“The right to free speech is not [limited to] a member of any political party and does not hold any political ideology.” So said U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of Louisiana in part of his ruling for a preliminary injunction against Joseph R. Biden Jr. and members of his federal administration. “Happy birthday America. You get your First Amendment back!!” said one of the plaintiffs’, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, in a tweet on July 4, 2023 in response to Judge Doughty’s significant ruling. All forms of communication – which include, but are not limited to, news, education, and marketing – are essential for an authentically free human society. So, the case has importance for virtually every aspect of American life, including for businesses and professionals. While some may think that this is a case of a “Trump appointee” taking a stance for ‘red state’ attorneys general, it is useful to recall that then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is on video confirming many of the allegations that follow. The Biden White House transcript of the July 7, 2021 press briefing by Psaki confirms the remarks in the video posted below.
In his July 5, 2023 post for the Rutherford Institute, John Whitehead, J.D., cited President Harry S. Truman (D), who said: “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
WND reported under the headline “Biden accused of ‘orchestrated’ attack on First Amendment” the following: “The ruling came in lawsuits filed by Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general, who are charging that the Biden administration coerced or “significantly encourage[d]” tech companies to suppress free speech during the COVID-19 pandemic. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Doughty charged” in his ruling.
But the assault on free speech – in what WND’s Bob Unruh colorfully said was “a truckload of evidence” brought by plaintiffs in an allegedly coordinated effort between members of the Biden administration and named big tech platforms that include Google, Facebook (Meta), and Twitter, has apparently not stopped after the declared pandemic began to wind down.
Indeed, the case can be made that efforts to limit and channel free speech accelerated in the wake of COVID19 and are ongoing.
As left-leaning Wikipedia said: “Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation.” A ‘community’ can in that sense be any group or organization, including companies or associations, but certainly other that span the entire spectrum of lawful human behavior. To the point of what is lawful, the First Amendment to the Constitution stated: “Congress shall make no law…abridging freedom of speech.” Freedom of speech includes the right: Not to speak, per the USCourts.gov.
Happy birthday America. You get your First Amendment back!!!🇺🇸
— Attorney General Andrew Bailey (@AGAndrewBailey) July 4, 2023
Part I of this report will provide the entire copy of Judge Doughty’s ruling as a download and extended quotations from it that are arguably superior to what various media outlets have provided in their news briefs.
Part II will provide additional information with more MHProNews analysis and commentary, which will include both macro-USA and manufactured housing specific remarks. This will tie in well to the issues raised in yesterday’s report on the latest manufactured housing industry data and attempts by some in manufactured housing to purportedly manipulate information for their own agenda(s). Briefly, while there is a wide latitude of protected speech on virtually any subject, by contrast, deliberately deceptive speech (written or verbal) that aims to defraud people of rights or property can still be found to be illegal.
Part III will be the Daily Business News on MHProNews Market Report.
Part I
“I may disapprove of what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it.”
– Evelyn Beatrice Hill, 1906, The Friends of Voltaire
This case is about the Free Speech Clause in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The explosion of social-media platforms has resulted in unique free speech issues— this is especially true in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States” history.
In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the Federal Government, and particularly the Defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech, Although the censorship alleged in this case almost exclusively targeted conservative speech, the issues raised herein go beyond party lines. The right to free speech is not a member of any political party and does not hold any political ideology. It is the purpose of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment to preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas in which truth will ultimately prevail, rather than to countenance monopolization of the market, whether it be by government itself or private licensee. Red Lion Broadcasting Co., v. F.C.C., 89’S. Ct. 1794, 1806 1969). Plaintiffs allege that Defendants, through public pressure campaigns, private meetings, and other forms of direct communication, regarding what Defendants described as “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “malinformation,” have colluded with and/or coerced social-media platforms to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms. Plaintiffs also allege that the suppression constitutes government action, and that it is a violation of Plaintiffs freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The First Amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (emphasis added).
First Amendment, U.S. Const. amend. I.
The principal function of free speech under the United States’ system of government is to invite dispute; it may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger. Texas v. Johnson, 109’S. Ct. 2533, 2542-43 (1989). Freedom of speech and press is the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom. Curtis Pub. Co. v. Butts, 87 S. Ct. 1975, 1986 (1967).
The following quotes reveal the Founding Fathers’ thoughts on freedom of speech:
“For if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a mater, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.”
George Washington, March 15, 1783.
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the free acts of speech.”
Benjamin Franklin, Letters of Silence Dogwood.
“Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.”
Thomas Jefferson.
The question does not concern whether speech is conservative, moderate, liberal, progressive, or somewhere in between. What matters is that Americans, despite their views, will not be censored or suppressed by the Government. Other than well-known exceptions to the Free Speech Clause, all political views and content are protected free speech.
The issues presented to this Court are important and deeply intertwined in the daily lives of the citizens of this country.
In this case, Plaintiffs allege that Defendants suppressed conservative-leaning free speech, such as: (1) suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; (2) suppressing speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19°s origin; (3) suppressing speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns: (4) suppressing speech about the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines; (5) suppressing speech about election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; (6) suppressing speech about the security of voting by mail; (7) suppressing parody ‘content about Defendants; (8) suppressing negative posts about the economy: and (9) suppressing negative posts about President Biden.
Plaintiffs Bhattacharya and Kaulldorff are infectious disease epidemiologists and co-authors of The Great Barrington Declaration (“GBD”). The GBD was published on October 4, 2020. The GBD criticized lockdown policies and expressed concern about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of lockdowns. They allege that shortly after being published, the GBD was censored on social media by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others. Bhattacharya and Kulldorff further allege on October 8, 2020 (four days after publishing the GBD), Dr. Frances Collins, Dr. Fauci, and CIiff Lane proposed together a “take down” of the GBD and followed up with an organized ‘campaign to discredit it.6
Dr. Kulldorff additionally alleges he was censored by Twitter on several occasions because of his tweets7 with content such as “thinking everyone must be vaccinated is scientifically flawed, that masks would not protect people from COVID-19, and other “anti-mask” tweets.” Dr. Kulldorff (and Dr. Bhattacharya8) further alleges that YouTube removed a March 18, 2021 roundtable discussion in Florida where he and others questioned the appropriateness of requiring young children to wear facemasks.9 Dr. Kulldorff also alleges that LinkedIn censored him when he reposted a post of a colleague from Iceland on vaccines, for stating that vaccine mandates were dangerous, for posting that natural immunity is stronger than vaccine immunity, and for posting that health care facilities should hire, not fire, nurses.10
Plaintiff Jill Hines is Co-Director of Health Freedom Louisiana, a consumer and human rights advocacy organization. Hines alleges she was censored by Defendants because she advocated against the use of masks mandates on young children. She launched an effort called “Reopen Louisiana” on April 16, 2020, to expand Health Freedom Louisiana’s reach on social media. Hines alleges Health Freedom Louisiana’s social-media page began receiving warnings from Facebook. Hines was suspended on Facebook in January 2022 for sharing a display board that contained Pfizer’s preclinical trial data.11 Additionally, posts about the safety of masking and adverse events from vaccinations, including VAERS data and posts encouraging people to contact their legislature to end the Government’s mask mandate, were censored on Facebook and other social-media platforms. Hines alleges that because of the censorship, the reach of Health Freedom Louisiana was reduced from 1.4 million engagements per month to approximately 98,000. Hines also alleges that her personal Facebook page has been censored and restricted for posting content that is protected free speech. Additionally, Hines alleges that two of their Facebook groups, HFL Group and North Shore HFL, were de-platformed for posting content protected as free speech.12
Plaintiff Dr. Kheriaty is a psychiatrist who has taught at several universities and written numerous articles. He had approximately 158,000 Twitter followers in December 2021 and approximately 1,333 LinkedIn connections. Dr. Kheriaty alleges he began experiencing censorship on Twitter and LinkedIn after posting content opposing COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Dr. Kheriaty also alleges that his posts were “shadow banned.” meaning that his tweets did not appear in his followers Twitter feeds. Additionally, a video of an interview of Dr. Kheriaty on the ethics of vaccine mandates was removed from YouTube.13
Plaintiff Jim Hoft is the owner and operator of The Gateway Pundit (“GP”), a news website located in St. Louis, Missouri. In connection with the GP, Hoft operates the GP’s social-media accounts with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
The GP’s Twitter account previously had over 400,000 followers, the Facebook account had over 650,000 followers, the Instagram account had over 200,000 followers, and the YouTube account had over 98,000 followers.
The GP’s Twitter account was suspended on January 2, 2021, again on January 29, 2021, and permanently suspended from Twitter on February 6, 2021. The first suspension was in response to a negative post Hoft made about Dr. Fauci’s statement that the COVID-19 vaccine will only block symptoms and not block the infection. The second suspension was because of a post Hoft made about changes to election law in Virginia that allowed late mail-in ballots without postmarks to be counted. Finally, Twitter issued the permanent ban after the GP Twitter account posted video footage from security cameras in Detroit, Michigan from election night 2020, which showed two delivery vans driving to a building at 3:30 a.m. with boxes, which were alleged to warning labels and other restrictions for posts involving COVID-19 and/or election integrity issues during 2020 and 2021 Hoft further alleges that YouTube censored the GPs videos.
YouTube removed a May 14, 2022 video that discussed voter integrity issues in the 2020 election. Hoft has attached as exhibits ‘copies of numerous GP posts censored and/or fact checked. All of the attached examples involve posts relating to COVID-19 or the 2020 election.
In addition to the allegations of the Individual Plaintiffs, the States of Missouri and Louisiana allege extensive censorship by Defendants. The States allege that they have a sovereign and proprietary interest in receiving the free flow of information in public discourse on social media platforms and in using social-media to inform their citizens of public policy decisions. The States also claim that they have a sovereign interest in protecting their own constitutions, ensuring their citizen’s fundamental rights are not subverted by the federal government, and that they have a quasi-sovereign interest in protecting the free-speech rights of their citizens.
The States allege that the Defendants have caused harm 10 the states of Missouri and Louisiana by suppressing and or censoring the free speech of Missouri, Louisiana, and their citizens.
The Complaint,14 Amended Complaint,15 Second Amended Complaint,’6 and Third Amended Complaint17 allege a total of five counts. They are:
Count One – Violation of the First Amendment against all Defendants.
Count Two – Action in Excess of Statutory Authority against all Defendants.
Count Three — Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against HHS, NIAID, CDC, FDA, Peck, Becerra, Murthy, Crawford, Fauci, Galatas, Waldo, Byrd, Choi, Lambert, Dempsey. Muhammed, Jefferson, Murry, and Kimberly.
Count Four – Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against DHS, CISA, Mayorkas, Easterly, Silvers, Vinograd, Jankowicz, Masterson, Protentis, Hale, Snell, Wyman, and Scully.
Count Five – Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against the Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Shopkorn, Schwartz, Molina-Irizarry, and Galemore.
Plaintiffs also ask for this case to be certified as a class action pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 23(a) and 23(b)(2). For the reasons discussed herein, it is only necessary to address Count One and the Plaintiffs’ request for class action certification in this ruling.
The following facts are pertinent to the analysis of whether or not Plaintiffs are entitled to the granting of an injunction.18
Plaintiffs assert that since 2018, federal officials, including Defendants, have made public statements and demands to social-media platforms in an effort to induce them to censor disfavored speech and speakers. Beyond that, Plaintiffs argue that Defendants have threatened adverse consequences to social-media companies, such as reform of Section 230 immunity under the Communications Decency Act, antitrust scrutiny/enforcement, increased regulations, and other measures, if those companies refuse to increase censorship. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act shields social-media companies from liability for actions taken on their websites, and Plaintiffs argue that the threat of repealing Section 230 motivates the social-media companies to comply with Defendants’ censorship requests. Plaintiffs also note that Mark Zuckerberg (“Zuckerberg”), the owner of Facebook, has publicly stated that the threat of antitrust enforcement is “an existential threat” to his platform.19
- White House Defendants 20
Plaintiffs’ assert that by using emails, public and private messages, public and private meetings, and other means, the White House Defendants have “significantly encouraged” and “coerced” social-media. platforms to suppress protected free speech posted on social-media platforms.
(1) On January 23, 2021, three days after President Biden took office, Clarke Humphrey (“Humphrey”). who at the time was the Digital Director for the COVID-19 Response ‘Team, emailed Twitter and requested the removal of an anti-COVID-19 vaccine tweet by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr21 Humphrey sent a copy of the email to Rob Flaherty (“Flaherty”), former Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Digital Strategy, on the email and asked if “we can keep an eye out for tweets that fall in this same genre.” The email read, “Hey folks-Wanted to flag the below tweet and am wondering if we can get moving on the process of having it removed ASAP.” 22
(2) On February 6, 2021, Flaherty requested Twitter to remove a parody account linked to Finnegan Biden, Hunter Biden’s daughter and President Biden’s granddaughter. The request stated, “Cannot stress the degree to which this needs to be resolved immediately,” and “Please remove this account immediately.”23 Twitter suspended the parody account within forty five minutes of Flaherty’s request.
(3) On February 7, 2021, Twitter sent Flaherty a “Twitter’s Partner Support Portal” for ‘expedited review of flagging content for censorship. Twitter recommended that Flaherty designate a list of authorized White House staff to enroll in Twitter’s Partner Support Portal and explained that when authorized reporters submit a “ticket” using the portal, the requests are “prioritized” automatically. Twitter also stated that it had been “recently bombarded” with censorship requests from the White House and would prefer to have a streamlined process. Twitter noted that “[i]n a given day last week for example, we had more than four different people within the White House: reaching out for issues.” 24
(4) On February 8, 2021, Facebook emailed Flaherty, and Humphrey to explain how it had recently expanded its COVID-19 censorship policy to promote authoritative COVID-19 vaccine information and expanded its efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccines in general. Flaherty responded within nineteen minutes questioning how many times someone can share false COVID-19 claims before being removed, how many accounts are being flagged versus removed, and how Facebook handles “dubious,” but not “provably false,” claims.25 Flaherty demanded more information from Facebook on the new policy that allows Facebook to remove posts that repeatedly share these: debunked claims.
(5) On February 9, 2021, Flaherty followed up with Facebook in regard to its COVID19 policy, accusing Facebook of causing “political violence” spurred by Facebook groups by failing to censor false COVID-19 claims, and suggested having an oral meeting to discuss their policies. 26 Facebook responded the same day and stated that “vaccine-skeptical” content does not violate Facebook’s policies.27 However, Facebook stated that it will have the content’s “distribution reduced” and strong warning labels added, “so fewer people will see the post.28 In other words, even though “vaccine-skeptical” content did not violate Facebook’s policy, the content’ distribution was still being reduced by Facebook.
Facebook also informed Flaherty that it was working to censor content that does not violate Facebook’s policy in other ways by “preventing posts discouraging vaccines from going viral on our platform?” and by using information labels and preventing recommendations for Groups, Pages, and Instagram accounts pushing content discouraging vaccines. Facebook also informed Flaherty that it was relying on the advice of “public health authorities” to determine its COVID-19 censorship policies.29 Claims that have been “debunked” by public health authorities would be removed from Facebook. Facebook further promised Flaherty it would aggressively enforce the new censorship policies and requested a meeting with Flaherty to speak to Facebook’s misinformation team representatives about the latest censorship. policies.30 Facebook also referenced “previous meetings” between the White House and Facebook representatives during the “transition period” (likely referencing the Biden Administration transition). …”
MHProNews notes: there is obvious evidence for the concerns that Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys general and others who brought amicus briefs in this case, as the video of then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated, as was posted near the top, above.
There is much, much, more.
The footnotes for the above, save footnote 2, and the entire complaint are frankly a good read. As noted in MHProNews commentary previously, the document itself is actually better than many of the reports that have been written about this historic ruling. While this may end up at the Supreme Court, since the arguably anti-free speech, and demonstrably constitutionally violating Biden regime (e.g.: think of their vote buying scheme that was struck down recently, commonly known as the student loan forgiveness ploy) could well appeal this ruling,
Footnote 2 is being provided below by MHProNews, because it shows how vast this purported scheme has metastasized throughout the federal bureaucracy.
[Footnote] 2 Defendants consist of President Joseph R Biden (“President Biden), Jr, Karine Jean Pierre (Jean Piere), Vivek H Murthy (“Murhy”), Xavier Becerra (“Becera”), Dept of Health & Human Services (“HHS”), Dr. Hugh Auchincloss (“Auchincloss”), National institute of Allray & Infectious Discases (“NIAID”), Centers for Discase Control & Prevention (“CDC”), Alejandro Mayorkas (*Mayorkas™), Dept of Homeland Security (“DHS”), Jen Easterly (“Easterly”), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (“CISA”), Carol Crawford (Crawford), United States Census Bureau (“Census Bureau”), U.S. Dept of Commerce (“Commerce”), Robert Silvers (“Silvers”). Samantha Vinograd (“Vinograd”), Ali Zaidi (‘Z4id”), Rob Flaherty (“Flaherty”). Dori Salido (“Salcdo”), Stuart F. Delery (“Delery”), Aisha Shah (“Shali), Sarah Beran (“Beran”), Mina Hsiang (“Hsiang”), U.S. Dept of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Laura Dehmlow (“Dehimlow”), Elvis M. Chan (“Chan”), Jay Dempsey (“Dempsey”), Kate Galatas (*Galatas”), Katharine Dealy (“Dealy”), Yolanda Byrd (Byrd), Christy Choi (“Choi”), Ashley Morse (“Morse”) Joshua Peck (“Peck”), Kym Woman (Wyman), Lauren Protentis (“Proienis”). Geoffrey Hale (“Hale”), Allison Snel (“Snell Brian Scully (“Scully”), Jennifer Shopkom (“Shopkorn”), U.S. Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”), Erica Jefferson (“Jefferson”). Michacl Murray (‘Murray’), Brad Kimberly (“Kimberly”), U.S. Dept of State (“State”), Leah Bray (“Bray”), Alexis Fishie (“Frisbie”), Daniel Kimmage (“Kimmage”), U.S. Dept of Treasury (“Treasury”), Wally Adeyemo (“Adeyemar”), U. S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), Steven Frid (“Frid”), and risen Muihig (‘Muthig”).
MHProNews Note: cutting and pasting from PDF can cause some typos that are not evident in the original. The PDF of Judge Doughty’s ruling is found at this link here. It is important reading and is seemingly more accessible – not difficult to read – as some legal documents can be.
Part I Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
It is practical to be mindful of the following.
When communications (free speech) are compared to subsequent behaviors it can reveal who a person, or organization, authentically are.
The above is a tip for others in MHVille that publish. Compare communications to subsequent behaviors. If there are disconnects, in probing those disconnects, follow the money trail. The insights from doing so can grow and maintain a large audience. In our case, it is the demonstrably largest in MHVille.

Speech – be it written, visual, or oral – may ‘sound good.’ Speech (communications of various types) may even be true or somewhat true (e.g.: paltering or spin). Even errant speech is protected behavior. People have the right to be wrong.
But people do not have the right to deliberately deceive others in a fashion that deprives, or attempts to deprive, others of their God-given and inalienable rights.

Furthermore, when speech or communications of various types are compared to behavior, it can often be determined if the speech was sincere or if it was merely part of a ruse to lure in the unsuspecting.
As the famous scene from the classic movie Charade put it: Audrey Hepburn’s character Reggie Lampert asks: “Why do people have to tell lies?” Cary Grant, playing the part of Peter Joshua insightfully replied: “Usually it’s because they want something. They are afraid the truth won’t get it for them.”
While Independence Day in the U.S.A. falls on the Fourth of July, in an important sense, every day should be lived as if it was Independence Day. If freedom from government oppression is not vigilantly defended, then government, sometimes in concert with private players that can include corporate powers.
Marines are supposed to be “semper fi,” always faithful. Indeed, many are and many – in their fidelity to their country and loved ones have sacrificed much, including their lives and limbs, to defend the rights of all Americans.
That said, some Marines are obviously better in their behavior than others.
Blogger George F. Allen has for years waved his retired Marine officer credentials at readers and listeners. But isn’t it time that he be held to account for his part in manufactured housing’s current “conundrum” as he sometimes likes to put it? Recall what a former client of Allen’s said to MHProNews, ‘When it comes to George, it is AAA. All About Allen.’
That said, Allen knows how to run interference – or purportedly play the role of attack dog – when his benefactors call on it, or he volunteers to do so for his own reasons.
Allen wants to have it all (AAA-all about Allen). But as surely even he has realized, he is no longer sitting on the same perch that he did 20 or more years ago. Case in point, in which Allen arguably used God-given and Constitutionally protected right to free speech in a deceptive way.
On July 1, 2023 Allen wrote about: “Trojan Horse-Looming Impact? Troubling Questions, History Raised on Potentially Deceptive ‘Bait and Switch’ Housing Legislation Posed to Harm Manufactured Home Industry? Facts and Analysis.” What Allen didn’t say is that item was circulated by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) via email and is posted on their website at this link here.
MHARR clearly credited the article to MHProNews. So, neither Allen, nor anyone that gets MHARR emails, should have to guess the author. Quoting MHARR’s cover memo: “Attached for you review and information is a copy of a June 19, 2023 article published in MHProNews entitled “Trojan Horse-Looming Impact? Troubling Questions, History Raised on Potentially Deceptive ‘Bait and Switch’ Housing Legislation Poised to Harm Manufactured Housing Industry?””
That article Allen is referencing, and which MHARR properly identified, was published on MHProNews this link below.
Now, to frame this discussion to see if Allen’s writing can stand up to scrutiny, here is how Allen’s commentary is introduced. In the “Parallel Perspectives,” under his byline, Allen and his blog awkwardly, inaccurately, and shamelessly claim to “alone is the online advocate, historian, trend tracker, and text resource for these two business models!” Those two business models, said Allen, “HUD-Code manufactured housing” and “land lease communities.” That claim by Allen is so wildly ridiculous and false and is ironically disproved by none other than…George Allen. Allen disproved his own demonstrably false claim by citing MHARR, and indirectly implying that he is citing MHProNews. In his critique, he has paradoxically contracted twice that he “alone” is the “online advocate, historian, trend tracker, and text resource…” How so? Because if Allen were “alone,” then he wouldn’t be able to quote others – i.e.: MHARR and MHProNews – when they and others in MHVille publish online. Oopps, sorry George, but you asked for it.
While a case can be made that such speech (which should be understood as communications in all of its forms) as Allen’s is protected under the First Amendment, it is also apparently self-contradictory and foolish speech. But Allen is allowed to make himself look foolish to people who understand how language is supposed to be used and who care enough about the truth to double check what someone like Allen has to convey.
To Allen’s credit, not enough others that operate in MHVille publishing and blogging try to critique others’ work. Editorially, we would encourage more authentic fact checks, and analysis that properly cites sources and names those who are being discussed. MHProNews does that, as does our sister-site, MHLivingNews. At times, MHARR does too. That said, when Allen does so, as this example illustrates, all too often he does it so poorly in an academic or intellectually honest sense.
For instance.
Allen errantly said the following: “Well initially, the unnamed author or authors*1 offer what is couched as an ostensible expose’ within the manufactured housing industry…” That remark by Allen is flat false and is demonstrably so. At the end of the article in question on MHProNews is this writer’s name, as it is on thousands of other articles. There is nothing anonymous about it. Allen was either too lazy, forgetful, or dishonest to go to the source MHARR cited to then scroll down to see what the entire world could in a matter of seconds.
Allen, per reliable sources, is a routine reader of MHProNews, as are thousands of others involved in manufactured housing daily. Indeed, proof that Allen is a regular reader is apparent because he occasionally tries to attack this writer and our platform. Disagreement is part of his First Amendment rights. If Allen did disagreement correctly, it would be healthy for this industry. If he could authentically disprove anything that we’ve written, let he attempt to do so by citing the title, date, website, and so on accurately. But if he did so that may foil the purpose he has in mind.
Allen and others who publish in MHVille apparently need a reminder. Deceptive, libelous, or slanderous disagreement may or may not be protected speech. That noted, responding to Allen has to be weighed. Why? Because odds are that many times more industry pros will read and learn about Allen by reading this post that mentions him then those who go to his blog. His traffic reportedly pales in comparison to our own.
That noted, because Allen appears to act from time to time as an MHI attack dog or obscuring of issues surrogate. As such, it can be useful as a trade publisher, even humous, to see what he says and how.
A quick review of some facts will further clarify how wrong Allen is in his 7.1.2023 posted remarks.
Allen tells people at the top of his columns that he is the author. That’s his right. MHProNews respects his rights and that of all others. There is no law that says that a by line has to be at the top. Some, including this author, choose to do so at the end of an article. Indeed, if there was such a law as to where a by line should appear, it would arguably be unconstitutional because it would violate the First Amendment (see the judge’s ruling above).
The byline on this article, and the one Allen flailingly and wrongfully attempted to critique, is as noted at the end of each article. That is where this writer’s name and credentials are mentioned. Specifically, on the June 19, 2023 post Allen is ranting about said: “By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.” That bio portion goes onto say the following.
“Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.”
It then provides this writer’s LinkedIn profile, where hundreds of industry peers praised this writer through endorsements and recommendations: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
So, instead of anointing myself (MHProNews wouldn’t do it) as Allen does of being: “alone is the online advocate, historian, trend tracker, and text resource for these two business models!” – instead, this publication states the credentials. Others who might research those statements about this author would find them to be true.
Back to Allen, those two business models he cited are “HUD-Code manufactured housing” and “land lease communities.” It would be fair to say that this author is a clearly superior writer on manufactured housing and land lease communities to Allen. If Allen had the courage of his tall talk, he would meet this writer in open and public debate. But he has ducked that offer several times. Why? Because he might be laughed at when such a debate would conclude.
It would NOT be fair to say that this author – i.e.: me, L.A. “Tony” Kovach – is “alone” as the only source of information about manufactured housing or land lease communities. There are some articles and authors who present information quite well. Others do so as a mixed bag. That said, and with the First Amendment in mind, the world may in an odd way benefit from some aspects of the rantings of Allen in as much as those who bother to check quickly realize that Allen makes MHProNews look much, much better.
When all parties involved in communications (free speech) do so authentically, meaning as honestly and accurately as they are able, they shed light on an issue. Readers keen to learn more to earn more can benefit.
Even deceptive speech, sadly, can shed light on an issue, but it requires more effort, time, and words. Because to honestly disprove what someone is saying one first ought to share accurately what the other party said in the first place.
In fairness to Allen, his style of critique is much like what he did on the topic in question. For Allen readers, take note. He may try to find something that he can smear. He tries to find something that he can cast doubt upon. Those tactics may be okay for Saul Alinsky followers, but is it really something that a ‘semper fi’ Marine should be doing?
But if his arguments were truly good, he would not mind citing his source, being accurate in how he cites his source, and then he should try (if he can) to find an actual error, and then examine that by quoting it, citing his source, and then explaining why he thinks there is an error. That, as noted, takes time, effort and intellectual honesty. Is he capable of doing so? Perhaps. But he is not known for such effort. Allen appears to like Saul Alinsky style smear instead. Per Alinksy, “Ridicule is man’s most important weapon.” That’s demonstrably how Allen rolls.
If Allen where honest, he would look at the Society of Professional Journalism (SPJ) Code of Ethical Conduct and follow those guidelines as best as he can. Read the guidelines, re-read Allen, and see for yourself the numerous ways that Allen fails. For instance, Allen obviously fails to do this: “Never deliberately distort the facts or the context…”
The SPJ says that good journalists cite their sources. But instead, Allen demonstrably often doesn’t clearly cite his sources. He certainly didn’t in this case. By contrast, MHARR did cite their source, because they said in their cover memo that the source was MHProNews. When MHARR asked to republish my column for MHProNews, MHARR also asked me how I would like it shared. So, for instance, I saw no reason for MHARR to have the Market report segment of the article Allen ranted about. It is accurate to say that what I provided them was adapted from the original post which if Allen looked at the style of the content is clearly my writing. MHARR, outside of their White Papers or perhaps an interview, does not normally go longform. That’s their free speech rights.
All that said, Allen’s rantings and appear cheap, lazy or deceptive remarks (take your pick, depending on Allen’s motives) brought to light an important issue. Why didn’t Allen raise the issue himself? If he is such an authority, then why didn’t Allen probe the proposed legislation by Senator Scott himself?
Ironically, and to point out how inconsistent Allen is, one of several reasons MHProNews decided to try longer journalistic forms of articles is because Allen criticized something a few years back where he (arguably wrongfully) said there was insufficient detail. If that isn’t the proverbial pot calling the kettle black, what is? For those who may like Allen and need to have that metaphor explained, per Cambridge the pot calling the kettle black is an idiom that describes “a situation in which one person criticizes another for a fault the first person also has…”
Specifically, Allen criticized MHProNews on a post we published (without citing the source, etc.) for not mentioning that MHARR is a sponsor. What? MHARR’s ads appear on almost every public page of this website. Their ads make it obvious that they are a sponsor. It is hardly a surprise to someone who simply looks at what’s around any given post. But for that matter, when Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, MHI, or others in that orbit had ads on our website, that didn’t mean that MHProNews asked them what MHProNews was going to write on any given day. Sometimes content was provided by a sponsor and was so labeled. That was true long before MHARR became a sponsor. Then and now, when we published content from MHARR, MHI or others, it is so labeled. That’s called proper attribution, George. Why don’t you try it? Why don’t you name those that have paid you that you then pretended to critique their business practices when you do so without naming them by name? Where is there any mention of sponsors on your blog? Can you spell hypocrisy, Allen?
George, write this down and feel free to quote it (with proper attribution, of course).
When communications are compared to subsequent behavior it can reveal what a person or organization are authentically about. – L. A. “Tony” Kovach
For instance. Arguably, if Allen were honest, he would come out and say that he is carrying water for MHI and for industry consolidators. Those consolidators have for years have sponsored his events. But Allen, who likes to perform magic tricks, apparently likes sleight of hand in communications too.
Now against that evidence based, factual, and reasoned background, let’s look at another specific example of arguably deceptive if not libelous/slanderous misinformation by Allen.
Allen wrote: “ostentatious (‘pretentious display’) of animus towards the “…Berkshire Hathaway (BRK’) and Clayton Homes, Inc. – affiliated lenders, 21st Mortgage Corporation and Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (‘VMF’).” Words have meaning, George. Per Merriam Webster, animus means: “enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will.” Who is Allen to say that this writer has an “animus” toward anyone?
Christians are supposed to “love the sinner and hate the sin.” Scripture specifically said: “As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.” 1 Timothy 5.20 (ESV). BibleHub says: “Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11.
If Allen, who used to do a kind of George-led worship service (reminder: think AAA, all about Allen) at some of his meetings actually took the Scriptures literally, then why does he “fellowship” with those who commit “deeds of darkness” instead of ‘exposing them’ as the Bible urges? In fairness, Allen once did so when it comes to Clayton and their affiliated lending. But why was that seemingly one and done? Didn’t what he complained about those Berkshire Hathaway owned brands still have an impact on manufactured housing now?
A Good George Hit?
Indeed, a closer look at that post by George named Clayton, Cavco, and Champion. Allen concluded that hard hitting segment by mentioning the Journal. The Journal (Jim Visser’s now defunct Journal of Manufactured and Modular Housing), from August 2016. Without naming a name (again, a weakness), Allen said “the writer” (presumably the unnamed Journal author said) “opines, our shipments of new HUD-Code manufactured homes will continue to languish well below 100,000 shipments per year.” MHProNews has cited an article by ex-MHI president and CEO by Chris Stinebert, published in the Visser’s Journal, several times. Allen’s points were much better made than he did the errant and arguably malicious attempted critique of the “Trojan Horse-Looming Impact?” piece unpacked herein.
There are people involved in MHI, including George himself, who know quite well that this writer attempted several things one on one, before, during or after going public on various concerns and controversies. Why? Quoting the inspired Word: “15 “If your brother or sister sins against you, go to them. Tell them what they did wrong. Keep it between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them back. 16 But what if they won’t listen to you? Then take one or two others with you. Scripture says, ‘Every matter must be proved by the words of two or three witnesses.’ (Deuteronomy 19:15) (Bible Gateway NIRV Matthew 18:15-16). When other Biblical passages are compared, it is apparent that public correction is often warranted. There is no “animus” involved in such fraternal correction. We have all at various times fallen short.
So, it would be pleasing to see Allen print a correction. Will he? Let’s see.
But far more pleasing still would be to see leaders at Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corp, VMF, Cavco Industries, Skyline Champion, MHI, Frank and Dave, RHP, Sun, ELS, Havenpark, MHVillage, MHInsider, ManufacturedHomes.com, and others come out and publicly admit what they have been doing wrong.
Then after making their admissions, it would be good to see them correct and to make amends as needed. Allen is merely a detail in a bigger picture. He is cited herein for those reasons, because ironically, the details Allen pointed out at times past when he called out errant behavior, including among community operators. Allen has before and since apparently sold himself out to the very people he critiqued. Inconsistency doesn’t seem to bother Allen. Thus: “When communications are compared to subsequent behavior it can be revealing about who a person or organization authentically are about.” – L. A. “Tony” Kovach.
Free speech is powerful when used correctly. That’s why protecting free speech is so important. That’s why Judge Terry A. Doughty’s ruling above is so important. It is important for America in general. It is important for manufactured housing specifically too.
Until Admissions and Corrections are Made by Others…
Until that admissions and corrections needed in manufactured housing occur, Allen and others can expect to be publicly called for their BS, hypocrisy, and misdeeds when apparent deception and harm are at work.
The purpose of deception, as we’ve provided evidence and said numerous times, is apparently to benefit the de facto feudalistic oligarchs deceptively operating in manufactured housing. They say may smilingly say one thing, but then they may do another.
Free speech matters.
Free speech used properly demonstrably can work.
If Allen wanted to say, “Hey! Tony has typos!” No doubt.

But if Allen wants to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, he’ll praise Samuel “Sam” Strommen instead of attempting to slur him as he did. And then, as above, Allen’s lack of journalistic accuracy was exposed as part of our report linked below.

It takes more words, not less, to detail evidence in a way that public officials and others could act upon it. But Allen could be green with envy over the non-anonymous (author clearly attributed) post he attempted to critique. It must be important, or he and his masters would not have wanted him to go after that expose, right?
In conclusion to this segment, we at MHProNews will continue to use free speech.
MHProNews are pleased that MHARR decided to share it. This writer will let the smart guys involved in SEO etc. at MHI tell George why a longer headline may be useful, even if he didn’t like it, too bad. It is his right to dislike it, but still, too bad. Because it was an authentic lead into the topic.
Let’s ask George when was the last time he broke authentic news?
MHProNews has done so numerous times over the years. We’ve done so with documents in hand, because industry readers and others apparently see that sending us news tips and documents are likely to get properly used. We do so with straight ‘news’ and commentary, as well as with some satire or other humor, when warranted.

When MHProNews takes aim at a person, organization, or whatever we strive to do so with facts, evidence, apply reason, and seek to be guided by timeless moral and legal principles.

But when we see errors, or what looks like errors, that are unjustified, we go after it. That may at times benefit a brand, and those brands do not have to be a sponsor to get authentic fact checks that can debunk what mainstream media or others shovel out.
The Constitution has been poorly treated in the U.S. for decades. Allen has at times acted like he cares. Really, George?
Then why don’t you do yourself what you previously praised MHProNews for doing? Did Allen forget he sent the emailed remark below? If he ‘applauds’ the research, reporting, analysis, and commentary, then why doesn’t he do more of it himself?

As a political independent, it is fair to say that members of both major parties have at various times done things that are legally and morally wrong. In politics, this article linked below brought – and still brings – a steady stream of readers.

The ruling about censorship covered topics that MHProNews and our sister site covered in depth, including the Great Barrington Declaration.

Biden related topics were raised by MHProNews and our sister site.

But there are also those in MHVille and beyond who have made efforts to correct what is going wrong in the U.S. The litigation brought by the LA and MO attorneys general in defense of First Amendment protected free speech is likely to be referenced many times for years to come.
Sometimes people posture the right thing, say at least some of the right thing, but then do the wrong thing. That tactic is routinely exposed on MHProNews. While hailing aspects of the Trump agenda, we also exposed errors made during his time in office. Some examples are noted below.

MHProNews demonstrated in the photo with Trump-appointed Dr. Mark Calabria, then FHFA director, that we strive to be even handed in reporting and critiques and exposes. Trump obviously did some things better than people before or since. But he made mistakes too.

COVID19 handling was one of the most egregious mistakes made during the Trump years. While the buck stops with the president, in fairness, he was apparently lied to and manipulated. He might gain more traction by saying as much, but Rush Limbaugh, before dying, said it for him.

So, we’ve been on both sides of Trump administration officials and decisions. The so-called “Deep State” was at work during the Trump era, and it is apparently in overdrive since.

We have also held ‘team Biden’ to account, before and since the 2020 election. But we did so fairly, showing what they said that was correct, and incorrect.

Our platform has at times erred, and we once an error is understood, we then attempt to correct past mistakes.

That may be why our audience is strong. It certainly isn’t because our articles are short. But by laying out the facts, evidence, and reasoning, readers are in a better position to figure out for themselves what is true and makes sense and what is false and/or are demonstrably wrong.

Allen, MHI and some of those he attempts to give cover for or who he even praises are often in the category of being demonstrably wrong. Manufactured housing may never recover until the wrongs in the industry are exposed, lawfully dealt with, and rooted out.

Some of the hypocrisy of some of the world’s wealthiest have been carefully unpacked and exposed by our platforms.

People on the left and right have been exposed, when their behavior warrants, notably when it in some manner impacts manufactured housing specifically, or the U.S.A. more broadly. IPS, elevated our report online that focused on their research, even though we disagree with some of their conclusions. That’s commendable.

Unlike Allen, when we quote, it is accurate and not wrenched out of context.

In Fairness…
In fairness to George, he isn’t stupid. He is intelligent. It would be grand if Allen got some humility, (recall AAA), admitted what he’s been doing for years with MHI and their consolidators, and began to systematically expose them. He could play a useful role in fixing what is wrong with manufactured housing. He could, because he has arguably played a role in keeping manufactured housing underperforming so that consolidators can keep doing what they do.
In fairness to Darren or Brad (MHVillage/MHInsider and ManufacturedHomes.com), something similar might be said. They are talented people. They are intelligent. But they have apparently sold out in several ways. They are demonstrably betraying the independents of the industry, see the report linked here and below while posturing being for them. Their methods are arguably slicker than George’s. But the case has and can be made that they are paltering and posturing ‘doing good’ for manufactured housing, while they too are helping MHI and the self-serving consolidators that apparently run that organization. Brad in particular ought to be ashamed of himself. He’s taking money from MHARR members while he is apparently doing the dirty work of covering up for MHI’s consolidators.
What those three could do, if they were so motivated, to help fix the industry is not insignificant.
Brad Nelms with ManufacturedHomes.com during a Sunshine Homes event a few years ago confronted this writer in about a remark I had published on MHProNews. What Brad gripped about is below.
Brad let me know in front of others at that Sunshine mixer that he took personal offense at the remark posted above. First, as quick segue and for context, Brad’s firm and ours worked together for a time. So too did Darren Krolewski at MHVillage/MHInsider and years ago George Allen, Ken Rishel, and MHProNews. That said, Brad, as I understood what he explained to me, using some libertarian justification, consciously decided that it was okay to look away from the monopolization occurring in manufactured housing by certain brands and organizations. On that critical concern, we obviously disagreed.
With that context, now look again at that quotation that irked Brad. Isn’t it demonstrably 100 percent true? He and his team can build visually fine sites and they do nice web-based 3D tours and videos. At the time, he was near the cutting edge in MHVille. That said, when the manufactured housing industry is demonstrably dropping by about 30 percent this year over last, it only proves that slick graphics, videos, 3D tours or other technology are not the cures for the industry’s problems!
The manufactured home industry was doing some 300 percent more sales (at the current pace, in 2023) in the 1980s than are occurring today. Unless production and shipments dramatically improve, the industry could finish below 80,000 new HUD Code homes in 2023. So, what good has Brad’s or Darren’s self-touted work actually accomplished?
As MHProNews systematically revealed in yesterday’s report, neither ManufacturedHomes.com nor MHVillage can reasonably deny with evidence something the disproves our factual, logical, and evidence-based thesis.
That’s an indictment by facts of MHI and all that gladly embrace their ways.
IMHO, there are some that are at MHI because they hope to get bought out at a good price. That’s their right, but it is also arguably a mistake. Look who is getting bought out on the production side? Sure, some brands have been MHI members or were dual members, but a number of brands have been MHARR members. Does anyone think that is merely a coincidence? The Big Three producers, which have big influence over MHI, have apparently decided to steadily eliminate MHARR if they can simply by acquisition.
The Big Three, in concert with the larger and often predatory consolidating community operators, have apparently decided that they don’t really need street retailers. Some producers went vertical years ago, perhaps partially as self-defense. Those who have not gone vertical are directly threatened by the efforts to undermine the industry’s remaining street retailers, which seems to be part of the plan that the oligopolists at MHI have decided to engage upon.

Allen has said that the industry has been good to him in terms of his lifestyle. If so, then why isn’t he fighting for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Why is he carrying the water for the scoundrels who have been deftly dissecting manufactured housing as a surgeon might? Or perhaps the better image is the one that William “Bill” Gates III, buddy of Warren Buffet put it. It is parasitic what is occurring in manufactured housing.
“It is always the right time to do the right thing.” Some think they have to play their dirty underhanded games. Some think they have to sell out their friends, colleagues, or even their clients. Shame on them, but also, wake up and smell the coffee!
Don’t they realize that the big guys will dump all over them just as they have others in MHVille?
The big question is when it will happen, not if it will happen. George shouldn’t kid himself. He was arguably ‘brought back’ into the MHI orbit specifically to try to hurt MHProNews and MHARR. Good luck with that, Allen (AAA). Even his ‘events,’ which are sponsored by consolidators and are for consolidators, are clearly not needed by the consolidators. That’s why he couldn’t sell his ‘roundtable,’ ‘newsletter,’ etc. There may have been a time when Allen ‘did good.’ But when did it move from that into AAA mode and a willingness to sell his followers out to the highest bidder? As fictional Marine Gomer Pyle put it, “for shame, for shame!”
The potential market for manufactured housing is so enormous it can only be stopped by crooked gameplayers and by the short sighted.
It is entirely possible that Cavco’s estimate that 6 million homes are needed is too low. While it isn’t apples to apples, the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) put it at well over 7 million affordable housing units are needed.

that the industry ought to expect this current downturn because more expensive site built housing is also in a downturn? MHI’s research and reasoning are arguably a classic example of PALTERING and the use of a RED HERRING logical fallacy. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.

Whatever the exact number, if our manufactured home industry‘s production went to 500,000 units a year, it would take over a decade to build enough HUD Code manufactured homes to meet the need.

Having sold and managed at retail and in communities, I know what’s possible. Well before stepping into an easier pace of life, John Bostick made an earnest effort to create a national effort by independents for independents. Too there have been too many parasites in the industry in the 21st century. If Allen thinks his claim to fame is going to be subverting a new post production trade group on behalf of MHI and their consolidators, well, more shame on him if that his “legacy” and crowning deal.
The industry ought to be roaring. Instead, sabotage monopolists who are okay with oligopoly are killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
George, Darren, and Brad all ought to look long and hard in their respective mirrors. At some level, they each must know that much (not all) of what they’ve done and are doing is wrong.
But either way, if the repent and become part of the solution or decide to keep their purported posturing, playing games, and stabbing their clients and followers in the back, MHProNews will soldier on. You don’t have to be a Marine to always seek to be faithful. Free speech is part of that battle for saving and rejuvenating the American Dream.
“Roll the Stone away, let the guilty pay, its Independence Day…” – “Martina McBride – Independence Day” ##

Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 7.5.2023
- The chip war heats up
- China just played a trump card in the fight for the future of semiconductors. Are more export curbs coming?
- The debate over pausing at the Fed was intense, minutes show
- Analysis: With Twitter in chaos, Mark Zuckerberg looks to pounce
- A big change is coming to Subway restaurants today
- Jenny Craig is being revived online
- UPS and Teamsters’ marathon talks end without a deal to avoid a strike
- Stephen A. Smith speaks out about ESPN’s layoffs: ‘I could be next’
- This measure of European inflation just turned negative for the first time since 2020
- Federal judge blocks Biden administration officials from communicating with social media companies
- Christmas Tree Shops is closing all 70 stores
- The Fed can’t decide how much money US households have left
- Riots in France have already cost businesses more than $1 billion
- Tesla’s China deliveries account for more than half of global sales
- Sheetz slashes gas price by 50% to $1.776 per gallon. But only for one day
- Twitter to put TweetDeck behind a paywall
- AI is already linked to layoffs in the industry that created it
- The strange history of Taco Tuesday
- A flying car prototype just got an airworthiness certificate from the FAA
- Meta takes aim at Twitter with new Threads app
- A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They’re not happy about it
- SPAC seeking merger with Trump’s media company agrees to settlement with SEC
- What’s open and closed on July 4
- China hits back in the chip war, imposing export curbs on crucial raw materials

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 7.5.2023
- Judge: WH Flak Jen Psaki Pushed Social Media to Censor COVID Info
- Former Biden White House press secretary Jen Psaki pushed social-media platforms to censor COVID-19 information coming from conservative voices starting in May 2021, a federal judge says. [Full Story]
- Newsmax TV
- Dick Morris: A ‘Most Important’ Biden-Social Media Ruling
- Kari Lake: Question Hunter Biden About WH Cocaine | video
- Lee Greenwood: ‘Adopt a Vet’ Through Tribute Show
- Dershowitz: Israeli Judicial Reform Debate Too Polarized | video
- Danny Ayalon: Attacker in Israel for Medical Care | video
- Gary Sinise: Foundation Program Now for Kin of Fallen 1st Responders | video
- Ex-Rep. King: Capitol Flag Program ‘Means a Great Deal’ | video
- Frank Siller: Heroes ‘Not Forgotten’ With Tunnel to Towers | video
- Ex-Israeli General: Hamas Bent on Destroying Israel | video
- Newsfront
- House GOP to Continue Probes Into DOJ, FBI
- House Republicans’ fight against the Department of Justice and FBI is expected to take center stage during the second half of 2023…. [Full Story] | video
- Cotton to Secret Service: Share Cocaine Info
- The Secret Service is leading the investigation into the cocaine [Full Story] | video
- Biden to Swedish PM: ‘Looking Forward’ to NATO Bid’s Approval
- President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on Wednesday [Full Story]
- ‘Smart’ Homes Pose Security, Privacy Risks
- Convenience comes at a cost. Although homeowners have grown [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- Ramaswamy: End LBJ’s Order, Stop Affirmative Action
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- Kremlin Denies Xi Warned Putin on Ukraine Nukes
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