A program offered by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) offers residents of manufactured homes in Bonney Lake and Sumner, Washington the opportunity to receive free duct work sealing and other energy- saving devices. As Bonneylake-SumnerPatch tells MHProNews.com, the service has up to a $500 value and can reduce energy usage by 30 percent. Applicants must be PSE customers and use electric forced-air as the primary heat source. PSE is also collaborating with energy services specialists UCONN LLC to install ENERGY STAR-qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs, energy efficient shower heads, and air filter replacements. PSE’s Gary Monensen says, “Typically four out of five manufactured homes have leaky heating and cooling systems. This program will help our customers who live in manufactured homes install energy-efficient measures to increase their comfort and manage their energy bills.”