep. Westerman Hopes to Steer GOP in Right Direction on Conservation Issues
Donald Trump will Win the Jewish Vote
Biden Has a Really Dumb Idea to Stop ‘Police Brutality’
RNC Chair Asks Some Important Questions Ahead of Biden’s Town Hall Event
Who Is ‘The Big Guy’ Hunter Biden Refers to in Emails Regarding Massive China Hedge Fund Deal?
Media Bully Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Handmaid,’ ‘B*tch,’ ‘Monster’
Will Conservatives Finally Awaken to the Big Tech Threat?
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?
The Case For Re-Electing Thom Tillis to the Senate
Far-Left Judicial Activist Group Demands Sen. Feinstein Resign From Senate Judiciary Committee
New Emails Show Burisma’s Access to Obama Officials via Hunter Biden with Conference Call Leak
Biden Campaign Manager Says Race Is Much Closer Than People Believe
Trump Slams Twitter and Facebook as an Extension of the DNC
Moderator for Canceled Debate Suspended After Admitting He Lied About His Twitter Being Hacked
Giuliani: You’ve Only Seen Five Percent of What’s on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive
‘Winter Is Coming’: Tom Cotton Warns Big Tech Protections Could Be Going Away After NY Post Debacle
NBC Employees Protest Network’s Town Hall with President Trump
Dems Who Think They Have the Black Vote on Lock Should Check Out Ice Cube’s Twitter Video
Ugly: Dem Opponent Smears Lindsey Graham, Claiming He Looks Back Fondly on Segregation
LATEST: After Censorship Fiasco, Twitter CEO Is Getting Subpoenaed for Emergency Testimony
Witnesses from American Bar Association Display Confidence in Judge Barrett’s Qualifications
Biden Campaign Cites Twitter Censorship as Proof That New York Post Story Is False
Good News: Top DOJ Official and Trump-Russia Collusion Peddler Bruce Ohr Has Resigned
Cruz Destroys Democrats’ Flimsy Argument Against Barrett Confirmation
Argument Against Barrett Confirmation
‘No’: Graham Shuts Down Democrats’ Attempts to Delay ACB Vote
House Republicans Call For Emergency Hearing on Big Tech Censorship
GOP Group Goes on the Offensive For John James in Michigan Senate Race
Twitter Continues to Crack Down on Organizations Sharing NY Post’s Hunter Biden Story
Kamala Harris’s Campaign Responds After Two Staffers Test Positive for COVID
Leaked Audio Shows Cuomo Admitting the Real Reason For NY Lockdowns
Conservative Reporter Questions a Key Piece of the Hunter Biden Email Story. And Twitter Responds.
Biden Campaign Admits an ‘Informal’ Meeting Could’ve Taken Place With Burisma Exec
GOP Senate Arm Trolls Cal Cunningham Ahead of North Carolina’s Early Voting
‘This Is a Dark Moment’: Tucker Obliterates Big Tech’s Censorship of the NY Post
Liberal Reporter: What Twitter and Facebook Did to Muzzle Biden Story Is ‘Creepy and Authoritarian’
New Poll on Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination Is All Bad News For Democrats
Jack Dorsey Ratioed for Non-Apology on Election Interference
Power Mad Twitter Suspends WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s Personal Account
Hawley to ACB: Biden-Burisma Corruption Case Might Come Before You on SCOTUS
PA Police Chief Had to Resign Because of His Wife’s Political Stance
Judge Barrett Bulldozes Senator Coons: I Assure You, I Have My Own Mind
Sen. Blackburn Reminds Senate Democrats Which Party is Responsible For Blocking Coronavirus Relief
CBP Had Its Second-Largest Meth Bust in the Agency’s History
RECAP: Chairman Graham Pushes Back at Judiciary Dems Who Accused ACB of Not Being Candid
Gov. Ralph Northam on Kidnapping Plot: ‘These People Take Their Marching Orders’ from Trump
Next, let’s note that Townhall called out the Drudge Report a few weeks ago for what they said is their significant tilt toward the left. Be that as it may, Drudge is still a useful tool for scanning headlines that may now be more from the left side of the media than it was in 2016. But Drudge still uncovers topics that shed light on important issues. The following headlines from Drudge this morning illustrate that point.
Avalanche of early ballots transforming election…
Adelson pours $75M into last-ditch effort…
Dems crushing fundraising…
Biden won’t isolate after flying with infected patient…
Here Comes Obama…
China’s Xi violently coughs throughout speech, prompting health speculation…
State media cuts away each time…
C-SPAN suspends Scully after hack lie…
New York exodus fuels ‘gangbusters’ Maine real estate boom…
Senate to Subpoena Jack Dorsey over TWITTER censorship…
Drudge also periodically posts the leading cable news shows, ranked by third-party assessed viewers. It
MSNBC MADDOW 3,797,000
MSNBC HAYES 2,434,000
CNN CUOMO 2,291,000
CNN COOPER 2,126,000
Societies with ‘good’ governments fall harder, study suggests…
‘Time is running out,’ EU warns, urging measures to avoid new lockdowns…
Smoothie-making bot at WALMART signals rise of robot fast-food worker…
In some ways perhaps the better news aggregator site is now Knewz, which was launched to compete with Drudge. They routinely pull multiple reports on the same topic from various news organizations. A sampling of their headlines this morning are below.
Biden Muddles Through Gentle, Hunter-Free Town Hall
‘2 Different Planets’: Twitter Users Roast Dueling Trump-Biden Town Halls
Giuliani: Hunter Biden emails prove family ‘has been selling Joe’s office to the highest bidder’
Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone’
Joshua Ziminski admits firing shot that preceded Kyle Rittenhouse shooting
Accused Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse Won’t Face Charges In Home State Of Illinois
Biden Promises To Give An Answer On Court Packing Before Election Day
Chris Christie says he was in ICU for 7 days battling Covid-19, urges Americans to wear masks
NBC’s Savannah Guthrie accused of bias after contentious Trump town hall
Trump Supreme Court pick heads toward Senate vote despite Democratic protests
FDA approves first treatment for Ebola
Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company – Washington Free Beacon
Dem Senate candidate Mark Kelly apologizes for staffer’s obscene tweet about cops
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says 99.9% of households responded to census
That survey of headlines across the left-right divide reveals much. Among the takeaways? That former President Obama’s claim about much of media reflecting two different world views is demonstrably true. One need not agree with Mr. Obama’s politics in order to recognize the clear truth of his quoted statement below.
Note that while Greenwald praised the modification by Twitter “late last [Thursday] night,” it may still reflect a double-standard, albeit not as bad as previously. For instance, the left-of-center New York Times claims to have obtained President Trump’s tax returns. Why were tweets about that not blocked?
Good to see: late last night, Twitter announced changes to its “Hacked Materials Policy” so that links to reporting based on hacked materials or “unauthorized” docs will no longer be banned on the platform. We updated our story to reflect these changes.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 16, 2020
Greenwald contrasted the behavior of CSPAN vs. that of left-of-center MSNBC, even though the later would arguably closer to his own perspective. Restated, Greenwald may have a bias, but he is able to see past his bias and apply an objective standard that allows him to call out MSNBC for not doing what CSPAN did following a blatant lie.
Media outlets with integrity view it as an embarrassment worthy of sanction when their journalist gets caught outright lying about having been hacked.
Then there’s MSNBC, which *promoted* Joy Reid to a prime-time show after she got caught fabricating an elaborate hacking tale.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 15, 2020
The next Greenwald tweet is sarcasm.
Mark Zuckerberg is a kind, wise, benevolent and strong Daddy figure who will keep us away from reporting and other information that is not good for us to see. He will also use his great wisdom to discern what journalism is true or false. His censorship deserves our gratitude.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 15, 2020
Once, more, Greenwald may well share Zuckerberg’s political views more than those of President Trump. But Greenwald sees the threat to free speech that Zuckerberg’s firm Facebook has revealed.
The Creepy Line
Just over 2 years ago, Peter Schweizer published the video documentary, the Creepy Line. MHProNews spotlighted that documentary at that time, because it was clearly an important issue for the midterms or any other election.
The following is the full-length version of Creepy Line, which presaged precisely the threat to this election that the Facebook and Twitter censorship and restriction of content that they don’t like is posing.
Note that one of the key researchers in the above was a pro-Clinton, pro-Democratic supporter.
It is often necessary to understand the agenda or perspective of the party being read in order to discern what a report may actually be indicating. The New York Times “broke” the story about Crimson Contagion. But the manner that they presented it arguably ran contrary to the evidence. Months after the report linked below was published, the timeline and facts revealed have stood the test of time. Hundreds of thousands of hits by readers have occurred on that report.

Having a sense of the New York Times editorial vantagepoint made sifting the wheat from the chaff on that Crimson Contagion story or others easier. Bear in mind that one of their own editors, and that former editor was a never-Trumper, called the publication out in her exit message for having failed to learn the lessons of the 2016 election cycle.
MHProNews has often referenced left-of-center media outlets – sifting wheat from chaff – doing the same with right-of-center media outlets. For instance, many on the right for years have not taken the growing threat of monopolization as seriously as some voices on the left. That said, the ‘solutions’ offered by some on the left would possibly make the problem worse. Breaking up monopolies, not more regulation, is the answer.
A Tale of Two Cities?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, per WikiQuote.
Centuries before our crisis, France faced one similar that Dickens’ opening above dramatically illustrated. Dickens wrote those words in 1859. While the use of English has changed, Dickens’ opening might seem to fit much of what is occurring in our own times, right?

Those who don’t learn from the past are condemned to relive it.

America is at a crossroads.
- Voices on the right says that there is a real threat that socialist-Marxist-Communist inspired behavior threatens the way of life that made America the wealthiest nation on earth for generations.
- Voices on the left have pointed to how crony capitalism has undermined the free enterprise system that made that possible.
- There is evidence that both of those statements are often true.
Day-by-day, MHProNews sifts or curate topics that matter to the future of our industry’s independents, investors, consumers, taxpayers, public officials, and potential affordable manufactured home homebuyers. We will naturally step on some toes in publishing those reports.
In every instance, we strive to discern what is real and what is illusion or weaponized ‘fake’ news. MHProNews presents the facts, evidence, cites the sources, so that thinkers may come to their own conclusion. But we also supply our own analysis.
The industry’s news won’t be ignored here, as the reports linked above and below reflect.
But while reporting on industry news, the bigger picture of what is unfolding in America – which obviously impacts our industry – won’t be ignored by MHProNews.
There is good reason to believe that violence will increase around the time or the aftermath of the election.
The powers that have so much sway over our industry are documented to be behind the summer of violence that continues on into the fall.
A vote for Biden is a vote for those who are backing the censoring of speech and are paying for violent, revolutionary activity. That’s what the evidence indicates in reports like those above and below make clear.
Some of us who follow the news carefully knew months or years ago facts that may seem ‘new’ to those who only read from one side of the media.
President Obama is arguably far more charming and articulate than his former VP Biden. He and his wife have made periodic statements of support for Biden, once he secured the nomination. He will likely continue to do so.
Because there is evidence that media on the right – and sources like Glenn Greenwald – have reported on for some time that includes serious violations of federal law. If President Trump wins re-election, there are reasons to think Obama, Biden, the Clintons, and others In that circle could face serious legal consequences. They would likely lose their aura of goodness that much of the left has attached to them.

President Obama became a wealthy man after being president. Joe Biden already has millions, but if he lives long enough and wins on November 3, he’ll doubtlessly become richer still.
President Trump said in 2016 the video above. It still applies, though some progress has been made.

One doesn’t have to love President Trump at all to realize what a never-Trump recently said in an op-ed. He believes the alternative of Biden and those who are behind him is so terrifying, that only President Trump in the natural order can make the difference in protecting the idealistic freedoms our nation was founded on. That writer who will cast his ballot for President Trump and his down ballot supporters is far from alone. This report is about 6000 words. But much could be summed up in the simple notion below.
Only the truth can hope to set people free.

Being trapped by a lie – no matter how comfortable or appealing the lie is – will or is falling into a serious problem. Some 50 million people reportedly listened to the Rush Limbaugh interview of President Trump last week. Prior to that radio broadcast, Limbaugh made a very simple point. There is no plan B. For those who believe in free enterprise and the American way, it is about winning this election, period.

There is always more to know. Stay tuned with the runaway largest and documented number one most-read source for authentic manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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