Updating a story regarding Garden Homes Management Corp. attempts to develop a manufactured home community in Oxford, Connecticut since 2006, a post MHProNewslast covered July 3, 2013, a public hearing on the proposal was held Sept. 9 by the Conservation Commission, Inlands Wetland Agency to determine if the development would disrupt 13 acres of wetlands. The proposal has been sidetracked numerous times by court rulings, hearings, appeals, wetlands studies, and professional opinions. While civil engineer and soil scientist presentations projected no harmful affects at the recent hearing, two nearby residents were concerned the development would increase contamination in a neighboring stream and pond. A soil scientist said an environmental engineer confirmed, according to voicesnews.com, the natural biofiltration mechanisms would absorb any contaminants safely. It was determined Garden Homes could designate an area for potentially hazardous waste and debris, and discourage the use of chemicals on lawns. The Conservation Commission voted to continue the hearing Sept. 23.