The ubiquitous Drudge Report linked up an interesting report from France 24 that said that there is another surge in interest in George Orwell and his writing, including the classic novel, 1984.
Interesting, because MHProNews has recently used quotes from Orwell in various reports to spark thoughts that insightful soul previously pondered that should speak to our times.
For those who never read, or may not clearly recall the themes, “Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English writer George Orwell published in June 1949, whose themes center on the risks of government overreach, totalitarianism and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviors within society,” said Wikipedia.
Dystopian fiction has arguably become more common in recent decades. Hunger Games, Handmaids Tale, Blade Runner, Ready Player One, A Clockwork Orange, and Divergent are but a few examples.
“A dystopia…is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. It is translated as “not-good place” and is an antonym of utopia, a term that was coined by Sir Thomas More and figures as the title of his best known work, Utopia, published 1516, a blueprint for an ideal society with minimal crime, violence and poverty,” also per Wikipedia.

“Ready Player One” features as part of its dark backdrop images of pre-HUD Code mobile homes, or older manufactured homes. It is arguably an example of how the good news about manufactured homes has been blurred by certain movies, or TV shows like the Trailer Park Boys. These are examples of what should be considered as reverse product placement.
Before saying what follows, let’s remind readers that MHProNews and our public-focused sister-site, MHLivingNews, are pro-industry, pro-consumer, and pro-free enterprise. We celebrate honest success, but oppose dishonest manipulations that disadvantage millions. In that context, the growing battle over the power of corporate giants that want to impose their world-view on society took center stage this past week, as Facebook, Google, and other big tech giants are reportedly the targets of planned antitrust investigations and possible legal action.
Free speech must include the ability to escape the power of those tech-giants to de-platform, restrict, or effectively censor speech. They are supposed to be neutral platforms, but appear to be anything but even handed.
As MHProNews reported during the 2018 campaign, a relatively small group of the top billionaires are disproportionately left-leaning. Is it any surprise that those who have such raw financial and media power are accused of tilting their platforms against those who oppose their world view?

The solution isn’t to regulate the tech giants, or other monopolistic entities, as that will only serve to safeguard them against potential rivals that might otherwise challenge them. Big taxes, big regulations, these are tools of those who have powerful influence over government to limit those with might otherwise opposed them.
That’s why from the outset, the founders of America believed it was as important to rebel against monopolies as it was to rebel against the crown that bestowed that monopoly.
American history, and much of world history, must be understood through a very precise prism. The powerful attempt to find ways to distort the law and society to advantage themselves against all others.
Those who desire freedom must be willing to expose those distortions, and fight against them. The American Way was and ideally remains one of Constitutionally limited government that also limits the potentially raw power of monopolistic businesses.
The reports that follow below from the week of 6.2.2019 to 6.9.2019 has numerous reports on the issues of what is keeping manufactured housing from achieving its potential to serve millions of people. HUD Secretary Carson did a good thing, several in fact, for manufactured housing.
But to understand why the manufactured home industry is struggling, one must be willing to take the advice of contrarian investor Sam Zell – Chairman of Equity Lifestyle Properties – who famously quipped, “When others are going left, look right.”
As independents, we strive to look 360 here on MHProNews, sourcing and fact-checking across the left-right divide.
Just as some are now trying to dethrone the role that the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. played in American history, there are those who try to diminish the goals that the founders of our nation had. These are just two examples of some of the points that George Orwell was trying to convey.

“We, the People” must learn to think critically and analytically. Objective thinking are part of the mechanism by which freedom is protected. It is also how it can be re-captured when it begins to slip away.

With no further adieu, let’s dive into the headline news, reports, fact-checks, and analysis from the manufactured home industry’s runaway most read source in MHVille. MHProNews. Thanks for making it so.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
“We as a Nation Can Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis,” Says Secretary Ben Carson, Spotlighting Manufactured Homes, Other Emerging Housing Technologies –
” Let’s make sure people understand what’s available,” said HUD Secretary Ben Carson about affordable housing, as he spotlighted manufactured homes as a key part of the Innovations in Housing display on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. ” You can get one of these manufactured houses, for instance, for 30 percent less, and they are very, very resilient.

Affordable Housing War – Does Ethical, Legal Way to Redistribute Wealth from Billionaires to Millions of Americans Exist Without Socialism or Passing New Laws?
What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR
HUD Code Production Decline Continues But Moderates
HUD Code Production Decline Continues But Moderates | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
Washington, D.C., June 3, 2019 – The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), year-over-year HUD Code manufactured home production declined again in April 2019, albeit at a moderating pace.
Brief History and Objectives of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR)
Brief History and Objectives of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) was established on July 3, 1985 as the “Association for Regulatory Reform” (ARR). The Association changed to its current name in the summer of 1997. Based in Washington D.C. since its founding, MHARR was formed to represent the views and interests of producers of manufactured housing.
Major and Continuing MHARR Accomplishments for the HUD Code Manufactured Housing Industry and Consumers of Affordable Housing | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
Led the industry in securing the enactment of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (2000 reform law), which mandates specific accountability…
What’s New on the Masthead
HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Affordable Housing, Obscuring the Truth, Innovations in Housing, and Manufactured Homes – Masthead L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
Hold the headline for 125 words. Poisoning the well. Salting the fields. Those are but two of several ancient methods some enemies used to harm their opponents. The notion behind those vile tactics was if you could kill off their drinkable water or their food supply, someone could effectively destroy their enemy.
Ultimate, Proven Contrarian Investing – Ethical vs. Unethical, Legal vs Illegal Manufactured Housing Industry Strategies – Masthead L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
For the next few minutes, imagine a hedge fund or deep pockets investor. In the following blend of the hypothetical mixed with numerous significant linked elements of evidence formed by reality, picture in your mind the following. Reflect on an outsider looking into why Warren Buffett – or other lesser known, yet successful investors – …
What’s New on the Cutting Edge
Manufactured Housing, What Others Say About Sales, Marketing, Training Systems by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, MHProNews and Manufactured Home Living News
Some of these comments by video were captured live at one of several manufactured home industry professional events. None of those shown on this page were paid or given any direct incentive to make the statements that they did.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 6.8.2019
Friday 6.7.2019
Two Market Movers Today – Mexico, the Fed, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Two Market Movers Today – Mexico, the Fed, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Positive Congressional Reactions – Innovative Housing Showcase, HUD, MHEC, MHI, and Other Insights
Positive Congressional Reactions – Innovative Housing Showcase, HUD, MHEC, MHI, and Other Insights
Thursday 6.6.2019
U.S.-Mexico, Tariffs, and Border Crisis Talks, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
U.S.-Mexico, Tariffs, and Border Crisis Talks, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Manufactured Housing Professionals, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Must Promote These Two Words
Manufactured Housing Professionals, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Must Promote These Two Words
FHFA’s Mark Calabria, Ph.D., Address at HUD, NAHB’s Innovative Housing Showcase
FHFA’s Mark Calabria, Ph.D., Address at HUD, NAHB’s Innovative Housing Showcase
D-Day, June 6, 1944 – 75th Anniversary Solemn Commemoration, Videos – Greatest Generation
D-Day, June 6, 1944 – 75th Anniversary Solemn Commemoration, Videos – Greatest Generation
Wednesday 6.5.2019
Borders, Tariffs, and Looming Antitrust – plus Manufactured Home Market Updates
Pushing Back Against NIMBYism, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, NAHB Innovative Housing Showcase, Schedule
Pushing Back Against NIMBYism, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, NAHB Innovative Housing Showcase, Schedule
Big Tech, Big Brother, 1984, Manufactured Home Professionals, and You
Big Tech, Big Brother, 1984, Manufactured Home Professionals, and You
Tuesday 6.4.2019
Tent Cities, Homelessness, Crime, Disease, Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes
Tent Cities, Homelessness, Crime, Disease, Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes
Fed Hikes Blamed for Housing Slowdown, per Chan, former Chase Chief Economist, plus MH Stock Updates
Fed Hikes Blamed for Housing Slowdown, per Chan, former Chase Chief Economist, plus MH Stock Updates
Public Reactions to HUD Secretary Carson’s “Innovations in Housing” Promoting Manufactured Homes
Public Reactions to HUD Secretary Carson’s “Innovations in Housing” Promoting Manufactured Homes
Monday 6.3.2019
HUD Secretary Ben Carson tours Innovative Housing Showcase on National Mall in Washington, D.C.
HUD Secretary Ben Carson tours Innovative Housing Showcase on National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Washington Leak – Justice Department Prepares Major Antitrust Investigation
Washington Leak – Justice Department Prepares Major Antitrust Investigation
Sunday 6.2.2019
What Are Federal Officials Researching About Manufactured Housing?
What Are Federal Officials Researching About Manufactured Housing?
As a dad myself, Happy Father’s Day next weekend to all the other dads out there in MHVille and beyond. If your father is still among the living, and you don’t already have plans to be together for a while that day, why not give him a call?
Yes, it can be complicated.
But sometimes, taking on the challenging and difficult is the only way to get to the root issues.
That’s today’s look at “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Headline news, weekly recap, news, analysis, and commentary.)

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Warren Buffett “Oracle of Omaha” HBO Documentary Berkshire Hathaway #Advexon Video
Senator Cory Booker – ‘We Need a President…to Enforce Antitrust Laws,’ Digging Warren, POTUS Trump | Manufactured and Modular Housing Industry News
It’s literally historic… …it is a reminder why historic items matter… …and we’ll do our customary fact-check and analysis at the end of this MHI exclusive report that they provided to MHProNews directly after the === ##===, below. HOUSING ALERT On Capitol Hill…MHI Advances Manufactured Housing Finance Reform The negative impact of …
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